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Старый 04.04.2009, 08:12   #1
Аватар для NerV
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По умолчанию Дизайнеры БД от SQLMaestro (Oracle, MSSQL, MySQL, PostgreSQL, Firebird, SQLite, MaxDB) + Shadow Database Scanner

Дизайнеры БД от SQLMaestro (Oracle, MSSQL, MySQL, PostgreSQL, Firebird, SQLite, MaxDB) + Shadow Database Scanner

Дизайнеры разных БД от Oracle до SQLite, схожий, приятный интерфейс, широкие возможности.
Версии что щас на официалке. Все с таблетками. Скрины внизу.
[Для просмотра данной ссылки нужно зарегистрироваться]
Oracle Maestro v7.5.0.1
Oracle Maestro is the premier Windows GUI admin tool for Oracle database server management, control and development.
Oracle Maestro provides you with a number of tools allowing to perform all the necessary database operations such as creating, editing, and duplicating database objects; moreover, you can design your database as ER diagram, debug your PL/SQL code, build queries visually, execute and optimize SQL queries and SQL scripts, view and edit data including BLOBs, represent data as diagrams, export and import data to/from most popular file formats, analyze your data summarized into multidimensional views and hierarchies (OLAP cubes), and use a lot of other tools implemented to make your work with Oracle server comfortable and efficient.
We are proud of the GUI that unites the heavy-duty Oracle server scalability, associated with time-intensive tasks of Oracle database design and availability, in excellent performances of easy-to-use wizards and editors.
MySQL Maestro v7.6.0.5
MySQL Maestro is the premier MySQL admin tool for database management, control and development.
MySQL Maestro provides you with the ability to perform all the necessary MySQL admin routines such as creating, editing, copying, extracting and dropping database objects. It supports all the latest MySQL features such as views, stored procedures/functions, triggers, events and table partitions; moreover, you can design your database as ER diagram, build queries visually, execute queries and SQL scripts, accomplish database administration operations in a few mouse clicks, view and edit data including BLOBs, represent data as diagrams and pivot grids, export and import data to/from most popular file formats, manage MySQL users and their privileges, and use a lot of other admin tools designed for making your work with MySQL server comfortable and efficient.
MS SQL Maestro v7.5.0.1
MS SQL Maestro is the premier GUI admin tool for Microsoft SQL Server and MSDE management, control and development.
MS SQL Maestro gives you wide opportunities to perform all the necessary database admin routines such as creating, editing, copying, extracting and dropping database objects; moreover, you can design your database as ER diagram, build queries visually, execute queries and SQL scripts, view and edit data including BLOBs, represent data as diagrams, export and import data to/from most popular file formats, manage SQL Server users and their privileges, add jobs and alerts, and use a lot of other admin tools implemented to make your work with SQL Server highly enjoyable and efficient.
Easy installation and intuitive interface in combination with support of all the SQL Server latest features up to version 2005 make it an irreplaceable tool for Microsoft SQL Server on the web or at your local desktop.
PostgreSQL Maestro v7.6.0.5
PostgreSQL Maestro is the premier PostgreSQL admin tool for database management, control and development.
PostgreSQL Maestro GUI allows you to create, edit, copy, extract and drop all the database objects such as schemas, tables, views, functions, domains, rules, sequences, languages, operators, etc., build queries visually, execute queries and SQL scripts, design your database as ER diagram, view and edit data including BLOBs, represent data as diagrams, export and import data to/from most popular file formats, manage PostgreSQL roles, users, groups and their privileges, and use a lot of other admin tools designed for the easiest and most efficient work with PostgreSQL database server.
You are welcome to enjoy the abilities offered by a number of implemented tools providing excellent performance for all the necessary database operations.
SQLite Maestro v7.7.0.1
SQLite Maestro is the premier SQLite admin tool designed to meet the requirements of SQLite users and to make the work with the databases simpler and more comfortable.
SQLite Maestro allows you to create, edit, copy, extract and drop all the database objects such as tables, views, build queries visually, execute queries and SQL scripts, view and edit data including BLOBs, represent data as diagrams, export and import data to/from most popular file formats, and use a lot of other admin tools designed for the easiest and most efficient work with SQLite databases.
Firebird Maestro v7.7.0.1
Firebird Maestro is the premier Windows GUI admin tool for Firebird Server management, control and development.
Firebird Maestro allows you to create, edit, copy, extract and drop all the database objects such as tables, views, procedures, domains, generators, etc., design your database as ER diagram, build queries visually, execute queries and SQL scripts, view and edit data including BLOBs, represent data as diagrams, export and import data to/from most popular file formats, manage Firebird users, and their privileges, and use a lot of other tools designed for the easiest and most efficient work with Firebird Server.
MaxDB Maestro v7.3.0.1
MaxDB Maestro is the premier Windows GUI admin tool for MaxDB Server management, control and development.
MaxDB Maestro allows you to create, edit, copy, extract and drop all the database objects such as tables, views, build queries visually, execute queries and SQL scripts, design your database as ER diagram, view and edit data including BLOBs, represent data as diagrams, export and import data to/from most popular file formats, and use a lot of other tools designed for the easiest and most efficient work with MaxDB server.
We are proud of the GUI that units the heavy-duty MaxDB server scalability and complex security system in excellent performances of easy-to-use wizards and editors.

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уже не тот самый NerV;
NerV вне форума  
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Эти 4 пользователя(ей) сказали Спасибо NerV за это полезное сообщение:
axel75 (07.04.2009), Cranium (28.01.2010), Gunman (08.04.2009), tdv (05.04.2009)
Хайд открыли:
Cranium (28.01.2010), Alex_K (28.11.2009), jsx (14.07.2009), Alucard (24.06.2009), IVAN (29.05.2009), Der igel (13.05.2009), mIC666s (22.04.2009), sanchalex (22.04.2009), mashete (14.04.2009), кортик (13.04.2009), rna51 (13.04.2009), Gunman (08.04.2009), axel75 (07.04.2009), roshin (06.04.2009), tdv (05.04.2009), Saphier (04.04.2009)
Старый 09.04.2009, 12:06   #2
Хороший Друг
Аватар для Gunman
Регистрация: 18.10.2007
Адрес: Сормово
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По умолчанию

Спасибо за софтину.
Первым делом опробовал на Firebird.
1. работает
2. дизайн несколько необычен,не совсем интуитивен, но до боли похож на IBExpert.
3. Первый же тестовый select на кириллицу типа
select * from components where descrus like '%ГОСТ%'
показал - с кириллицей не работает в отличие от IBExpert. увы. хотя в таблице показывает все верно.
IBExpert (ну или IBManager) - вне конкуренции.

Последний раз редактировалось Gunman; 09.04.2009 в 12:08.
Gunman вне форума  
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Старый 22.04.2009, 06:35   #3
Аватар для NerV
Регистрация: 01.06.2008
Адрес: Сормово
Пол: М
Провайдер: Сэнди
Сообщений: 995
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По умолчанию

Firebird 2.5 Beta 1

[Для просмотра данной ссылки нужно зарегистрироваться]
уже не тот самый NerV;
NerV вне форума  
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Старый 23.04.2009, 01:58   #4
Хороший Друг
Аватар для Gunman
Регистрация: 18.10.2007
Адрес: Сормово
Пол: M
Провайдер: ВТ
Сообщений: 523
Поблагодарил: 1,020
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По умолчанию

ага, спасибо.
но я пользую Firebird 1.5
бета есть бета (
и как она живет с вистой?
народ мается с 2.Х в сочетинии с вистой.
но IBExpert рулит однозначно.
[Для просмотра данной ссылки нужно зарегистрироваться]
а вот остальное интересно

Последний раз редактировалось Gunman; 23.04.2009 в 01:59.
Gunman вне форума  
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Старый 28.01.2010, 03:39   #5
Я тут новенький
Аватар для Cranium
Регистрация: 17.02.2009
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