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Старый 27.05.2008, 22:04   #1
Друг всей жизни
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По умолчанию SeaMonkey

SeaMonkey (ранее — Mozilla, Mozilla Suite, Mozilla Application Suite) — это браузер и несколько других компонентов (почтовый и новостной клиент, адресная книга, чат, визуальный редактор HTML, модули отладки JavaScript, DOM, спеллчекер, Profile Roaming), собранных вместе в одной программе для удобной работы с интернетом. Минимальная установка включает браузер и редактор HTML.
Браузер SeaMonkey 1.1.9 сборки для Windows
SeaMonkey 1.1.9 - Русская версия
Инсталлятор полной версии — все компоненты - exe
[Для просмотра данной ссылки нужно зарегистрироваться] - 8.9 Mb
Дата загрузки: 2008-05-27 18:57
SeaMonkey 1.1.9 English
Инсталлятор полной версии — все компоненты - zip
[Для просмотра данной ссылки нужно зарегистрироваться] - 10.8 Mb
Дата загрузки: 2008-05-27 18:43
SeaMonkey 1.1.9 English
Инсталлятор полной версии — все компоненты - exe
[Для просмотра данной ссылки нужно зарегистрироваться] - 12.4 Mb
Дата загрузки: 2008-05-27 21:26

SeaMonkey 1.1.9 выпущен 25 марта 2008

Сайт проекта — [Для просмотра данной ссылки нужно зарегистрироваться]

Последний раз редактировалось Vladimir; 28.10.2009 в 08:04.
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Эти 2 пользователя(ей) сказали Спасибо Vladimir за это полезное сообщение:
decoy13 (18.03.2012), murena (29.09.2008)
Старый 02.11.2008, 16:23   #2
Друг всей жизни
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В другой теме написал и сюда продублирую.

На обменнике шаре нн, чтобы достучаться до загрузки файлов, абонентам ВТ приходится многократно перегружать страницу загрузки файла.

Функция автоматической перезагрузки страниц есть в нескольких расширениях для Симанки.

У меня в Симанки эта функция есть в расширении Multizilla.
Это расширение для Мозиллы, а теперь для Симанки - 7 лет выпускается.
Правда у него минимальное время 30 сек - под шару нн многовато, но ничё - додалбливает помаленьку.

Мультизилла на английском:
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На русском:
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Ещё для Симанки - Tab Clicking Options
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Оно по размерам и функционалу меньше, - подойдёт, если нужна только перезагрузка.

Наверное и в других есть - все не перебирал на эту тему.
Vladimir вне форума  
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Старый 07.11.2008, 10:56   #3
Друг всей жизни
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По умолчанию

Для тех, кому эта выезжающая гламурная хрень под ником не нра - можно задизейблить в браузере.
В Симанки и Файрфоксе в расширении AdBlock Plus добавляем в фильтры путь к файлу css для этой хрени (т.е. запрещаем загрузку этого файла).

Можно просто целиком путь к файлу вот так:
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или сокращённо:
Убираем (визуально скрываем) лишнюю надпись "О пользователе" и она же работает как кнопка функции выезда блока с инфой о юзере. Заодно убираем инфу о количестве хайдов.

В файл userContent.css в профиле браузера добавляем:
@-moz-document domain(forum.friends.nnov.ru)
div.info-head,div[style="margin: 10px 0pt;"]
{display:none !important}

Если кому мешает новая строчка "Хайд открыли" - её можно скрыть в браузере, в пользовательском файле CSS.

В Симанки и Файрфоксе в файл userContent.css в профиле браузера добавляем:
@-moz-document domain(forum.friends.nnov.ru)
div[id^="thanks_wrapper"]{display: none !important}

Последний раз редактировалось Vladimir; 07.11.2008 в 12:06.
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Старый 13.11.2008, 09:10   #4
Друг всей жизни
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По умолчанию

12 ноября 2008 вышел SeaMonkey 1.1.13

В SeaMonkey 1.1.13 устранены выявленные в последнее время уязвимости в системе безопасности, исправлены некоторые ошибки и повышена стабильность работы.

SeaMonkey 1.1.13 - Русская версия
В архивном файле zip — браузер и все компоненты.
Распаковать zip в рабочую директорию, запустить seamonkey.exe

share.nnov.ru [Для просмотра данной ссылки нужно зарегистрироваться] - 10.9 Mb
Vladimir вне форума  
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Этот пользователь сказал Спасибо Vladimir за это полезное сообщение:
Lombaerts (16.11.2008)
Старый 15.11.2008, 23:00   #5
Аватар для blackscreen
Регистрация: 30.03.2007
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Подскажите plz как в сабже отключить загрузку картинок?
Все настройки облазил и не нашёл
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[Для просмотра данной ссылки нужно зарегистрироваться]
blackscreen вне форума  
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Старый 16.11.2008, 10:36   #6
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Black Screen
Дело в том, что это не одна настройка - смотря что именно нужно.

Вообще все картинки - в окне настроек:
Edit -> Preferences -> Privacy & Security -> Images

Если нужно для конкретного сайта запрет поставить, то в:
Tools -> Image Manager

Конкретные картинки или группами по шаблону можно резать в расширении AdBlock Plus.

У меня английская версия установлена обычно.
В русской это примерно так:

Редактировать - Настройки - Безопасность - Изображения
Инструменты - Менеджер изображений.
Vladimir вне форума  
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Этот пользователь сказал Спасибо Vladimir за это полезное сообщение:
blackscreen (16.11.2008)
Старый 04.12.2008, 22:59   #7
Друг всей жизни
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Вышла свежая версия расширения Adblock Plus с круглым таким номером - 1.0

Adblock Plus 1.0

Размер: 284,0 Кбайт (все языки)
Автор расширения: Wladimir Palant
Домашняя страница: [Для просмотра данной ссылки нужно зарегистрироваться]
Перевод на русский язык: есть
Дата обновления: 02.12.2008

SeaMonkey 1.1 - 2.0a2
Firefox 2.0 - 3.1b3pre
Thunderbird 2.0 - 3.0b1pre
Flock 1.0 - 2.0.*

Важные изменения:
• Ассистент для составления фильтров
• Фильтр можно отключить прямо из контекстого меню списка элементов страницы
• Группы пользовательских фильтров теперь тоже можно отключать в настройках
• Опции фильтров $third-party и $~third-party: блокировать скачивание с других сайтов/того же сайта
• Более надежное скачивание подписок (в подписке можно указать проверочную сумму)
• Поддерживается установка в Mozilla Prism

Detailed changelog for Adblock Plus 1.0:

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The following lists the major changes compared to Adblock Plus
Known issues

* Format of the filter storage changed so going back to a previous version requires exporting the filters and re-importing them after the downgrade
* Mac OS X: Flash movies might not be displayed properly if “Show tabs on Flash and Java” option is switched on
* Some translations contain untranslated English strings

New features

* New filter composer dialog makes adding filters easier
* New filter options $third-party and $~third-party restrict filters to third-party/first-party requests (forum topic)

User interface

* Added translations: Armenian, Galician, Indonesian

List of blockable items

* Tooltip now shows the filter source in addition to the filter itself (forum topic)
* Filters can now be disabled and re-enabled from the context menu (forum topic)
* Changed default action for blocked items to “Add exception rule” instead of “Edit filter”
* Made “State” the default sort order (blocked items first)
* Added support for multiple selection and copying of multiple addresses/filters (forum topic)
* Added “Select all” to the context menu
* Added “Copy filter” item to the context menu (forum topic)
* Added “Size” column (hidden by default), same information shown in the tooltip
* Changed filter color for element hiding hits (forum topic)
* Fixed: Header is hidden in full screen mode

Preferences window

* Eliminated delay when window is opened and much of the delay when changes are applied
* Mac OS X: Preferences menu changed into toolbar to make sure it stays inside the window (forum topic)
* Changed names for groups of user-defined filters (forum topic)
* Group/subscription titles use bold text now (forum topic)
* Added “View” menu to control visible columns and sorting, removed column picker
* Made new “View” menu the context menu for list header
* Groups containing user-defined filters can now be disabled (forum topic)
* Images for “Enabled” column made more obvious (forum topic, forum topic)
* Removed “Add filter” dummy from the list (forum topic)
* Added support for comments in all filter groups, not only “Advertisement filters”
* Comments now always stay before the same filter, regardless of sorting (also, they can be dragged even if the list is sorted)
* For invalid filters, tooltip now explains why they are invalid
* Removed user interface elements that were made obsolete by the filter composer: regular expression warning and corresponding preference extensions.adblockplus.warnregexp, dropdown list in filter editor (forum topic)
* Filter export now inserts a checksum comment into the file (forum topic)
* Added a tooltip explaining the meaning of the exclamation mark
* Added a way to disable/enable filters and subscriptions from context menu
* “Reset filter statistics” now resets “Last hit” as well (bug 18650)
* Fixed: Findbar in preferences dialog has no icons (Firefox 3)
* Fixed: Dates would sometimes use wrong character encoding (bug 441370)
* Fixed: “Edit filter in effect” might select a filter in a disabled subscription even though it exists in enabled subscriptions as well (forum topic)
* Fixed: Clicking twice on the Enabled column starts filter editor
* Fixed: Changes to “download automatically” status are not displayed immediately
* Pasting filters with spaces (in particular comments) now possible (bug 18920)

Filter subscription selection

* First start: Filter subscription selection is opened in a new tab rather than in a separate window (bug 15786)
* First start: Filter subscription selection will show up even if other extensions already added a filter subscription they maintain.
* “Add filter subscription” from Preferences brings up filter subscription selection rather than the dialog for custom filter subscriptions.
* Added warning if Filterset.G is installed with option to uninstall automatically
* Added Adblock warning with option to uninstall automatically (this was a separate question pop-up before)

Other user interface changes

* Regular expression warning was extended to also warn for filters that are too short to be optimized
* Warning that Adblock Plus is disabled allows re-enabling with a single click
* Removed ancient Drag&Drop handling code (not discoverable and not advertised anywhere)
* Fixed: “Disable on this page only” won’t work for pages with query string
* About Adblock Plus: Made version number selectable so that it can be copied
* About Adblock Plus: Made homepage link localizable (and different for German/French locales, bug 17136)
* Added “Adblock Plus: Blockable Items” to the View menu in Firefox (View – Toolbars menu in SeaMonkey)


* Core code was redesigned for better maintainability, code documentation and automated tests (based on Mochitest) were added for large parts of the core
* Made sure filter storage file isn’t overwritten unless write was successful (bug 16488)
* Improved performance (esp. reading filter from disk and saving filters for large filter lists), reduced the amount of memory used
* Fixed: Exception rules don’t always apply to element hiding in Firefox 3 (bug 20034)
* Firefox 1.5, Thunderbird 1.5, SeaMonkey 1.0, Songbird 0.5/0.6 are no longer supported (removed some backwards compatibility hacks)
* Flock 1.2/2.0 and Songbird 0.7/1.0 are supported now
* Added support for Prism 0.9 (forum topic)
* Added hidden preference extensions.adblockplus.savestats to allow turning off hit statistics (useful if patterns.ini is put into a version control system) (bug 18650)
* Added support for private browsing mode in Firefox 3.1, hit statistics are disabled automatically
* All first run actions are now controlled by extensions.adblockplus.currentversion preference (replaces showsubscriptions, checkedtoolbar, checkedadblockinstalled preferences)
* Changed patterns.ini format to allow user-defined comments (and potentially other filters as well) to be stored in any filter group
* Adblock Plus 0.6 preferences are no longer imported on upgrade
* Adblock preferences are no longer imported on upgrade (filter list still imported)
* Fixed: Object tabs show up on print (bug 19405)
* Fixed: “getBoxObjectFor() is deprecated” warning in error console (bug 19126)

Subscription downloads

* For subscription downloads, a comment “! Checksum: abcd” is now interpreted and files with wrong checksum are rejected to prevent broken downloads (forum topic, reference implementation to add checksums)
* Next attempt after failed download is after one day now rather than after one hour to prevent server overload (adjusted preference extensions.adblockplus.subscriptions_fallbackerror s accordingly)
* Fallback request can now disable automatic downloads for subscriptions that are no longer available
* Fixed: Subscription downloads sometimes go to browser cache

Adblock Plus: Installation
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Сборки с офсайта с одним языком.

Adblock Plus 1.0 - русский язык.
share.nnov.ru [Для просмотра данной ссылки нужно зарегистрироваться]- 106.3 Kb

Adblock Plus 1.0 - английский язык.
share.nnov.ru [Для просмотра данной ссылки нужно зарегистрироваться]- 105.1 Kb

Последний раз редактировалось Vladimir; 04.12.2008 в 23:01.
Vladimir вне форума  
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Этот пользователь сказал Спасибо Vladimir за это полезное сообщение:
blackscreen (04.12.2008)
Старый 11.12.2008, 09:16   #8
Друг всей жизни
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По умолчанию

10 декабря 2008 вышел SeaMonkey 2.0 Alpha 2.

Тестовый релиз браузера Симанки.

SeaMonkey 2.0 Alpha 2 English для Windows.
Архивный файл zip — все компоненты.
share.nnov.ru [Для просмотра данной ссылки нужно зарегистрироваться]- 14.0 Mb

Русификация для английской версии SeaMonkey 2.0 Alpha 2.
share.nnov.ru [Для просмотра данной ссылки нужно зарегистрироваться]- 1.0 Mb

SeaMonkey 2.0 Alpha 2 Release Notes
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What's New in SeaMonkey 2.0 Alpha 2 — новинки и исправления в SeaMonkey 2.0 Alpha 2.
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SeaMonkey Documentation
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What's New in SeaMonkey 2.0 Alpha 2
SeaMonkey 2.0 Alpha 2 contains the following major changes relative to SeaMonkey 2.0 Alpha 1:
* The first step towards customizable toolbars has been made: The icon size and whether to display icons and/or text can be chosen spearately for every major toolbar in in both the browser and MailNews components via their context menu.
* The MailNews component now includes support for reading RSS and Atom feeds, And the browser detects feeds offered by web pages. Since the support for previewing feeds in the browser has not yet been included, the feed icon at the right end of the URL bar currently is directly invoking subscription to the feed in the MailNews component, if an account for feeds has already been created there.
* Tracemonkey, the Just-In-Time (JIT) JavaScript compiler, has been enabled for web content by default, resulting in a significant speedup of scripts running on web pages.
* The Find As You Type functionality has been internally reworked to use the same code behind the scenes as the Firefox find bar, but keeping the function as presented to users unchanged from SeaMonkey 1.1.
SeaMonkey 2.0 Alpha 2 released!
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The second alpha release for the upcoming SeaMonkey 2 just hit the virtual shelves!

SeaMonkey 2.0 Alpha 2 is our first release shipping an RSS/Atom feed reader as well as feed detection in the browser (welcome to the 21st century!) as well as the new per-toolbar icon/test mode controls, TraceMonkey turned on by default, the reworked FAYT, the geolocation notification bar (no geolocation provider though), lots of other smaller fixes, and of course, everything that's new in the backend we share with Firefox 3.1 Beta 2 and Thunderbird 3.0 Beta 1.

With a small echo effect to the post about the latter by fellow project manager David Ascher, I'm inclined to say that in some ways, this is a typical alpha: There's a ton of new patches in this release, large code and functionality changes, and surely a handful of rough edges that need some ironing out until we arrive at beta or even final phases of this release cycle.

Continuing that slight echo, however, in some other ways, it's far from a typical alpha: We have lots of reports from people who consider our current alpha builds more stable and usable than the stable SeaMonkey 1.1 series, esp. on Windows Vista, where the current 1.9.1-based code understands much better how to talk to the OS. The core is stable enough that the Firefox team released their second beta based on almost the same Mozilla platform code, and Thunderbird released a lot of the code we share in their first beta. We're a bit more conservative in naming, as we still have a significant list of larger changes we want to get into SeaMonkey 2, including places-based history, really customizable toolbars, session restore, new download and password manager implementations based on the new Mozilla platform toolkit instead of the old Mozilla suite implementations, just to name the major ones. Due to this list, the next release will be another alpha, but we might only do a single beta after that one, before finalizing SeaMonkey 2.

This is an untypical alpha for other reasons as well: Contrary to what other Mozilla projects usually do, we're shipping automated updates to users of Alpha 1, if only complete updates, as this is the first time we can test that mechanism in SeaMonkey at all. Additionally, we're releasing "experimental" language packs in 11 languages to get wider-spread testing of the localizations provided by our contributors before we will be able to ship localized binary builds as well in the future.

Even though this is a mere testing preview of what's to come, SeaMonkey 2.0 Alpha 2 is surely worth a try and a strong signal of how much alive the SeaMonkey project is!

Последний раз редактировалось Vladimir; 11.12.2008 в 09:26.
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Старый 14.12.2008, 10:04   #9
Друг всей жизни
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Скрины SeaMonkey 2.0 с офсайта.
Локаль на скринах английская, шкурка - дефолтная.

SeaMonkey 2.0:

Browser window after startup
Окно браузера в изначальном виде.

Browser window with open sidebar and preferences.
Окно браузера с открытой боковушкой и настройками.

Mail & Newsgroups.
Почтовик, встроенный в Симанки.

IRC communication with ChatZilla.

Composer, editing a web page.
Компоновщик - редактор веб-страниц.

SeaMonkey offers a lot of advanced functionality, available at your fingertips!
Окна настроек, демонстрирующие богатую функциональность Симанки.

DOM Inspector, digging into page structure.
Инспектор DOM - полезный инструмент для авторов сайтов и тонкой настройки интерфейса Симанки.

Последний раз редактировалось Vladimir; 15.12.2008 в 12:32.
Vladimir вне форума  
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Этот пользователь сказал Спасибо Vladimir за это полезное сообщение:
Stinger Dub (17.12.2008)
Старый 17.12.2008, 22:38   #10
Друг всей жизни
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По умолчанию

16 декабря 2008 вышел SeaMonkey 1.1.14

В SeaMonkey 1.1.14 устранены выявленные в последнее время уязвимости в системе безопасности, исправлены некоторые ошибки и повышена стабильность работы.

SeaMonkey 1.1.14 - Английская версия.
Браузер и все компоненты.
В архивном файле zip — папка с именем seamonkey, её можно переместить в любое место на жёстком диске, но после первого запуска желательно уже не менять расположение этой папки программы.
Запустить файл seamonkey.exe - при этом будет создано ещё 2 папки - профиля и кеша.

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Если кому-то нужна русская версия, или английская в виде стандартного инсталлятора, или версия для Линукса, или версия для Мака, или версия для Соляриса, или версия для AIX 5L - намекните - я перегоню на шаруннов с офсайта.

Последний раз редактировалось Vladimir; 11.02.2009 в 10:31.
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Старый 11.02.2009, 10:31   #11
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SeaMonkey 1.1.14 русский

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Старый 14.02.2009, 19:30   #12
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Как убрать попандеры - это такие рекламные окошечки, нагло висящие посреди страницы поверх контента на некоторых сайтах.

Очень просто - должно быть установлено расширение Adblock Plus

Adblock Plus 1.0.1 Russian - только русская локаль.

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В него можно в качестве фильтров добавить сайты, где лежат скрипты, использующиеся для генерации попандеров. Таких сайтов много и список пополняется, для начала добавьте эти фильтры:


увидев попандер на нужном вам сайте, действуйте как обычно - открыть список элементов открытой страницы, внимательно посмотреть нет ли там адресов, включающих pop, хотя скрипт может оказаться и по какому угодно адресу. Или правой кнопкой по самому попандеру (картинке) или по панельке над картинкой и из контекстного меню открыть или пункт меню блокировать в адблоке или свойства и там посмотреть адрес. Далее вредный адрес (часть его) добавьте как фильтр в адблок.
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Старый 20.02.2009, 11:36   #13
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Кандидаты третьей альфы Симанки 2.0 18-19-го февраля появились

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Vladimir вне форума  
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Старый 23.02.2009, 00:24   #14
Аватар для Sea
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А не подскажешь как Mouse Gestures прикрепить?Раньше все нормально было,а сейчас сценарий просит.Привык я к мышке после оперы.
Sea вне форума  
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Старый 25.02.2009, 10:15   #15
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Я не пользуюсь Mouse Gestures, вообще-то.
Если только опишешь с конкретикой что там именно раньше - номера версий расширения, где брал на какой версии Симки работало, на какой не работает - ну я поищу в чём может быть дело.
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Старый 25.02.2009, 10:32   #16
Аватар для Sea
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Vladimir, Все спасибо,я разобрался.Скачал по старее Mouse Gestures 1.5.2 (international) все заработало.
Sea вне форума  
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Старый 25.02.2009, 11:29   #17
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Скачал последнюю версию - mouse_gestures_redox-2.1.0-fx+tb+sm.xpi

В ней совместимость указана только с двойкой Симанки, хе - и только с альфами:
<!-- SeaMonkey -->

до финала двойки ещё будут изменения так что авторы расширений подправляют по ходу дела.

Да, сейчас ещё отдельная веселуха - смотреть для двойки или первых версий Симанки расширение сделано. Отличия существенные, так что многие расширения не будут взаимозаменяемы.
Vladimir вне форума  
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Этот пользователь сказал Спасибо Vladimir за это полезное сообщение:
Sea (25.02.2009)
Старый 26.02.2009, 08:40   #18
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Вторая сборка кандидатов третьей альфы Симанки 2.0
23-го февраля

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Vladimir вне форума  
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Старый 04.03.2009, 20:09   #19
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3 февраля 2009 вышел SeaMonkey 2.0 Alpha 3 - тестовый релиз браузера Симанки.

SeaMonkey 2.0 Alpha 3 English для Windows.
Архивный файл zip — все компоненты.
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SeaMonkey 2.0 Alpha 3 Release Notes
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What's New in SeaMonkey 2.0 Alpha 3 — новинки и исправления в SeaMonkey 2.0 Alpha 3
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KaiRo's weBlog
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SeaMonkey 2 Alpha 3 released!
I'm very excited to tell you all that we just have shipped SeaMonkey 2.0 Alpha 3.

This latest milestone ticks off a good number of features we wanted for SeaMonkey 2, the major ones being:

* Places history, which switches the storage backend from mork to SQLite, makes us able to store a much larger amount of visited pages, and gives us the frecency-driven algorithm for autocomplete when typing in the location bar, searching in both URL and title (yes, that's what's attributed as "awesomebar" elsewhere).
* New password manager, which also now uses SQLite for storage and increases the amount of code we share with other Mozilla products. It also avoids modal dialogs popping up in the face of users, using notifications bars and form autocomplete instead.
* Browser toolbars are now fully customizable. This means that users can easily e.g. move the home button to the navigation toolbar, the throbber to the menubar, or the location bar to its own, new toolbar if wanted. Also, extensions can make their toolbarbuttons available for customization, so that the user can place them wherever he wants.
* Session restore (crash recovery) has been added shortly before we wrapped up this milestone. When SeaMonkey crashes or needs to be restarted, say after installing an add-on, we restore all open browser windows and tabs now. Also, users can select to restore their previous open session on every launch.

There's many more noteworthy changes in this version though, as listed on the SeaMonkey Trunk Tracker.

Help us testing this alpha release, reporting bugs in Bugzilla and crashes through the included crash reporter tool - but keep in mind that this is a testing version that is not considered ready for production use yet, so make sure your profile data is available from a backup in case this version might screw up something.

That said, I hope this release shows off well where SeaMonkey 2 is going and will impress everyone out there who chooses to test it!

By KaiRo

New Features and Fixes:

What's New in SeaMonkey 2.0 Alpha 3

This document outlines a few of the new features implemented in SeaMonkey 2.0 Alpha 3, important bugfixes and any new problems. See the SeaMonkey Trunk Tracker for a more comprehensive list of fixes. Please note that these changes are relative to SeaMonkey 1.1.14.

Major Changes

* SeaMonkey switched to Toolkit, the same backend Firefox uses internally. Due to this change SeaMonkey is now much closer to Firefox as far as user profiles, add-ons and functionality of user interface elements are concerned.
* The default location of user profiles has changed. Legacy profiles, e.g. from SeaMonkey 1.x, are migrated automatically, excluding third-party add-ons (extensions and themes). The old profile will not be touched (instead, copies are made).
* The new Add-on Manager allows to install, update, disable and remove extensions (add-ons), themes and plugins using the same mechanisms Firefox uses. This should ease extension management and development considerably.
* Session restore (crash recovery) has been added. Now, when SeaMonkey crashes, all your browser windows and tabs will be restored automatically or on request (including data entered in web forms!). In addition, users can select to always restore the browser windows and tabs from their last open session when starting SeaMonkey.
* History is now stored in a better database solution, so that it can easily keep more information, and the location bar determines which addresses to autocomplete and/or show in the drop down menu with a smarter algorithm based on what you type, searching in both URL and title of visited pages by default.
* Toolbars in the browser component are now fully customizable.
* Additionally, the icon size and whether to display icons and/or text can be chosen separately for every major toolbar in in both the browser and MailNews components via their context menu.
* The MailNews component now includes support for reading RSS and Atom feeds, And the browser detects feeds offered by web pages. Since the support for previewing feeds in the browser has not yet been included, the feed icon at the right end of the URL bar currently is directly invoking subscription to the feed in the MailNews component, if an account for feeds has already been created there.
* Password Manager was switched to an improved version, allowing easier searching, and notification bars replacing modal dialogs for remembering logins.
* Gecko, the rendering engine used in SeaMonkey, has seen many improvements since the version used in the last stable release. Changes range from a better graphics backend (Cairo/Thebes) to improved support for fonts, CSS, DOM and JavaScript. SeaMonkey 2.0 Alpha 3 passes the Acid2 test and most of Acid3.
* Most of the icons in the default theme have been exchanged for newer images that fit better with the look of modern desktop environments.
* Support for Windows 95, 98, Me and NT 4 was dropped. GTK 2.10 is now required on Linux/UNIX. Support for Mac OS X 10.3 ("Panther") was also dropped.


* Add Undo Close Tab (Bug 350416, Bug 354953)
* Introduce Info Bars (e.g. used when popups or add-on installations are blocked) (Bug 270443)
* Allow to reload individual images using the context menu to aid dialup users canceling page loads (Bug 47475)
* Remove the font download dialog (Bug 352049)
* Add full zoom capability (zooming images and objects as well as text) (Bug 4821)
* Port new Firefox page info to SeaMonkey (Bug 379183)
* Beautify FTP/File/Jar/Gopher directory listing (with new layout, icons and sortable columns) (Bug 294800)
* Add "Send This Link" to link context menus (Bug 137007)
* Save form inputs' state with Save Page As (Bug 293834)
* Switched to a better graphics backend (Cairo/Thebes), improving display of all web content and application chrome significantly (Bug 322938)
* Acid2 test renders correctly in most cases (Tracked in Bug 289480)
* Lots of improvements to Acid3 test rendering (Tracked in Bug 410460)
* Support WHATWG <audio> and <video> tags (Bug 382267)
* Implement cross-site XMLHttpRequest (Bug 389508)
* @font-face support: implement downloadable font support on Linux (Mac and Windows have already been addressed in bug 441473) (Bug 458169), implement @font-face { src:local() } on Linux (Bug 468218), enable downloadable .otf fonts on Windows (Bug 458160), improve handling of format hints for downloadable fonts (Bug 465452)
* Toolbar customization: Navigator part 2 (real customizability for browser toolbars on Linux+Windows) (Bug 471372), use sheet popup instead of popup window on Mac OS X (Bug 406780), make menubars customizable (without regression on Mac OS X) (Bug 475920)
* Use Places backend for SeaMonkey history (including location bar) (Bug 382187)
* Implement progress bar/scrubber for video controls (Bug 462113)
* Decode non-ASCII characters in the urlbar (like in FF3) (Bug 425480)


* Rename TLS and SSL in SMTP preferences to what they really mean (STARTTLS, SMTP-over-SSL) (Bug 185662)
* Make Reply, Reply All, Forward and Next buttons dual-mode (adding Reply to Sender, Reply to All Recipients, Forward Inline/As Attachment, Next Message/Flagged Message/Unread Thread) (Bug 17796)
* Do not lose keystrokes while email composer is saving draft (Bug 352310)
* Speed up deleting attachments containing UNIX line breaks (Bug 365751)
* Add "Stop Filter Execution" filter action (Bug 358684)
* Allow to set marking junk as read independently for automatic and manual cases in preferences (Bug 377920)
* Do not fall back to insecure authentication after SMTP authentication failure (Bug 311657)
* Support opening a message from the command line (Bug 386919)
* Remove "Copy Folder Location" context menu entry, moving functionality to Location field in Properties dialog (Bug 369393)
* Add ability to select IMAP trash folder (Bug 182274)
* Allow user to reorder newsgroups using drag&drop (like in NS4) (Bug 150274)
* Display clickable references for newsgroup messages (Bug 62033)
* Show new newsgroups in Subscribe dialog (Bug 40260)
* Spell check the subject line when composing mail (Bug 391964)
* Show folder address in Folder Properties dialog (Bug 180546)
* Implement mail "back" and "forward" (Bug 74959)
* Make local body search work when mail body is encoded as Base64 (Bug 132340)
* Show text in multipart messages with empty Content-Type (sent by Outlook) (Bug 155537)
* Allow to filter news based on any headers (Bug 16913)
* Make delete message work if header of message preview pane has focus (Bug 419379)
* Allow to do a complete import (settings, mail etc.) at any time (Bug 399312)
* Get rid of the Send in UTF-8 question dialog, just silently switch to UTF-8 if necessary (Bug 410333)
* Allow to kill/ignore a news subthread (branch, not the whole thread) (Bug 11054)
* Add "Recent Folder Target" to Move and Copy menus (Bug 416669)
* Allow renaming of already-attached attachments (Bug 190298)
* Make sure IMAP code does not deadlock when it cannot reach the network (Bug 410747)
* Persist message priority across moves after changing it via filter (Bug 181561)
* Add a pref to decide whether to quote text attachments in replies (Bug 384599)
* Limit growth of junk token store (and thereby memory) (Bug 228675)
* Speed up displaying saved searches with lots of results (Bug 436960)
* Add a way to entirely disable marking a message as read when viewed (Bug 297534)
* Add ability to show only IMAP mails that have not been deleted (Bug 190974)
* Load IMAP/news messages from memory (if present) when offline (Bug 213729)
* Use better chunk size calculation when mail.imap.fetch_by_chunks is active (speed up sending of large emails) (Bug 425849)
* Quote just the selected portion of a message during Reply (Bug 23394)
* Allow signature to be placed above the quoted text when forwarding messages (Bug 273114)
* Improve online IMAP experience by using pseudo-offline Delete and Move (decouple IMAP operations from UI changes) (Bug 435153)
* Allow filter of "To or CC" to use "is in Address Book..." and "is not in Address Book..." (Bug 187768)
* Make Get All New Messages work with Movemail accounts (Bug 278383)
* Enable filters to move mail after copying it (Bug 376235)
* Add confirmation dialog for Empty Trash action (Bug 179891)
* Rename 'Unsent' folder to 'Outbox' (Bug 387656)
* Allow to specify whether to run filters when checking mail, run manually, or both (add a separate manual filter context) (Bug 440635)
* Add ability to filter only selected messages in a folder (Run Filters on Selected Messages) (Bug 444209)
* Play back tags to IMAP server when switching from offline to online (Bug 141606)
* Add ability to show just the name and not the email address in the message pane (Bug 309057)
* Allow to change IMAP expunge threshold using a pref (Bug 399835)
* Implement auto-expunge for IMAP mailboxes (Bug 359284)
* Enable Mac OS X system address book per default and add UI (Bug 397811)
* Disable JavaScript in MailNews for now (Bug 453943)
* Make IMAP folders offline by default if they are newly created and mail.server.default.offline_download pref is true (Bug 452615)
* Add ability to download IMAP messages preemptively/automatically in the background (Bug 436615)
* Add birthday fields to address book (Bug 13595)
* Enable threaded/grouped-by-sort views for saved searches across multiple folders (Bug 379806)
* Fix importing mail from Outlook 2003/2007 (Bug 408323)
* Port Thunderbird RSS/Atom reader to SeaMonkey (Bug 255834)
* Allow extensions to add custom filter actions (Bug 419356)
* Mark message as read when deleting it from local folder (or POP/IMAP when offline) (Bug 463849)
* Do not collect addresses into Collected Addressed that occur in other ABs (Bug 58769)
* Implement Undo Mark All Read (Bug 65775)
* Move message to Inbox if user marks a message in Junk folder as Not Junk (adds hidden pref mail.spam.markAsNotJunkMarksUnRead) (Bug 208197)
* Disable JS for message content (mail and news, making javascript.allow.mailnews pref stop working), enable it for non-message content by default (Bug 374577)


* Allow to export certificate or full chain in Certificate Viewer (Bug 315871)
* Introduce error pages (and ability to create exceptions) for invalid-certificate errors (Bug 327181)
* Allow configuring used certificate per mail identity (Bug 278549)
* Implement new security exception handling backend for MailNews (Bug 429843)
* Introduce new certificate error page which better separates user information from technical details (Bug 463504)
* show expanded technical details on SSL error pages when expert mode is active (Bug 471075)


* Change Switch Text Direction shortcut to Ctrl+Shift+X (was: Ctrl+Shift+E) (Bug 333570)
* Do not open multiline input when dropping link in single line input (Bug 332588)
* Add IRC-Hispano to default network list (Bug 227366)
* Add IRCnet to default network list (Bug 135926)
* Allow styling all parts of ChatZilla with motifs (Bug 235169)
* Allow disabling Bugzilla link detection on a per-channel basis (Bug 349137)
* Allow to reorder tabs using drag and drop (Bug 194913)
* Add auto-away feature (Bug 382085)
* Display WALLOPS messages (Bug 379087)
* Support multiple selected users with context menu commands (Bug 408527)
* Display IRCX ONJOIN messages (Bug 303631)
* Make double clicking user open query view (WHOIS) (Bug 432235)
* Display all-numeric channel names as links (Bug 433703)
* Do not discard changes when topic edit mode focus is lost, add Cancel button (Bug 399450)

DOM Inspector

* Allow inserting/creating new nodes (Bug 112775)
* Add File / Save DOM As... (Bug 72494)
* Allow to hide processing instructions (Bug 360898)
* Show separate menu entries for Inspect Content/Chrome Document (Bug 337069)
* Add ability to pick open pages (as opposed to open windows) (Bug 109481)
* Offer DOM Inspector as an add-on on AMO (Bug 271812)


* Create a new Windows installer based on NSIS (Bug 351917)
* Support new shell service for setting SeaMonkey as default application (better Vista integration) (Bug 380347)
* Remove "turbo mode" (quick launch) (Bug 361682)
* Make Debug QA and Palm Sync extensions optional in Windows installer (Bug 385377)
* Make ChatZilla optional in NSIS installer (Bug 409490)
* Support "? queryterm" from the command line (launch the default search engine and search for 'queryterm') (Bug 408248)
* Create UI for new shell service (setting as default application and mail/news handler) (Bug 441050)
* Enable .wdseml (Windows Search indexer) file opening support for Mail/News (better Vista integration) (Bug 433697)
* Let downloaded files inherit NTFS properties (like permissions, compression, encryption) from parent directory (Bug 224692)
* Cleanly unload in case of exiting or restarting Windows (Bug 212316)
* add support for Windows sounds to menus (Bug 83056)

Mac OS X

* Introduce MozillaBuild for Windows (Bug 363079)
* Make Mozilla compile with Microsoft Visual Studio 2005 (VC8) (Bug 249782)
* Remove non-Cairo GTK2 gfx code (GTK 1 support and Xprint) (Bug 383889)
* Build Chatzilla as an extension (Bug 351715)
* Remove support for --enable-extensions=all (Bug 450015)


* Add "Ignore Word" to inline spellchecker used for editable elements (Bug 354580)
* Use bullets instead of asterisks to block out password characters (Bug 97811)
* Make dictionaries part of the locale pack in the installer (Bug 350688)
* Make a backup copy of prefs.js before overwriting it if there were errors reading it (Bug 361102)
* Make downloading using "Save Link As..." successful on a link to a page/file that uses HTTP/FTP authentication (Bug 315227)
* Allow multiple selection of text with Ctrl (Bug 73373)
* Switch backend from XPFE to Toolkit (Bug 328887)
* Add command line handlers for Toolkit (makes -remote work on all platforms) (Bug 335550)
* Update Software Installation preferences pane including options for automatic updates of the application and add-ons (Bug 363700)
* Remove Appearance / Themes preferences pane (moved to Tools / Add-on Manager) (Bug 372856)
* Make Debug/QA UI an extension (that can be disabled or removed) (Bug 381343)
* Offer to migrate Thunderbird profiles (Bug 306175)
* Use FF/TB's extension mechanism (Add-on Manager and backend) (Bug 272429)
* Add migrator for old profiles (Mozilla Application Suite and SM 1.0/1.1) (Bug 329744)
* Replace Quality Feedback Agent by Breakpad crash reporter (Bug 383125)
* Use FF's form manager (satchel, was: wallet), including form field autocompletion (Bug 304309)
* Replace MySpell with HunSpell spelling checker (Bug 319778)
* Provide mechanism to allow users to list, enable and disable plugins in Add-on Manager (Bug 339056)
* Make text and images translucent while dragging (Bug 178513)
* Use new English spell checking dictionary (Bug 397150)
* Enable automatic updates for SeaMonkey (using AUS) (Bug 408190)
* Make Plugin Finder Service work with SeaMonkey (replacing Null Plugin) (Bug 278831)
* Disable direct input of filename into file upload controls (Bug 258875)
* New icon set for "SeaMonkey Default Theme" (Bug 348720)
* Add sanitize (clear private data) option (Bug 416233)
* Add new Helper Applications preferences pane (Bug 417590)
* Integrate addons.mozilla.org (AMO) into Add-ons Manager (Bug 414918)
* Implement geolocation prompt (notification bar) (Bug 459413)
* Enable view-source link-browsing (SRC, HREF) (Bug 17612)
* Use Toolkit Type Ahead Find instead of the old one (Bug 345526)
* Switch to Toolkit password manager: add SMTP protocol handlers (Bug 469807), do not lose newsgroup username/password information when migrating from signons.txt (Bug 470439), let promptPassword unescape user names before use (Bug 472824), main part (use LoginManager, remove Wallet) (Bug 390025), also fixes: If stored SMTP password is incorrect, no prompt is made for correct one (Bug 155172)
* Remove "What's Related" sidebar/module (Bug 468337)
* Auto-save open windows and tabs for later restoration in event of crash (session restore) (Bug 36810)
* Use an error page (about:sessionrestore) for session restore prompt (Bug 459550)
* Make use of emptytext attribute in search textboxes (replace label by text inside textbox) (Bug 460694)

Последний раз редактировалось Vladimir; 04.03.2009 в 20:13.
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Старый 10.03.2009, 13:15   #20
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Релиз-кандидат SeaMonkey 1.1.15
(похоже выпустят без изменений как релиз)

SeaMonkey 1.1.15 - Английская версия.
Браузер и все компоненты.
В zip-архиве.

share.nnov.ru [Для просмотра данной ссылки нужно зарегистрироваться] - 10.8 Mb
Vladimir вне форума  
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alpha, android, flash, linux, mozilla, online, portableapp, release, seamonkey

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