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-   -   [french] France Gall (http://forum.nnov.org/obsuzhdaem-i-kachaem/muzyka/pop-klub/pop-muzyka-40h-90h/42817-french-france-gall.html)

upoke3 16.02.2009 19:30

[french] France Gall
France Gall
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еще одна девушка Сержа Гинзбура. Победительница Евровидения 65 года, если не ошибаюсь.

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2001_Poupee_de_Son.rar (91346063 байт) - бэст.
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mp3 192

Tresor 09.05.2009 20:13

Вложений: 1
Lounge Legends - France Gall (Universal)

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Fantastic pop by one of the greatest French singers of the 60s!
FranceGall is a legend -- an inspiration for countless current groups
who'veembraced the older sound of French pop -- and for good reason!
The 20tracks on this set are pulled from France's legendary Philipsrecordings
of the 60s -- indescribably great records that mixedtogether pop vocals with
traces of rock, psyche, bossa, jazz, andwhatever elements fit the go-go mood of the set.
Arrangements aresuperb throughout -- and France's delightful way of putting over
a tunewill have you running back to this one again and again and again.
Really the first proper compilation to feature all of her groovy tunesin one set!

Have a nice listening!

France Gall - 01 - Avant la bagarre.mp3 3.7 mb
France Gall - 02 - Made in france.mp3 3.9 mb
France Gall - 03 - Poupee de cire, poupee de son.mp3 3.5 mb
France Gall - 04 - Y'a du soleil a vendre.mp3 2.9 mb
France Gall - 05 - Polichinelle.mp3 3.4 mb
France Gall - 06 - Le temps du tempo.mp3 3.7 mb
France Gall - 07 - J'entends cette musique.mp3 3.5 mb
France Gall - 08 - Le premier chagrin d'amour.mp3 3.3 mb
France Gall - 09 - Les yeux bleus.mp3 3.5 mb
France Gall - 10 - Les rubans et la fleur.mp3 3.8 mb
France Gall - 11 - Ne dis pas aux copains.mp3 3.5 mb
France Gall - 12 - Le coeur qui jazze.mp3 3.8 mb
France Gall - 13 - Jazz a gogo.mp3 3.3 mb
France Gall - 14 - Quand on est ensemble.mp3 3 mb
France Gall - 15 - J'ai retrouve mon chien.mp3 3.6 mb
France Gall - 16 - Deux oiseaux.mp3 3.2 mb
France Gall - 17 - Laisse tombeur les filles.mp3 2.9 mb
France Gall - 18 - Bebe requin.mp3 3.8 mb
France Gall - 19 - Cristiansen.mp3 3.6 mb
France Gall - 20 - Bonsoir john john.mp3 5.1 mb

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PS: кто не любит France Gall...

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