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Experimental Post-Rock / Post-Metal / Sludge / Artcore / Drone Doom / Drone Ambient

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Старый 04.11.2008, 22:19   #1
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По умолчанию [Ambient / Experimental / Metal / Psychedelic] Pyramids


It starts in the upper atmosphere, in that rarefied air where silence sings and time is little more than an abstraction. As it makes its way down through the tree line, to sea level, to the ear canals, elliptical windows and auditory nerves of the great unwashed, the shapes begin to shift. The sine waves become more distinct: swarming, swirling guitars, drums like a churning steam press, a chorus of celestial voices. Instruments collude and collide in a roiling shoal and then dissipate, leaving a cavernous hole, a ghost town, the vestiges and echoes of a brief terrestrial existence. Out in Dallas and “other parts of the country,” where seemingly mild psychotropic disturbances can have vast and sinister implications for certain elements within the local populaces, Pyramids conjure the cacophonies of the great unknown, one song at a time.

Release Date: April 22, 2008
Hydra Head Records
*Не путать данный коллектив со скримо-группой Pyramids и инди-рокерами The Pyramids.
*Симпатичную обложку с оленями делал Арон Тернер.

на вопрос что они играют можно ответить и так - блек-металл-шугейз-эмбиент
Pyramids-Self_Titled-2CD-2008-hXc.rar (122037516 байт)
[Для просмотра данной ссылки нужно зарегистрироваться]
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.Mj (05.11.2008), aos (11.11.2008), dying_inside (04.11.2008), SunLess (16.11.2008)

Здесь присутствуют: 1 (пользователей: 0 , гостей: 1)

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