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indeec 19.07.2008 14:01

Reaper 2.41 FULL

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Reaper — аудиоредактор. При смешном размере позволяет записывать, подготавливать, редактировать и создавать многоканальные аудиотреки. Содержит множество полезных функций и эффектов. Поддерживает технологии ASIO, Kernel Streaming, WaveOut и DirectSound, воспроизведение и запись.

Может работать с файлами в форматах WAV, OGG, MP3, MIDI (чтение) и WAV, MIDI (запись). Имеется возможность индивидуальной обработки каждого трека по отдельности. Поддерживает управление уровнем громкости, границами трека, контролем согласования, проводит многоуровневый откат/повтор действий и многое другое.

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indeec 31.07.2008 19:32

Reaper 2.43

Что нового в REAPER v2.43 от 30/07/2008:
- New actions: split item at media cues, shrink to first or last cue (or both)
- New actions: mute/unmute, solo/unsolo (in addition to existing toggle) selected tracks
- New meta-actions: wait 0.1, 0.5, 1.0 seconds before next action
- Fixed bug in importing embedded loops when one end of the loop is hidden
- MIDI editor: display project markers and regions
- MIDI editor: actions to shorten or lengthen selected notes by one pixel or one grid unit
- MIDI editor: updates timeline when moving item
- MIDI editor show play cursor regardless of full item visibility in project
- Better shortcut matching (avoid load-time collisions between num+ and +, etc)
- Item playrates are now clamped to 0.01x/100.0x
- Added tcp_main_namebg and mcp_main_namebg theme elements
- Fixed mousewheel in docked midi editors
- ReaFIR: smoother interpolation for EQ curve
- ReaNinjam: added "Send" button to chat window for WINE users
- JS: new smaller JS DLL (compiled with MSVC, internal cleanups)
- JS: no more memcpy() page granularity issues
- VSTi: potential fix for faulty plug-ins that do not handle all-note-offs very sensibly
- Better transport sizing when using large system fonts

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Aadanatos 26.08.2008 21:51

Перезалейте плиз

indeec 01.09.2008 22:02

Reaper 2.46

Что нового в 2.46:
Renderproject startup option no longer checks for ReWire, hides splash before starting render
ReaFIR: fixed excessive smearing on playback start
ReaFIR: more accurate configuration storing of low volume noise profiles
OSX: Fixed shift+mousewheel
OSX: Cmd+drag notes in midi editor copies notes
OSX: PPC fixes (JS, registration info, nag info)
OSX: fix for OS X 10.5 rosetta issues
JS: meter scaling and rounding fix
JS gfxspectrograph improvements

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DRX 11.09.2008 22:35

Cockos Incorporated Reaper 2.46
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Просто миди или аудио секвенсором назвать Reaper язык не поворачивается. Это действительно полноценная рабочая студия. Из основных функций отмечу - поддержка неограниченного числа миди и аудиотреков (зависит от производительности системы), поддержка ASIO-драйверов, поддержка Direct-X и VST-плагинов и инструментов, поддержка миди-контроллеров, поддержка рендеринга с функцией рэсемплинга (встроенные алгоритмы), поддержка Rewire для синхронизации с Reason и другими программами. Из нестандартных функций хочу отметить ReaMote - инструмент для синхронизации с другими Reaper-ами по локальной сети.

Дополнительные скриншоты:

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P.S. Размер меня ввел в ступор ! Интересно на сколько данный продукт работоспособен ? :unsure:

MoxX 11.09.2008 22:44

А в чём, собственно, проблема? Секвенсер EnergyXT весит меньше мегабайта, хотя в нём реально сводить дорожки не хуже, чем в FL Studio.:ae:

DRX 11.09.2008 23:01

MoxX, я и не сказал что проблема. просто удивился объёму. А про ту софтину, что ты написал, скажу вот что - заливай, оформляй - будем рассматрвиать ;)

MoxX 11.09.2008 23:03

DRX, выложу обязательно. Надо только её найти, так как пользовался ей всего 1 раз да и то в ознакомительных целях:)

indeec 20.09.2008 22:36

Reaper 2.5

Что нового в REAPER v2.5 от 20/09/2008:
- Uber track control group support (shift+G defaults to show group settings, Ctrl+Alt+G shows new Track Grouping Matrix)
-REX2 file support, imported slices keep beat location if project tempo changes (todo support moving items across tempo changes, currently slices must be re-imported)
- Dynamic Split interactive beat slicing and quantization

- Action: detect tempo, create measure from time selection (new or current time signature, one bar or many)
- Action: extend or swap selection to next transient in selected items
- Action: move items left/right by grid
- Action: set/adjust arrange view grid size
- Action: move cursor to next/prior zero crossing (Z, shift+Z by default)
- Action: split item at prior zero crossing (alt+Z by default)
- Action: move cursor to nearest transient in selected items
- Action: adjust item rate while clearing preserve pitch
- Action: set/clear item "preserve pitch" setting
- Action: select all tracks in groups 1..32
- Action: create chromatic MIDI notes from selected items
- Shift+3/4,5/6 now map to item rate changes (10-cent, semitone), clearing preserve pitch
- JS: utility/volume_pan with parameter smoothing (for use with param modulation)
- JS: utility/phase_adjust now handles stereo (phase rotates each channel, not the stereo image)
- JS: delay_sustain effect
- JS: vca_master and vca_slave for emulating VCA-style control using audio routing
- JS: spectropaint effect (woohoo spectral painting for fun!), fixes to gfxanalyzer and gfxspectrograph
- New mute and solo button context menus with toggle/exclusive/clear options
- Add-FX dialog: remembers recent searches in dropdown list
- MIDI editor: rename current MIDI take from MIDI editor menu
- Option to disable alt key opening menus in main, midi editor, mixer windows
- Render stem actions now render pre-fader signal, new actions for old post-fader stems behavior
- Prefs/editing behavior: slider for tab-to-transient sensitivity
- Glue: glues items to project samplerate if project samplerate is set
- Routing matrix: fixed some scrollbar bugs, improved tooltips, added track grouping view
- Saving a project with copy/move that has media loaded into ReaSamplomatic and ReaVerb now copies that media to project directory
- Option in Prefs/Appearance to allow choosing track group display modes (ribbons, lines, none)

- Better pooling of media file resources for better RAM use (especially with lots of splits)
- Better automatic track naming, updating of UI on autoname
- Better pooling of pitch shifter resources (track-pooled to avoid excess reinitializations)
- Undo system: reduced memory use throughout (better granularity etc)
- WavPack: updated to 4.50, fixed bug in metadata reading, BWF tag read/write
- Recording volume/pan automation with ganged/grouped tracks is now supported
- Better ganged/grouped vol/pan fader behavior (relative levels not lost at extremities)
- MIDI media items no longer reset CCs at end, just pitch and notes
- ReaEQ: better deferred display updating, uses LICE bitmaps (todo: full LICE conversion)
- Removed excess ini file writing resizing midi editor CC lane
- Removing presets in preset list now cleans up the preset file more

- MCP: multiple track selection follows MCP track order and visibility
- Shift+Click for time selection behaves better with snap and other options
- Shift+Click for loop selection in ruler now works correctly when time+loop selections locked
- Fixed touch automation on track mutes
- Screenset window now updates shortcuts when using alternate recording section
- Prefs/Keyboard is back, has link to actions window
- Improved threadsafeness of media creation and peak cache system
- Fixed relative grid actions in midi editor showing display
- Fixed auto-add of envelope setting initial (t=0) value
- Fixed crash on JS with only outputs and opening pin manager
- Fixes for tab to transient and zero crossing detection for heavily stretched items
- Improved behavior of preference to not allow projects to override audio hardware sample rate
- Fix for ReaNINJAM problems introduced in 2.45 (ogg end of stream behavior)
- Fixed GDI leak in ReaEQ added in 2.42 (nyquist line drawing)
- Fixed GDI leak in skinned-scrollbar code
- Restore MIDI editor note row display state when reopening a project
- AU: update generic UI on factory default preset loading
- Fix for JS with only outputs crashing when plugin pin matrix opened
- Fix for preset system storing large presets (ini file line size issue)
- Fix for parameter modulation/automation reading when "run fx when stopped" is disabled
- Moved many JS fx from old_unsupported back to their authors path

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indeec 27.09.2008 21:55

Reaper 2.51

Что нового в REAPER v2.51 от 27/09/2008:
- JS: new development environment with editor, debugging support (variable watches)
- Saving track templates now saves any track media items as well (since people seem to want this)
- Loading track templates, fx chains, presets, now prompts for missing media (if REAPER is configured to do so)
- Action: move cursor back or forward one beat or measure, move cursor to start of this or next measure
- Move to start of current measure action moves back a measure if cursor is already at measure start
- Create measure from selection actions optionally set project tempo instead of inserting markers
- REX2: adjust imported slice length to hear the longest tail of previous slices underneath later slices
- JS: better UI auto-sizing/arrangement
- JS: MIDI/midi_CC_mapper, updates to spectropaint, added spectropaint_filter
- OSX: fixed keyboard focus issue on many actions
- OSX: fixed bug with screensets window (could also affect win32)
- OSX: fixed keyboard state loading bug (required manually removing some key assignments -- could also affect win32)
- Vegas EDL: load/save of fade shapes, lock state, preserve pitch state, loading of mute state
- ReaSynDr: fixed non-multiout mode
- Fixed crashes when MIDI files are not found and ignored on project load
- Fixed project start time offset when rendering cues
- Fixed FX-add recent search combobox height
- Fiddly fixes for zero crossing navigation with high frequency content

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indeec 14.10.2008 22:26

Reaper 2.52

Что нового в 2.52:
Memory use reduction with lots of items/takes in projects
Render: new optional online realtime rendering mode (allowing easy renders with external synths, reainsert, etc)
MIDI editor: bank/program select lane, .reabank and .ins import, automatic loading for software instruments
MIDI editor: humanize notes action
MIDI editor: action for join selected notes
MIDI editor: default bindings to switch channel view (shift+0-9, and ~ to show all)
MIDI editor: fixed scrolling marquee selection issues
MIDI editor: fixed hang with huge grid sizes
ReaInsert: fixed dropped MIDI events on playback start in certain instances
ReaSynth: full ADSR control, second utility oscillator, smoother fast attacks, sustain pedal support
ReaSynth: pulse width control, big optimizations
OSX: JS keyboard fixes
OSX: various scroll related fixes, fixed floating masterTCP bug
Keyboard: Fix for . vs alt+. keyboard assignments, alt+numpadkeys, etc
Normalizing items no longer resets take phase reversal
Fixed mute UI update issue when stopped/paused/etc and not running FX
MP3 encoder: no longer creates (inaccurate) peak files
Dynamic split: tweaked reduce split slider centerline
Fix for ctrl+mousewheel inconsistent fader behavior
Fixed mp3+pitch shifting+take FX end-of-item bug
Faster loading of projects with large amounts of media (splash screen updates)
Action: set project tempo from time selection
Help/All Actions (dumps full actions list to web page)
Left and right clicking items now shows more informative cursor
Fix for not naming imported MIDI items when importing from file to in-project item
VST: Fix for Zebra automation (special-case messagepump run)
HUI: track name support

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-aFx- 18.06.2009 14:34

Reaper 3.03

Чтобы увидеть скрытый текст Вам нужно нажать кнопочку "Открыть Hide"
У вас нет прав чтобы видеть скрытый текст, содержащийся здесь.

-aFx- 26.07.2009 23:53

Reaper 3.06

Чтобы увидеть скрытый текст Вам нужно нажать кнопочку "Открыть Hide"
У вас нет прав чтобы видеть скрытый текст, содержащийся здесь.

Часовой пояс GMT +3, время: 21:07.

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