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Post-Punk Lossless Post-Punk / Gothic Rock / Death Rock / New Wave

Опции темы Опции просмотра
Старый 04.03.2009, 15:49   #1
Огненный Бог Марранов
Аватар для Gentle_Giant
Регистрация: 01.09.2007
Адрес: Пьяный Угол
Пол: M
Сообщений: 508
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6 в этом сообщении
464 Всего

По умолчанию [Indie Rock / Synthpop / New Wave] New Order

2001 - Get Ready

01. Crystal /6:51/
02. 60 Miles An Hour /4:35/
03. Turn My Way /5:05/
04. Vicious Streak /5:41/
05. Primitive Notion /5:43/
06. Slow Jam /4:53/
07. Rock The Shack /4:12/
08. Someone Like You /5:42/
09. Close Range /4:13/
10. Run Wild /3:58/

Формат: FLAC Image + .CUE, lossless
Продолжительность: 50:54

Отчет EAC:
EAC extraction logfile from 3. May 2008, 11:07 for CD
New Order / Get Ready

Used drive  : _NEC    DVD_RW ND-3500AG   Adapter: 1  ID: 0
Read mode   : Secure with NO C2, accurate stream, disable cache
Read offset correction : 48
Overread into Lead-In and Lead-Out : No

Used output format : Internal WAV Routines
                     44.100 Hz; 16 Bit; Stereo

Other options      : 
    Fill up missing offset samples with silence : Yes
    Delete leading and trailing silent blocks : No
    Installed external ASPI interface

Range status and errors
Selected range
     Filename D:\New Order - Get Ready.wav

     Peak level 100.0 %
     Range quality 100.0 %
     CRC 0D595D1E
     Copy OK

No errors occured

End of status report

Отчет AccurateRip:
[Disc ID: 001447d1-00a02900-940bee0a]
Track	[ CRC    ] Status
 01	[00000000] Disk not present in database
 02	[00000000] Disk not present in database
 03	[00000000] Disk not present in database
 04	[00000000] Disk not present in database
 05	[00000000] Disk not present in database
 06	[00000000] Disk not present in database
 07	[00000000] Disk not present in database
 08	[00000000] Disk not present in database
 09	[00000000] Disk not present in database
 10	[00000000] Disk not present in database

Отчет fooCDtect:
fooCDtect - foobar2000 + auCDtect, baralgin.

auCDtect: CD records authenticity detector, version 0.8.2
Copyright (c) 2004 Oleg Berngardt. All rights reserved.
Copyright (c) 2004 Alexander Djourik. All rights reserved.

     mode: 0

    Track: 01 Crystal

Processing file:	[01 Crystal.aucdtect]
Detected average hi-boundary frequency: 2.039142e+004 Hz
Detected average lo-boundary frequency: 1.419948e+004 Hz
Detected average hi-cut frequency: 2.144794e+004 Hz
Detected average lo-cut frequency: 1.651008e+004 Hz
Maximum probablis boundary frequency: 2.143900e+004 Hz
Coefficient of nonlinearity of a phase: 7.797237e-001
First order smothness: 3.999547e-001
Second order smothness: 5.927940e-001

This track looks like CDDA with probability 100%

    Track: 02 60 Miles An Hour

Processing file:	[02 60 Miles An Hour.aucdtect]
Detected average hi-boundary frequency: 2.061723e+004 Hz
Detected average lo-boundary frequency: 1.451248e+004 Hz
Detected average hi-cut frequency: 2.155560e+004 Hz
Detected average lo-cut frequency: 1.823133e+004 Hz
Maximum probablis boundary frequency: 2.156300e+004 Hz
Coefficient of nonlinearity of a phase: 3.725845e-001
First order smothness: 3.638522e-001
Second order smothness: 7.416073e-001

This track looks like CDDA with probability 100%

    Track: 03 Turn My Way

Processing file:	[03 Turn My Way.aucdtect]
Detected average hi-boundary frequency: 2.025420e+004 Hz
Detected average lo-boundary frequency: 1.342690e+004 Hz
Detected average hi-cut frequency: 2.136828e+004 Hz
Detected average lo-cut frequency: 1.305520e+004 Hz
Maximum probablis boundary frequency: 2.189100e+004 Hz
Coefficient of nonlinearity of a phase: 5.963344e-001
First order smothness: 3.948734e-001
Second order smothness: 6.225206e-001

This track looks like CDDA with probability 100%

    Track: 04 Vicious Streak

Processing file:	[04 Vicious Streak.aucdtect]
Detected average hi-boundary frequency: 2.039272e+004 Hz
Detected average lo-boundary frequency: 1.363032e+004 Hz

Detected average hi-cut frequency: 2.143275e+004 Hz
Detected average lo-cut frequency: 1.592712e+004 Hz
Maximum probablis boundary frequency: 2.154100e+004 Hz
Coefficient of nonlinearity of a phase: 1.800495e-001
First order smothness: 5.088871e-001
Second order smothness: 6.696746e-001

This track looks like CDDA with probability 99%

    Track: 05 Primitive Notion

Processing file:	[05 Primitive Notion.aucdtect]
Detected average hi-boundary frequency: 2.021254e+004 Hz
Detected average lo-boundary frequency: 1.348015e+004 Hz
Detected average hi-cut frequency: 2.139109e+004 Hz
Detected average lo-cut frequency: 1.361620e+004 Hz
Maximum probablis boundary frequency: 2.189100e+004 Hz
Coefficient of nonlinearity of a phase: 6.099948e-001
First order smothness: 3.399457e-001
Second order smothness: 5.709239e-001

This track looks like CDDA with probability 100%

    Track: 06 Slow Jam

Processing file:	[06 Slow Jam.aucdtect]
Detected average hi-boundary frequency: 2.025212e+004 Hz
Detected average lo-boundary frequency: 1.357918e+004 Hz
Detected average hi-cut frequency: 2.130880e+004 Hz
Detected average lo-cut frequency: 1.324227e+004 Hz
Maximum probablis boundary frequency: 2.189100e+004 Hz
Coefficient of nonlinearity of a phase: 1.937421e-001
First order smothness: 3.573927e-001
Second order smothness: 4.893482e-001

This track looks like CDDA with probability 100%

    Track: 07 Rock The Shack

Processing file:	[07 Rock The Shack.aucdtect]
Detected average hi-boundary frequency: 2.000702e+004 Hz
Detected average lo-boundary frequency: 1.325806e+004 Hz

Detected average hi-cut frequency: 2.184957e+004 Hz
Detected average lo-cut frequency: 1.063012e+004 Hz
Maximum probablis boundary frequency: 2.189100e+004 Hz
Coefficient of nonlinearity of a phase: 4.518261e-001
First order smothness: 3.427091e-001
Second order smothness: 4.848261e-001

This track looks like CDDA with probability 99%

    Track: 08 Someone Like You

Processing file:	[08 Someone Like You.aucdtect]
Detected average hi-boundary frequency: 2.034981e+004 Hz
Detected average lo-boundary frequency: 1.364636e+004 Hz
Detected average hi-cut frequency: 2.151234e+004 Hz
Detected average lo-cut frequency: 1.582798e+004 Hz
Maximum probablis boundary frequency: 2.149800e+004 Hz
Coefficient of nonlinearity of a phase: 5.493471e-001
First order smothness: 3.872549e-001
Second order smothness: 7.026144e-001

This track looks like CDDA with probability 100%

    Track: 09 Close Range

Processing file:	[09 Close Range.aucdtect]
Detected average hi-boundary frequency: 2.043003e+004 Hz
Detected average lo-boundary frequency: 1.373111e+004 Hz
Detected average hi-cut frequency: 2.143944e+004 Hz
Detected average lo-cut frequency: 1.713822e+004 Hz
Maximum probablis boundary frequency: 2.189100e+004 Hz
Coefficient of nonlinearity of a phase: 5.529597e-001
First order smothness: 3.896056e-001
Second order smothness: 5.952820e-001

This track looks like CDDA with probability 100%

    Track: 10 Run Wild

Processing file:	[10 Run Wild.aucdtect]
Detected average hi-boundary frequency: 2.009364e+004 Hz
Detected average lo-boundary frequency: 1.274802e+004 Hz
Detected average hi-cut frequency: 2.191185e+004 Hz
Detected average lo-cut frequency: 1.324327e+004 Hz
Maximum probablis boundary frequency: 2.189100e+004 Hz
Coefficient of nonlinearity of a phase: 6.401465e-001
First order smothness: 3.447462e-001
Second order smothness: 6.816214e-001

This track looks like CDDA with probability 100%


"60 Miles An Hour"!

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Любители потрековых lossless релизов — на самом деле латентные lossy-филы.
Gentle_Giant вне форума  
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Эти 2 пользователя(ей) сказали Спасибо Gentle_Giant за это полезное сообщение:
Dentexnik (11.03.2009), heavybrother (08.03.2009)
Хайд открыли:
Leet (23.05.2009), rassudan (09.04.2009), aos (09.04.2009), Dentexnik (11.03.2009), DreadMashine (05.03.2009), Crocodile (04.03.2009)
Старый 11.03.2009, 22:37   #2
Аватар для Dentexnik
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По умолчанию

No such file
Dentexnik вне форума  
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Старый 08.04.2009, 21:40   #3
Аватар для p0z1t1v3
Регистрация: 21.08.2007
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По умолчанию

А еще альбомы есть?
In Vino Veritas Imho!
p0z1t1v3 вне форума  
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