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Punk Punk-Rock / Pop-Punk / Grunge / Psychobilly / Ska

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Старый 06.12.2008, 08:44   #1
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По умолчанию [Punk] Civet

Civet is an all female punk rock band. Members include: Liza Graves on vocals & guitar, Suzi Homewrecker on guitar, Jacqui Valentine on bass and Danni Harrowyn on drums.

At this early point in Civet's career, it's hard to say how much success the band will achieve. The group's first album was self-released, and its second CD, the 2005 release "Massacre," was on the small indy label Disaster Records.

But the band's profile now should grow significantly. Before recording "Hell Hath No Fury," Civet was signed by Hellcat Records, the label co-owned by Tim Armstrong of the punk rock band Rancid and affiliated with Epitaph Records, one of the leading punk/alternative rock labels.

Being on Hellcat positions Civet to get better distribution of its music, bigger tours and much more exposure.

As it is, Civet is doing its part to make the band worth hearing. Over the past four years, the group has been through its share of transitions and has come out stronger than ever.

The group, in fact, had an entirely different rhythm section when it recorded "Massacre." But soon after releasing the 2005 album, bassist Jackie O and drummer Bombshell Brenz had parted ways with the group, with two new playfully nicknamed members, bassist Jacqui Valentine and drummer Danni Harrowyn, joining singer/guitarist Graves and her sister, guitarist Suzi Homewrecker.

The new lineup has solidified the personal as well as the musical chemistry in the band, which is based out of Long Beach, Calif.

"I think the fact that I'm now making music with people I get along with and that see eye to eye with me musically and share my same goals and are driven, I think that made a huge difference in how this record ("Hell Hath No Fury" turned out," Graves said. "I think the whole reason (the 'Massacre') album sounds kind of scattered was because it really was. Everybody was totally on different wavelengths."

Graves said as a band, Civet brought greater confidence and improved abilities as musicians to the "Hell Hath No Fury" project. And as the band's chief songwriter, Graves said she has grown considerably as a songwriter.

"Going into this record, we really wanted like catchier choruses, and not necessarily like we wanted a sell-out record," Graves said.

"People like to sing along. I like to sing along. We wanted something that we felt like our fans and fans of music in general could really identify with and enjoy when they listened to it, but at the same time, keeping like our punk rock edge. I think we struck a really nice balance on this record."

The CD indeed sounds like the work of a band that's beginning to find its musical footing. While Civet has amped up the melodic content of its songs, "Hell Hath No Fury" is also the band's most aggressive and hardest-hitting CD.

Civet doesn't break much stylistic ground, but the new album has enough sass and entertainment value to compensate for the familiarity factor.

Greater emphasis on melody.

Artist: Civet
Album: Hell Hath No Fury
Year: 2008
Format: mp3
Bitrate: 192 kbps

01 - Alibis
02 - Son Of A Bitch
03 - Pay Up
04 - All I Want
05 - Bad Luck
06 - Brooklyn
07 - Take Me Away
08 - 1989
09 - Gin And Tonic
10 - You Got It
11 - Sin City
12 - You Don't Know Me
13 - Hell Hath No Fury

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