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Старый 22.01.2009, 18:22   #1
Аватар для G-Killah
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По умолчанию cLOUDDEAD

cLOUDDEAD is Adam "Doseone" Drucker, Yoni "Why?" Wolf and David "Odd Nosdam" Madson. Ostensibly hip-hop, and undeniably grounded in the genre, the band's unique style and wide range of influences have made them hard to classify perfectly, and the group like to avoid being labelled themselves. Why? and Dose provide almost all of the vocals, and Nosdam is in charge of a large part of the music, but the music is very much a group process, which apparently led to the tension which contributed to the group's split after their tenth release.

The three can be heard nowadays in further anticon. projects and collaborations, exhibiting the "musical differences" which coerced their split; Doseone went on to make more straightforward hip hop with Jel as Themselves before forming the ethereal avant garde cum rap rock onslaught sextet Subtle; Why? went on to lend his recording name to that of a full band and make traditional Pavement-esque indie-rock, albeit with something of a hip-hop edge; while Odd Nosdam went on to make the sort of heavily bassed experimental instrumental electronic music which DJ Shadow was once famous for.


Label: Big Dada Recordings
Catalog#: BDCD028
Format: CD
Country: UK
Released: 01 May 2001
Genre: Electronic, Hip Hop
Style: Abstract, Experimental, Ambient

1 Apt. A (1) (6:25)
2 Apt. A (2) (5:52)
3 And All You Can Do Is Laugh (1) (5:34)
4 And All You Can Do Is Laugh (2) (5:51)
5 I Promise Never To Get Paint On My Glasses Again (1) (5:45)
6 I Promise Never To Get Paint On My Glasses Again (2) (6:01)
7 JimmyBreeze (1) (7:01)
8 JimmyBreeze (2) (5:32)
9 (Cloud Dead Number Five) (1) (5:24)
10 (Cloud Dead Number Five) (2) (6:00)
11 Bike (1) (7:12)
12 Bike (2) (6:53)

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cLOUDDEAD - The Sound Of A Handshake / This About The City [2002]

Label: Mush
Catalog#: MH-019
Format: Vinyl, 10"
Country: US
Released: 05 Mar 2002
Genre: Electronic, Hip Hop
Style: Abstract, Experimental

A The Sound Of A Handshake
B This About The City

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Последний раз редактировалось G-Killah; 22.01.2009 в 18:24.
G-Killah вне форума  
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Этот пользователь сказал Спасибо G-Killah за это полезное сообщение:
d307 (22.01.2009)
Хайд открыли:
Chino (12.08.2009), zukerito (30.06.2009), Iguanna (29.01.2009), reduf (23.01.2009), d307 (22.01.2009)

abstract, anticon, experimental, hip.hop, underground

Здесь присутствуют: 1 (пользователей: 0 , гостей: 1)

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