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Старый 23.03.2008, 19:52   #1
Аватар для indeec
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По умолчанию HTTrack

HTTrack 3.41 Final

Программа для создания копий веб-сайтов на жестком диске для их последущего просмотра. HTTrack допускает докачку прерванных загрузок, создавать копий каталогов и отдельных веб-страниц, графических и других файлов. При необходимости HTTrack может отыскивать "зеркала" сайта.

что нового:
HTTrack Website Copier release history:

This file lists all changes and fixes that have been made for HTTrack.

+ Fixed: Random crashes at the end of the mirror due to a dangling file pointer (Carlos, angus at quovadis.com.ar)

+ Fixed: size limits are stopping the mirror gently, finishing pending transfers (David Stevenson)

+ Fixed: text/plain advertised files renamed into .txt
+ Fixed: broken configure.in

+ Fixed: major WIN32 inlined function bug caused the cache not to be used at all, causing update not to work

+ New: changed API/ABI to thread-safe ones (libhttrack1 2), big cleanup in all .h definitions
+ Fixed: Major memory usage bug when downloading large sites
+ Fixed: do not rename files if the original MIME type was compatible
+ Fixed: several source fixes for freeBSD (especially time problems)
+ New: option %w to disable specific modules (java, flash..)
+ Fixed: 'no space left in stack for back_add' error
+ Fixed: fixed redirected images with "html" type
+ Fixed: 'Crash adding error, unexpected error found.. [4268]' error

+ Fixed: bogus '.del' filenames with ISO-9660 option
+ Fixed: now merges the header charset even with an empty footer string
+ New: --port option for webhttrack
+ New: mms:// streaming capture (thanks to Nicolas Benoit!)
+ New: proxyTrack project released
+ New: new experimental parser that no longer needs link testing ('testing link type..')
+ New: Redirect handled transparently with delayed type check and broken links made external when the "no error page" option is enabled
+ New: improved background download to handle large sites
+ New: '--assume foo/bar.cgi=text/html' is now possible
+ New: MIME type scan rules (such as -mime:video/* +mime:video/mpeg)
+ New: size scan rules now allows to rewrite uncaught links as external links
+ Fixed: crash fixed when ftime()/localtime()==NULL
+ Fixed: iso-9660 option now using '_' for collision character
+ Fixed: collision problems with CaSe SeNsItIvItY
+ Fixed: a href='..' fixed!
+ Fixed: redirects are now handled by the new experimental parser
+ Fixed: "./" links generated with fixed outbound links (../../)
+ Fixed: 'base href' bogus in many cases
+ Fixed: enforce security limits to avoid bandwidth abuses
+ Fixed: bogus external (swf) parser, fixed remaining .delayed files
+ New: new check-mime and save-file2 callbacks
+ New: "always delayed type check" enabled
+ Fixed: totally bogus finalizer causing compressed files not to be uncompressed, and many files to be truncated
+ Shell: new Finnish interface added!
+ Fixed: "..html" bogus type
+ Fixed: remaining bogus .delayed entries
+ Fixed: flush before user-defined command
+ Fixed: fixed user-defined command call and background cleaner
+ Fixed: fixed 'Crash adding error, unexpected error found.. [4250]' error
+ Fixed: fixed cache absolute file reference (the reference is now relative) preventing the cache form being moved to another place
+ Fixed: webhttrack 'Browse Sites' path bug
+ Fixed: old httrack cache format fixes (import of older versions did not work anymore)
+ Fixed: port fixes in htsnet.h
+ Fixed: -N option with advanced extraction (bogus "not found" member)
+ Fixed: javascript: location=URL was not recognized
+ Fixed: no more character escaping when not needed (such as UTF-8 codes)
+ Fixed: possibly temporary files left on disk with bogus servers giving compressed content on HEAD reuests
+ Fixed: URL hack caused unexpected filename collisions (index.html vs INDEX.HTML)
+ Fixed: "do not erase already downloaded file" option now correctly works (it leaves files linked in the mirror)
+ Fixed: UCS2 encoded pages are now converted properly into UTF-8
+ New: "near" option now also catch embedded (images, css, ..) files
+ Fixed: bogus chunked multimedia link text files (such as x-ms-asf files)
+ Fixed: compilation problems on Un*x version

+ Fixed: Bogus redirects with same location in https
+ Fixed: Bogus file naming with URL hack
+ Fixed: Extremly slow redirections and empty files
+ Fixed: Bogus names with directories ending with a "."
+ New: Number of connection per second can now be.. decimal, to delay even more
+ New: Enforce stronger ISO9660 compliance
+ Shell: "URL Hack" in interface
+ Shell: "Save settings" now rebuild categories
+ Shell: "Shutdown PC after mirror" option
+ Shell: Sound at the begining/end or the mirror (configurable through system sound properties)
+ Shell: Fixed drag & drop, .url import
+ Shell: Fixed "wizard" mode (crash)
+ Fixed: Crash at the end due to unterminated pending threads
+ Fixed: \ is not anymore transformed into / after the query (?) delimiter
+ New: Two new callbacks for pre/post-processing html data
+ New: link-detected2 callback (additional tag name parameter)
+ Fixed: Broken ISO9660
+ Fixed: Crash on file:// links
+ Fixed: Unescaped ampersands (&) in URLs
+ Fixed: Transfer hangs introduced in 3.33-beta-2
+ Fixed: Display bug "Waiting for scheduled time.."
+ Fixed: Bug "Waiting for scheduled time.." (NOT a display bug, actually)
+ Fixed: CaSe SenSiTiViTy bugs with mutliple links reffering to the same URL but using different case styles
+ Fixed: Failed to build from sources (FTBFS) on amd64 archs because of cast problems (Andreas Jochens)
+ Fixed: & were converted into   (Leto Kauler)
+ Shell: Fixed crash with long URL lists (Libor Striz)
+ Fixed: connection/seconds limiter replugged
+ Fixed: "no files updated" display bug
+ Fixed: bogus links encoded with UTF (Lukasz Wozniak)
+ New: --assume can be used to force a specific script type (Brian Schrцder)

[Для просмотра данной ссылки нужно зарегистрироваться]

Сайт разработчика:[Для просмотра данной ссылки нужно зарегистрироваться]
Ссылка:[Для просмотра данной ссылки нужно зарегистрироваться]

Последний раз редактировалось The Godfather; 31.03.2008 в 15:22.
indeec вне форума  
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