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Indie Indie / Sadcore / Garage Rock / Brit-Pop / Chamber Pop / Dark Cabaret

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Старый 30.01.2009, 18:06   #1
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По умолчанию [indie / shoegaze] Lotus Plaza

Lotus Plaza
Artist: Lotus Plaza
Album: The Floodlight Collective
Year: 2009
Genre: Ambient-Punk
Label: Kranky
Release Date: March 23, 2009
Tume: 44:54
Size: 61,03 Mb
Quality: 192 mp3 cbr

When it comes to Deerhunter side-projects, front-man Bradford Cox’s Atlas Sound are the first that come to mind. That may soon change though, with guitarist Lockett Pundt now giving word his Lotus Plaza will step out for their full-length debut.
While frequent readers/downloaders of the infamous Deerhunter blog will already be familiar with several of Pundt’s solo tracks, a new set of Lotus Plaza material is scheduled to drop March 23 courtesy of Kranky. Titled The Floodlight Collective, the ten-track offering will feature Cox on drums for the track “Different Mirrors,” Pitchfork reports, and taking care of production and mixing will be Brian Foote (of Nudge). The rest of the tracks are all Pundt, all the time
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