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Gothic Metal Lossless Gothic Metal / Gothic-Doom / Dark Metal / Love Metal

Опции темы Опции просмотра
Старый 09.06.2009, 13:14   #1
Хороший Друг
Регистрация: 07.03.2008
Адрес: Everywhere
Пол: М
Провайдер: Другой
Сообщений: 462
Поблагодарил: 654
Поблагодарили 861 раз в 293 сообщениях
Открыли хайд :
11 в этом сообщении
960 Всего

По умолчанию [Death / Doom Metal (early), Rock / Gothic / Atmospheric (later)] The Gathering

The Gathering - 1992 - Always (Psychonaut Records PSYN0001 CD)

Country: Netherlands
Year: 1992
Format: FLAC (image + .cue)
Source: hexonut ([Для просмотра данной ссылки нужно зарегистрироваться])


01. The Mirror Waters (7:10)
02. Subzero (6:52)
03. In Sickness and Health (7:01)
04. King for a Day (6:35)
05. Second Sunrise (6:42)
06. Stonegarden (4:58)
07. Always... (2:39)
08. Gaya's Dream (6:04)


$ cdparanoia -z -O 12 '[]-' always.wav
cdparanoia III release 10.0 (June 10, 2008)

Ripping from sector 0 (track 1 [0:00.00])
to sector 216097 (track 8 [6:03.40])

outputting to always.wav


$ ARCue.pl always.wav.cue

Checking AccurateRip database

Track Ripping Status [Disc ID: 001009fc-5e0b4108]

1 ** Rip not accurate ** (confidence 3) [49fcc418] [7a9c6098]
2 ** Rip not accurate ** (confidence 3) [b5944d64] [6da2dd74]
3 ** Rip not accurate ** (confidence 3) [c8f9f720] [3a5a2a00]
4 ** Rip not accurate ** (confidence 3) [6f912482] [1184f552]
5 ** Rip not accurate ** (confidence 3) [dab03927] [02ae5d77]
6 ** Rip not accurate ** (confidence 2) [6157a844] [954ed348]
7 ** Rip not accurate ** (confidence 3) [4092a968] [195c121c]
8 ** Rip not accurate ** (confidence 3) [b8b2433f] [f1902d17]


Your CD disc is possibly a different pressing to the one(s) stored in AccurateRip.
Track(s) Accurately Ripped: 0
**** Track(s) Not Ripped Accurately: 8 ****
Track(s) Not in Database: 0

EAC Log:

Exact Audio Copy V0.99 prebeta 4 from 23. January 2008

EAC extraction logfile from 16. January 2009, 22:20

The Gathering / Always

Used drive : LITE-ON LTR-40125S Adapter: 4 ID: 1

Read mode : Secure
Utilize accurate stream : Yes
Defeat audio cache : Yes
Make use of C2 pointers : No

Read offset correction : 12
Overread into Lead-In and Lead-Out : No
Fill up missing offset samples with silence : Yes
Delete leading and trailing silent blocks : No
Null samples used in CRC calculations : No
Used interface : Installed external ASPI interface

Used output format : Internal WAV Routines
Sample format : 44.100 Hz; 16 Bit; Stereo

TOC of the extracted CD

Track | Start | Length | Start sector | End sector
1 | 0:00.00 | 7:10.24 | 0 | 32273
2 | 7:10.24 | 6:52.26 | 32274 | 63199
3 | 14:02.50 | 7:00.73 | 63200 | 94772
4 | 21:03.48 | 6:35.19 | 94773 | 124416
5 | 27:38.67 | 6:42.27 | 124417 | 154593
6 | 34:21.19 | 4:58.00 | 154594 | 176943
7 | 39:19.19 | 2:38.38 | 176944 | 188831
8 | 41:57.57 | 6:03.41 | 188832 | 216097

Range status and errors

Selected range

Filename Z:\data\mp3\Seeding\The Gathering\1992-Always\always2.wav

Peak level 100.0 %
Range quality 99.9 %
Copy CRC 578BA953
Copy OK

No errors occurred

AccurateRip summary

Track 1 cannot be verified as accurate (confidence 2) [7A9C6098], AccurateRip returned [49FCC418]
Track 2 cannot be verified as accurate (confidence 2) [6DA2DD74], AccurateRip returned [B5944D64]
Track 3 cannot be verified as accurate (confidence 2) [3A5A2A00], AccurateRip returned [C8F9F720]
Track 4 cannot be verified as accurate (confidence 2) [1184F552], AccurateRip returned [6F912482]
Track 5 cannot be verified as accurate (confidence 2) [02AE5D77], AccurateRip returned [DAB03927]
Track 6 cannot be verified as accurate (confidence 2) [954ED348], AccurateRip returned [6157A844]
Track 7 cannot be verified as accurate (confidence 2) [195C121C], AccurateRip returned [4092A968]
Track 8 cannot be verified as accurate (confidence 2) [F1902D17], AccurateRip returned [B8B2433F]

No tracks could be verified as accurate
You may have a different pressing from the one(s) in the database

End of status report

FooCDtect Log:

fooCDtect - foobar2000 + auCDtect, baralgin.

auCDtect: CD records authenticity detector, version 0.8.2
Copyright (c) 2004 Oleg Berngardt. All rights reserved.
Copyright (c) 2004 Alexander Djourik. All rights reserved.

mode: 0

================================================== =====
Track: The Gathering - Always - 01 - The Mirror Waters
Quality: CDDA, 100%
================================================== =====
Track: The Gathering - Always - 02 - Subzero
Quality: CDDA, 100%
================================================== =====
Track: The Gathering - Always - 03 - In Sickness and Health
Quality: CDDA, 99%
================================================== =====
Track: The Gathering - Always - 04 - King for a Day
Quality: CDDA, 100%
================================================== =====
Track: The Gathering - Always - 05 - Second Sunrise
Quality: CDDA, 99%
================================================== =====
Track: The Gathering - Always - 06 - Stonegarden
Quality: CDDA, 100%
================================================== =====
Track: The Gathering - Always - 07 - Always...
Quality: CDDA, 100%
================================================== =====
Track: The Gathering - Always - 08 - Gaya's Dream
Quality: CDDA, 99%
================================================== =====

Ссылка на share.nnov.ru:

Чтобы увидеть скрытый текст Вам нужно нажать кнопочку "Открыть Hide"
У вас нет прав чтобы видеть скрытый текст, содержащийся здесь.
Avelis вне форума  
Ответить с цитированием
Эти 6 пользователя(ей) сказали Спасибо Avelis за это полезное сообщение:
barbariangoth (12.06.2009), CruelDog (09.06.2009), Dentexnik (19.06.2009), dying_inside (09.06.2009), mezzo (10.06.2009), und (16.06.2009)
Хайд открыли:
nexus63 (27.11.2009), death.chem (01.09.2009), Dentexnik (19.06.2009), und (16.06.2009), ЖакШапрен (14.06.2009), barbariangoth (12.06.2009), mezzo (10.06.2009), traec (09.06.2009), dying_inside (09.06.2009), CruelDog (09.06.2009), DreadMashine (09.06.2009)
Старый 09.06.2009, 13:15   #2
Хороший Друг
Регистрация: 07.03.2008
Адрес: Everywhere
Пол: М
Провайдер: Другой
Сообщений: 462
Поблагодарил: 654
Поблагодарили 861 раз в 293 сообщениях
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960 Всего

По умолчанию

Кто-то нуждается в остальных студийных работах, епишках и компиляциях этой гениальной группы?
Avelis вне форума  
Ответить с цитированием
Старый 09.06.2009, 22:50   #3
Аватар для dying_inside
Регистрация: 21.12.2006
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Провайдер: Стрим
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По умолчанию

Avelis, буду только рад хорошим рипам, а то у меня флак потрековый с ннтт
dying_inside вне форума  
Ответить с цитированием
Старый 10.06.2009, 01:10   #4
Хороший Друг
Регистрация: 07.03.2008
Адрес: Everywhere
Пол: М
Провайдер: Другой
Сообщений: 462
Поблагодарил: 654
Поблагодарили 861 раз в 293 сообщениях
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0 в этом сообщении
960 Всего

По умолчанию

dying_inside, значит всё будет..

Последний раз редактировалось Avelis; 10.06.2009 в 01:33.
Avelis вне форума  
Ответить с цитированием
Этот пользователь сказал Спасибо Avelis за это полезное сообщение:
dying_inside (10.06.2009)
Старый 10.06.2009, 01:19   #5
Хороший Друг
Регистрация: 07.03.2008
Адрес: Everywhere
Пол: М
Провайдер: Другой
Сообщений: 462
Поблагодарил: 654
Поблагодарили 861 раз в 293 сообщениях
Открыли хайд :
6 в этом сообщении
960 Всего

По умолчанию

The Gathering - 1993 - Almost a Dance (Psychonaut Records PSYN0002 CD)

Country: Netherlands
Year: 1993
Format: FLAC (image + .cue)
Source: hexonut ([Для просмотра данной ссылки нужно зарегистрироваться])


01. On a Wave (5:49)
02. The Blue Vessel (6:04)
03. Her Last Flight (8:44)
04. The Sky People (4:26)
05. Nobody Dares (3:28)
06. Like Fountains (7:40)
07. Proof (6:13)
08. Heartbeat Amplifier (4:53)
09. A Passage to Desire (6:42)


$ cdparanoia -z -O 6 '[]-' almost.wav
cdparanoia III release 10.0 (June 10, 2008)

Ripping from sector 0 (track 1 [0:00.00])
to sector 242911 (track 9 [6:42.16])

outputting to almost.wav


$ ARCue.pl almost.wav.cue

Checking AccurateRip database

Track Ripping Status [Disc ID: 0012a791-6a0ca609]

1 Accurately Ripped (confidence 3) [b304ff86]
2 Accurately Ripped (confidence 3) [5d86b5ec]
3 Accurately Ripped (confidence 3) [b194c6b7]
4 Accurately Ripped (confidence 3) [c6abad16]
5 Accurately Ripped (confidence 3) [d3a6e410]
6 Accurately Ripped (confidence 3) [a0364efd]
7 Accurately Ripped (confidence 3) [9e460cd4]
8 Accurately Ripped (confidence 3) [9cd3a074]
9 Accurately Ripped (confidence 3) [d68e065a]


All Tracks Accurately Ripped.

FooCDtect Log:

fooCDtect - foobar2000 + auCDtect, baralgin.

auCDtect: CD records authenticity detector, version 0.8.2
Copyright (c) 2004 Oleg Berngardt. All rights reserved.
Copyright (c) 2004 Alexander Djourik. All rights reserved.

mode: 0

================================================== =====
Track: The Gathering - Almost a Dance - 01 - On a Wave
Quality: CDDA, 100%
================================================== =====
Track: The Gathering - Almost a Dance - 02 - The Blue Vessel
Quality: CDDA, 100%
================================================== =====
Track: The Gathering - Almost a Dance - 03 - Her Last Flight
Quality: CDDA, 100%
================================================== =====
Track: The Gathering - Almost a Dance - 04 - The Sky People
Quality: CDDA, 100%
================================================== =====
Track: The Gathering - Almost a Dance - 05 - Nobody Dares
Quality: CDDA, 100%
================================================== =====
Track: The Gathering - Almost a Dance - 06 - Like Fountains
Quality: CDDA, 100%
================================================== =====
Track: The Gathering - Almost a Dance - 07 - Proof
Quality: CDDA, 100%
================================================== =====
Track: The Gathering - Almost a Dance - 08 - Heartbeat Amplifier
Quality: CDDA, 100%
================================================== =====
Track: The Gathering - Almost a Dance - 09 - A Passage to Desire
Quality: CDDA, 100%
================================================== =====

Ссылка на share.nnov.ru:

Чтобы увидеть скрытый текст Вам нужно нажать кнопочку "Открыть Hide"
У вас нет прав чтобы видеть скрытый текст, содержащийся здесь.
Avelis вне форума  
Ответить с цитированием
Эти 5 пользователя(ей) сказали Спасибо Avelis за это полезное сообщение:
barbariangoth (12.06.2009), Dentexnik (19.06.2009), dying_inside (10.06.2009), mezzo (10.06.2009), ЖакШапрен (14.06.2009)
Хайд открыли:
Dentexnik (19.06.2009), und (16.06.2009), ЖакШапрен (14.06.2009), barbariangoth (12.06.2009), mezzo (10.06.2009), dying_inside (10.06.2009)
Старый 10.06.2009, 01:31   #6
Хороший Друг
Регистрация: 07.03.2008
Адрес: Everywhere
Пол: М
Провайдер: Другой
Сообщений: 462
Поблагодарил: 654
Поблагодарили 861 раз в 293 сообщениях
Открыли хайд :
6 в этом сообщении
960 Всего

По умолчанию

The Gathering - 1995 - Mandylion (Sand And Mercury)

Country: Netherlands
Year: 1995
Format: FLAC (image + .cue)
Source: hexonut ([Для просмотра данной ссылки нужно зарегистрироваться])


01. Strange Machines (6:05)
02. Eleanor (6:42)
03. In Motion # 1 (6:56)
04. Leaves (6:01)
05. Fear The Sea (5:50)
06. Mandylion (5:02)
07. Sand And Mercury (9:58)
08. In Motion # 2 (6:07)


$ cdparanoia -z -O 6 '[]-' mandylion.wav
cdparanoia III release 10.0 (June 10, 2008)

Ripping from sector 0 (track 1 [0:00.00])
to sector 236999 (track 8 [6:07.24])

outputting to mandylion.wav

$ ARCue.pl mandylion.wav.cue

Checking AccurateRip database

Track Ripping Status [Disc ID: 000fe7dc-830c5808]

1 Accurately Ripped (confidence 14) [4901424b]
2 Accurately Ripped (confidence 14) [5b9eb798]
3 Accurately Ripped (confidence 14) [789794f5]
4 Accurately Ripped (confidence 14) [d3b6e951]
5 Accurately Ripped (confidence 14) [35fa521b]
6 Accurately Ripped (confidence 14) [c0c3c480]
7 Accurately Ripped (confidence 14) [39d64c72]
8 Accurately Ripped (confidence 13) [ea27ba38]


All Tracks Accurately Ripped.

FooCDtect Log:

fooCDtect - foobar2000 + auCDtect, baralgin.

auCDtect: CD records authenticity detector, version 0.8.2
Copyright (c) 2004 Oleg Berngardt. All rights reserved.
Copyright (c) 2004 Alexander Djourik. All rights reserved.

mode: 0

================================================== =====
Track: The Gathering - Mandylion - 01 - Strange Machines
Quality: CDDA, 100%
================================================== =====
Track: The Gathering - Mandylion - 02 - Eleanor
Quality: CDDA, 100%
================================================== =====
Track: The Gathering - Mandylion - 03 - In Motion # 1
Quality: CDDA, 100%
================================================== =====
Track: The Gathering - Mandylion - 04 - Leaves
Quality: CDDA, 100%
================================================== =====
Track: The Gathering - Mandylion - 05 - Fear The Sea
Quality: CDDA, 100%
================================================== =====
Track: The Gathering - Mandylion - 06 - Mandylion
Quality: CDDA, 100%
================================================== =====
Track: The Gathering - Mandylion - 07 - Sand And Mercury
Quality: CDDA, 99%
================================================== =====
Track: The Gathering - Mandylion - 08 - In Motion # 2
Quality: CDDA, 100%
================================================== =====

Ссылка на share.nnov.ru:

Чтобы увидеть скрытый текст Вам нужно нажать кнопочку "Открыть Hide"
У вас нет прав чтобы видеть скрытый текст, содержащийся здесь.
Avelis вне форума  
Ответить с цитированием
Эти 4 пользователя(ей) сказали Спасибо Avelis за это полезное сообщение:
barbariangoth (12.06.2009), Dentexnik (19.06.2009), dying_inside (10.06.2009), mezzo (10.06.2009)
Хайд открыли:
Dentexnik (19.06.2009), und (16.06.2009), ЖакШапрен (14.06.2009), barbariangoth (12.06.2009), mezzo (10.06.2009), dying_inside (10.06.2009)
Старый 10.06.2009, 01:42   #7
Хороший Друг
Регистрация: 07.03.2008
Адрес: Everywhere
Пол: М
Провайдер: Другой
Сообщений: 462
Поблагодарил: 654
Поблагодарили 861 раз в 293 сообщениях
Открыли хайд :
5 в этом сообщении
960 Всего

По умолчанию

The Gathering - 1996 - Adrenaline - Leaves (Century Media 77135-2)

Country: Netherlands
Year: 1996
Format: FLAC (image + .cue)
Source: hexonut ([Для просмотра данной ссылки нужно зарегистрироваться])


01. Adrenaline (4:15)
02. Leaves (edit) (3:59)
03. Third Chance (5:37)
04. Leaves (Album Version) (5:59)


$ cdparanoia -z -O 12 '[]-' adrenaline.wav
cdparanoia III release 10.0 (June 10, 2008)

Ripping from sector 0 (track 1 [0:00.00])
to sector 89174 (track 4 [5:58.49])

outputting to adrenaline.wav


$ ARCue.pl adrenaline.wav.cue

Checking AccurateRip database

Track Ripping Status [Disc ID: 00032aca-2e04a504]

1 Accurately Ripped (confidence 2) [17e792d4]
2 Accurately Ripped (confidence 2) [df7aa354]
3 Accurately Ripped (confidence 2) [10d80e8c]
4 Accurately Ripped (confidence 2) [cf5b7ace]


All Tracks Accurately Ripped.

FooCDtect Log:

fooCDtect - foobar2000 + auCDtect, baralgin.

auCDtect: CD records authenticity detector, version 0.8.2
Copyright (c) 2004 Oleg Berngardt. All rights reserved.
Copyright (c) 2004 Alexander Djourik. All rights reserved.

mode: 0

================================================== =====
Track: The Gathering - Adrenaline_Leaves - 01 - Adrenaline
Quality: CDDA, 100%
================================================== =====
Track: The Gathering - Adrenaline_Leaves - 02 - Leaves (edit)
Quality: CDDA, 100%
================================================== =====
Track: The Gathering - Adrenaline_Leaves - 03 - Third Chance
Quality: CDDA, 100%
================================================== =====
Track: The Gathering - Adrenaline_Leaves - 04 - Leaves (Album Version)
Quality: CDDA, 100%
================================================== =====

Ссылка на share.nnov.ru:

Чтобы увидеть скрытый текст Вам нужно нажать кнопочку "Открыть Hide"
У вас нет прав чтобы видеть скрытый текст, содержащийся здесь.
Avelis вне форума  
Ответить с цитированием
Эти 3 пользователя(ей) сказали Спасибо Avelis за это полезное сообщение:
barbariangoth (12.06.2009), Dentexnik (19.06.2009), dying_inside (10.06.2009)
Хайд открыли:
Dentexnik (19.06.2009), und (16.06.2009), barbariangoth (12.06.2009), harlequine (10.06.2009), dying_inside (10.06.2009)
Старый 10.06.2009, 01:49   #8
Хороший Друг
Регистрация: 07.03.2008
Адрес: Everywhere
Пол: М
Провайдер: Другой
Сообщений: 462
Поблагодарил: 654
Поблагодарили 861 раз в 293 сообщениях
Открыли хайд :
5 в этом сообщении
960 Всего

По умолчанию

The Gathering - 1997 - Nighttime Birds (Century Media 7868-2)

Country: Netherlands
Year: 1997
Format: FLAC (image + .cue)
Source: hexonut ([Для просмотра данной ссылки нужно зарегистрироваться])


01. On Most Surfaces (6:55)
02. Confusion (6:33)
03. The May Song (3:44)
04. The Earth Is My Witness (5:31)
05. New Moon, Different Day (6:07)
06. Third Chance (5:26)
07. Kevin's Telescope (3:23)
08. Nighttime Birds (7:03)
09. Shrink (4:02)


$ cdparanoia -z -O 12 '[]-' nighttime.wav
cdparanoia III release 10.0 (June 10, 2008)

Ripping from sector 0 (track 1 [0:00.00])
to sector 219294 (track 9 [4:02.07])

outputting to nighttime.wav


$ ARCue.pl nighttime.wav.cue

Checking AccurateRip database

Track Ripping Status [Disc ID: 001179ef-670b6b09]

1 Accurately Ripped (confidence 10) [8da11bbd]
2 Accurately Ripped (confidence 12) [bedc519d]
3 Accurately Ripped (confidence 13) [075de78b]
4 Accurately Ripped (confidence 12) [ce948f49]
5 Accurately Ripped (confidence 11) [42c8bc0d]
6 Accurately Ripped (confidence 12) [1358f9a3]
7 Accurately Ripped (confidence 12) [822c1889]
8 Accurately Ripped (confidence 12) [74f76407]
9 Accurately Ripped (confidence 12) [7c3296f8]


All Tracks Accurately Ripped.

FooCDtect Log:

fooCDtect - foobar2000 + auCDtect, baralgin.

auCDtect: CD records authenticity detector, version 0.8.2
Copyright (c) 2004 Oleg Berngardt. All rights reserved.
Copyright (c) 2004 Alexander Djourik. All rights reserved.

mode: 0

================================================== =====
Track: The Gathering - Nighttime Birds - 02 - Confusion
Quality: CDDA, 99%
================================================== =====
Track: The Gathering - Nighttime Birds - 01 - On Most Surfaces
Quality: CDDA, 100%
================================================== =====
Track: The Gathering - Nighttime Birds - 03 - The May Song
Quality: CDDA, 100%
================================================== =====
Track: The Gathering - Nighttime Birds - 04 - The Earth Is My Witness
Quality: CDDA, 100%
================================================== =====
Track: The Gathering - Nighttime Birds - 05 - New Moon, Different Day
Quality: CDDA, 100%
================================================== =====
Track: The Gathering - Nighttime Birds - 06 - Third Chance
Quality: CDDA, 100%
================================================== =====
Track: The Gathering - Nighttime Birds - 07 - Kevin's Telescope
Quality: CDDA, 100%
================================================== =====
Track: The Gathering - Nighttime Birds - 08 - Nighttime Birds
Quality: CDDA, 99%
================================================== =====
Track: The Gathering - Nighttime Birds - 09 - Shrink
Quality: CDDA, 100%
================================================== =====

Ссылка на share.nnov.ru:

Чтобы увидеть скрытый текст Вам нужно нажать кнопочку "Открыть Hide"
У вас нет прав чтобы видеть скрытый текст, содержащийся здесь.
Avelis вне форума  
Ответить с цитированием
Эти 4 пользователя(ей) сказали Спасибо Avelis за это полезное сообщение:
barbariangoth (12.06.2009), Dentexnik (19.06.2009), dying_inside (10.06.2009), mezzo (10.06.2009)
Хайд открыли:
Dentexnik (19.06.2009), und (16.06.2009), barbariangoth (12.06.2009), mezzo (10.06.2009), dying_inside (10.06.2009)
Старый 10.06.2009, 12:24   #9
Хороший Друг
Регистрация: 07.03.2008
Адрес: Everywhere
Пол: М
Провайдер: Другой
Сообщений: 462
Поблагодарил: 654
Поблагодарили 861 раз в 293 сообщениях
Открыли хайд :
5 в этом сообщении
960 Всего

По умолчанию

The Gathering - 1998 - How to measure a planet (Century Media 7968-2)

Country: Netherlands
Year: 1998
Format: FLAC (image + .cue)
Source: hexonut ([Для просмотра данной ссылки нужно зарегистрироваться])


Disc 1

01. Frail (You Might as Well Be Me) (5:05)
02. Great Ocean Road (6:20)
03. Rescue Me (6:22)
04. My Electricity (3:32)
05. Liberty Bell (6:02)
06. Red is a Slow Colour (6:26)
07. The Big Sleep (5:01)
08. Marooned (5:56)
09. Travel (9:06)

Disc 2

01. South American Ghost Ride (4:25)
02. Illuminating (5:41)
03. Locked Away (3:24)
04. Probably Built in the Fifties (7:26)
05. How to Measure a Planet? (28:33)

cdparanoia/ARCue.log (Disc 1):

$ cdparanoia -z -O 12 '[]-' howtomeasure1.wav
cdparanoia III release 10.0 (June 10, 2008)

Ripping from sector 0 (track 1 [0:00.00])
to sector 242251 (track 9 [9:06.19])

outputting to howtomeasure1.wav


$ ARCue.pl howtomeasure1.wav.cue

Checking AccurateRip database

Track Ripping Status [Disc ID: 0011721e-780c9e09]

1 Accurately Ripped (confidence 8) [61e0325f]
2 Accurately Ripped (confidence 8) [c7f1374b]
3 Accurately Ripped (confidence 8) [a60eeaf6]
4 Accurately Ripped (confidence 8) [ef1c976e]
5 Accurately Ripped (confidence 8) [b50e70e4]
6 Accurately Ripped (confidence 8) [2c1b4636]
7 Accurately Ripped (confidence 8) [159b27cc]
8 Accurately Ripped (confidence 9) [d9fc061b]
9 Accurately Ripped (confidence 8) [c51f3406]


All Tracks Accurately Ripped.

cdparanoia/ARCue.log (Disc 2):

$ cdparanoia -z -O 6 '[]-' howtomeasure2.wav
cdparanoia III release 10.0 (June 10, 2008)

Ripping from sector 0 (track 1 [0:00.00])
to sector 222716 (track 5 [28:32.66])

outputting to howtomeasure2.wav


$ ARCue.pl howtomeasure2.wav.cue

Checking AccurateRip database

Track Ripping Status [Disc ID: 0006c315-3a0b9905]

1 Accurately Ripped (confidence 8) [ca675877]
2 Accurately Ripped (confidence 8) [f0299892]
3 Accurately Ripped (confidence 8) [2894b461]
4 Accurately Ripped (confidence 8) [13bffb86]
5 Accurately Ripped (confidence 8) [a21691ad]


All Tracks Accurately Ripped.

FooCDtect Log (Disc 1):

fooCDtect - foobar2000 + auCDtect, baralgin.

auCDtect: CD records authenticity detector, version 0.8.2
Copyright (c) 2004 Oleg Berngardt. All rights reserved.
Copyright (c) 2004 Alexander Djourik. All rights reserved.

mode: 0

================================================== =====
Track: The Gathering - How to Measure a Planet_ [CD1] - 02 - Great Ocean Road
Quality: CDDA, 100%
================================================== =====
Track: The Gathering - How to Measure a Planet_ [CD1] - 01 - Frail (You Might as Well Be Me)
Quality: CDDA, 100%
================================================== =====
Track: The Gathering - How to Measure a Planet_ [CD1] - 03 - Rescue Me
Quality: CDDA, 100%
================================================== =====
Track: The Gathering - How to Measure a Planet_ [CD1] - 04 - My Electricity
Quality: CDDA, 100%
================================================== =====
Track: The Gathering - How to Measure a Planet_ [CD1] - 05 - Liberty Bell
Quality: CDDA, 100%
================================================== =====
Track: The Gathering - How to Measure a Planet_ [CD1] - 06 - Red is a Slow Colour
Quality: CDDA, 100%
================================================== =====
Track: The Gathering - How to Measure a Planet_ [CD1] - 07 - The Big Sleep
Quality: CDDA, 99%
================================================== =====
Track: The Gathering - How to Measure a Planet_ [CD1] - 08 - Marooned
Quality: CDDA, 100%
================================================== =====
Track: The Gathering - How to Measure a Planet_ [CD1] - 09 - Travel
Quality: CDDA, 100%
================================================== =====

FooCDtect Log (Disc 2):

fooCDtect - foobar2000 + auCDtect, baralgin.

auCDtect: CD records authenticity detector, version 0.8.2
Copyright (c) 2004 Oleg Berngardt. All rights reserved.
Copyright (c) 2004 Alexander Djourik. All rights reserved.

mode: 0

================================================== =====
Track: The Gathering - How to Measure a Planet_ [CD2] - 01 - South American Ghost Ride
Quality: CDDA, 100%
================================================== =====
Track: The Gathering - How to Measure a Planet_ [CD2] - 02 - Illuminating
Quality: CDDA, 100%
================================================== =====
Track: The Gathering - How to Measure a Planet_ [CD2] - 03 - Locked Away
Quality: CDDA, 100%
================================================== =====
Track: The Gathering - How to Measure a Planet_ [CD2] - 04 - Probably Built in the Fifties
Quality: CDDA, 100%
================================================== =====
Track: The Gathering - How to Measure a Planet_ [CD2] - 05 - How to Measure a Planet_
Quality: CDDA, 100%
================================================== =====

Ссылки на share.nnov.ru:

Чтобы увидеть скрытый текст Вам нужно нажать кнопочку "Открыть Hide"
У вас нет прав чтобы видеть скрытый текст, содержащийся здесь.
Avelis вне форума  
Ответить с цитированием
Эти 4 пользователя(ей) сказали Спасибо Avelis за это полезное сообщение:
barbariangoth (12.06.2009), Dentexnik (19.06.2009), dying_inside (10.06.2009), mezzo (12.06.2009)
Хайд открыли:
Dentexnik (19.06.2009), und (16.06.2009), mezzo (12.06.2009), barbariangoth (12.06.2009), dying_inside (10.06.2009)
Старый 10.06.2009, 12:33   #10
Хороший Друг
Регистрация: 07.03.2008
Адрес: Everywhere
Пол: М
Провайдер: Другой
Сообщений: 462
Поблагодарил: 654
Поблагодарили 861 раз в 293 сообщениях
Открыли хайд :
6 в этом сообщении
960 Всего

По умолчанию

The Gathering - 2000 - if_then_else (Century Media 7998-2)

Country: Netherlands
Year: 2000
Format: FLAC (image + .cue)
Source: hexonut ([Для просмотра данной ссылки нужно зарегистрироваться])


01. Rollercoaster (4:45)
02. Shot to Pieces (4:10)
03. Amity (5:57)
04. Bad Movie Scene (3:49)
05. Colorado Incident (4:53)
06. Beautiful War (2:33)
07. Analog Park (6:06)
08. Herbal Movement (4:11)
09. Saturnine (5:12)
10. Morphia's Waltz (6:37)
11. Pathfinder (4:39)


$ cdparanoia -z -O 12 '[]-' if_then_else.wav
cdparanoia III release 10.0 (June 10, 2008)

Ripping from sector 0 (track 1 [0:00.00])
to sector 237828 (track 11 [4:38.43])

outputting to if_then_else.wav


$ ARCue.pl if_then_else.wav.cue

Checking AccurateRip database

Track Ripping Status [Disc ID: 001529d2-ad0c630b]

1 Accurately Ripped (confidence 4) [c2d88aea]
2 Accurately Ripped (confidence 4) [270c8ec7]
3 Accurately Ripped (confidence 4) [44d20b30]
4 Accurately Ripped (confidence 4) [ff3fb4ea]
5 Accurately Ripped (confidence 4) [13b0174a]
6 Accurately Ripped (confidence 4) [0140c639]
7 Accurately Ripped (confidence 4) [85ae44a6]
8 Accurately Ripped (confidence 4) [58154207]
9 Accurately Ripped (confidence 4) [53a91a0f]
10 Accurately Ripped (confidence 4) [d8ebaf9e]
11 Accurately Ripped (confidence 4) [d44608d2]


All Tracks Accurately Ripped.

FooCDtect Log:

fooCDtect - foobar2000 + auCDtect, baralgin.

auCDtect: CD records authenticity detector, version 0.8.2
Copyright (c) 2004 Oleg Berngardt. All rights reserved.
Copyright (c) 2004 Alexander Djourik. All rights reserved.

mode: 0

================================================== =====
Track: The Gathering - if_then_else - 01 - Rollercoaster
Quality: CDDA, 99%
================================================== =====
Track: The Gathering - if_then_else - 02 - Shot to Pieces
Quality: CDDA, 100%
================================================== =====
Track: The Gathering - if_then_else - 03 - Amity
Quality: CDDA, 100%
================================================== =====
Track: The Gathering - if_then_else - 04 - Bad Movie Scene
Quality: CDDA, 100%
================================================== =====
Track: The Gathering - if_then_else - 05 - Colorado Incident
Quality: CDDA, 100%
================================================== =====
Track: The Gathering - if_then_else - 06 - Beautiful War
Quality: CDDA, 100%
================================================== =====
Track: The Gathering - if_then_else - 07 - Analog Park
Quality: CDDA, 99%
================================================== =====
Track: The Gathering - if_then_else - 08 - Herbal Movement
Quality: CDDA, 100%
================================================== =====
Track: The Gathering - if_then_else - 09 - Saturnine
Quality: CDDA, 100%
================================================== =====
Track: The Gathering - if_then_else - 10 - Morphia's Waltz
Quality: CDDA, 100%
================================================== =====
Track: The Gathering - if_then_else - 11 - Pathfinder
Quality: CDDA, 100%
================================================== =====

Ссылка на share.nnov.ru:

Чтобы увидеть скрытый текст Вам нужно нажать кнопочку "Открыть Hide"
У вас нет прав чтобы видеть скрытый текст, содержащийся здесь.
Avelis вне форума  
Ответить с цитированием
Эти 5 пользователя(ей) сказали Спасибо Avelis за это полезное сообщение:
barbariangoth (12.06.2009), Dentexnik (19.06.2009), dying_inside (10.06.2009), mezzo (12.06.2009), und (18.06.2009)
Хайд открыли:
nexus63 (27.11.2009), Dentexnik (19.06.2009), und (18.06.2009), mezzo (12.06.2009), barbariangoth (12.06.2009), dying_inside (10.06.2009)
Старый 10.06.2009, 12:49   #11
Хороший Друг
Регистрация: 07.03.2008
Адрес: Everywhere
Пол: М
Провайдер: Другой
Сообщений: 462
Поблагодарил: 654
Поблагодарили 861 раз в 293 сообщениях
Открыли хайд :
6 в этом сообщении
960 Всего

По умолчанию

The Gathering - 2001 - Amity (Century Media 77358-3)

Country: Netherlands
Year: 2001
Format: FLAC (image + .cue)
Source: hexonut ([Для просмотра данной ссылки нужно зарегистрироваться])


01. Amity (RadioMix) (4:03)
02. Life's What You Make It (4:54)
03. Amity (TripPopRadioRemix) (3:57)
04. Amity (TimecodeAudioRemix) (7:45)
05. Amity (ExtendedTripRemix) (6:29)
06. Amity (ThreePeople Remix) (4:34)
07. Amity (Live At 'Isabelle') (6:11)



Complete name : D:\Musics\The Gathering\2001 - Amity (Century Media 77358-3)\001026_0825\The Gathering - Life's what you make it.avi
Format : AVI
Format/Info : Audio Video Interleave
File size : 319 MiB
Duration : 4mn 48s
Overall bit rate : 9 276 Kbps

Format : Cinepack
Codec ID : cvid
Duration : 4mn 48s
Bit rate : 8 919 Kbps
Width : 480 pixels
Height : 360 pixels
Display aspect ratio : 4/3
Frame rate : 25.000 fps
Resolution : 24 bits
Bits/(Pixel*Frame) : 2.064
Stream size : 307 MiB (96%)

Format : PCM
Format settings, Endianness : Little
Format settings, Sign : Unsigned
Codec ID : 1
Codec ID/Hint : Microsoft
Duration : 4mn 48s
Bit rate mode : Constant
Bit rate : 352.8 Kbps
Channel(s) : 2 channels
Sampling rate : 22.05 KHz
Resolution : 8 bits
Stream size : 12.1 MiB (4%)
Interleave, duration : 288880 ms (7 222.00 video frames)



$ cdparanoia -z -O 12 '[]-' amity.wav
cdparanoia III release 10.0 (June 10, 2008)

Ripping from sector 0 (track 1 [0:00.00])
to sector 170481 (track 7 [6:11.19])

outputting to amity.wav


$ ARCue.pl amity.wav.cue

Checking AccurateRip database

Track Ripping Status [Disc ID: 0009d680-5908e107]

1 Track not present in database. [44978876]
2 Track not present in database. [d70028c8]
3 Track not present in database. [08f7420a]
4 Track not present in database. [bf0185de]
5 Track not present in database. [bb42054a]
6 Track not present in database. [2230aa3b]
7 Track not present in database. [04127077]


Disc not present in AccurateRip database.

EAC Log:

Exact Audio Copy V0.99 prebeta 4 from 23. January 2008

EAC extraction logfile from 16. January 2009, 22:36

The Gathering / Amity

Used drive : LITE-ON LTR-40125S Adapter: 4 ID: 1

Read mode : Secure
Utilize accurate stream : Yes
Defeat audio cache : Yes
Make use of C2 pointers : No

Read offset correction : 12
Overread into Lead-In and Lead-Out : No
Fill up missing offset samples with silence : Yes
Delete leading and trailing silent blocks : No
Null samples used in CRC calculations : No
Used interface : Installed external ASPI interface

Used output format : Internal WAV Routines
Sample format : 44.100 Hz; 16 Bit; Stereo

TOC of the extracted CD

Track | Start | Length | Start sector | End sector
1 | 0:00.00 | 4:03.09 | 0 | 18233
2 | 4:03.09 | 4:54.23 | 18234 | 40306
3 | 8:57.32 | 3:56.45 | 40307 | 58051
4 | 12:54.02 | 7:45.05 | 58052 | 92931
5 | 20:39.07 | 6:28.60 | 92932 | 122091
6 | 27:07.67 | 4:33.70 | 122092 | 142636
7 | 31:41.62 | 6:11.20 | 142637 | 170481
8 | 40:25.07 | 36:23.11 | 181882 | 345617

Range status and errors

Selected range

Filename Z:\data\mp3\Seeding\The Gathering\2001-Amity\amity2.wav

Peak level 96.7 %
Range quality 100.0 %
Copy CRC F978370C
Copy OK

No errors occurred

AccurateRip summary

Track 1 not present in database
Track 2 not present in database
Track 3 not present in database
Track 4 not present in database
Track 5 not present in database
Track 6 not present in database
Track 7 not present in database

None of the tracks are present in the AccurateRip database

End of status report

FooCDtect Log:

fooCDtect - foobar2000 + auCDtect, baralgin.

auCDtect: CD records authenticity detector, version 0.8.2
Copyright (c) 2004 Oleg Berngardt. All rights reserved.
Copyright (c) 2004 Alexander Djourik. All rights reserved.

mode: 0

================================================== =====
Track: The Gathering - Amity - 02 - Life's What You Make It
Quality: CDDA, 94%
================================================== =====
Track: The Gathering - Amity - 01 - Amity (RadioMix)
Quality: CDDA, 100%
================================================== =====
Track: The Gathering - Amity - 03 - Amity (TripPopRadioRemix)
Quality: CDDA, 100%
================================================== =====
Track: The Gathering - Amity - 04 - Amity (TimecodeAudioRemix)
Quality: CDDA, 99%
================================================== =====
Track: The Gathering - Amity - 05 - Amity (ExtendedTripRemix)
Quality: CDDA, 100%
================================================== =====
Track: The Gathering - Amity - 06 - Amity (ThreePeople Remix)
Quality: CDDA, 100%
================================================== =====
Track: The Gathering - Amity - 07 - Amity (Live At 'Isabelle')
Quality: CDDA, 99%
================================================== =====

Ссылка на share.nnov.ru:

Чтобы увидеть скрытый текст Вам нужно нажать кнопочку "Открыть Hide"
У вас нет прав чтобы видеть скрытый текст, содержащийся здесь.

Последний раз редактировалось Avelis; 10.06.2009 в 13:05.
Avelis вне форума  
Ответить с цитированием
Эти 3 пользователя(ей) сказали Спасибо Avelis за это полезное сообщение:
barbariangoth (12.06.2009), Dentexnik (19.06.2009), dying_inside (10.06.2009)
Хайд открыли:
nexus63 (27.11.2009), Dentexnik (19.06.2009), und (18.06.2009), barbariangoth (12.06.2009), harlequine (10.06.2009), dying_inside (10.06.2009)
Старый 10.06.2009, 13:05   #12
Хороший Друг
Регистрация: 07.03.2008
Адрес: Everywhere
Пол: М
Провайдер: Другой
Сообщений: 462
Поблагодарил: 654
Поблагодарили 861 раз в 293 сообщениях
Открыли хайд :
4 в этом сообщении
960 Всего

По умолчанию

The Gathering - 2001 - Downfall - The Early Years (Hammerheart Records HHR 076)

Country: Netherlands
Year: 2001
Format: FLAC (image + .cue)
Source: hexonut ([Для просмотра данной ссылки нужно зарегистрироваться])


01. In Sickness And Health (7:27)
02. Gaya's Dream (6:24)
03. Always ... (2:31)
04. Subzero (6:21)
05. Anthology In Black (3:49)
06. Second Sunrise (6:51)
07. Downfall (6:04)
08. In Sickness And Health (6:45)
09. Second Sunrise (6:49)
10. Six Dead, Three To Go (4:05)
11. Downfall (5:21)
12. Another Day (3:15)
13. Share The Wisdom (4:14)



Complete name : D:\Musics\The Gathering\2001 - Downfall - The Early Years (Hammerheart Records HHR 076)\Concert\CONCERT.MPG
Format : MPEG-PS
File size : 531 MiB
Duration : 53mn 55s
Overall bit rate : 1 377 Kbps

ID : 224 (0xE0)
Format : MPEG Video
Format version : Version 1
Format settings, Matrix : Default
Duration : 53mn 55s
Bit rate mode : Constant
Bit rate : 1 099 Kbps
Nominal bit rate : 1 140 Kbps
Width : 352 pixels
Height : 288 pixels
Display aspect ratio : 4/3
Frame rate : 25.000 fps
Scan type : Progressive
Bits/(Pixel*Frame) : 0.434
Stream size : 424 MiB (80%)

ID : 192 (0xC0)
Format : MPEG Audio
Format version : Version 1
Format profile : Layer 2
Duration : 53mn 54s
Bit rate mode : Constant
Bit rate : 224 Kbps
Channel(s) : 2 channels
Sampling rate : 44.1 KHz
Resolution : 16 bits
Stream size : 86.4 MiB (16%)



$ cdparanoia -z -O 12 '[]-' downfall.wav
cdparanoia III release 10.0 (June 10, 2008)

Ripping from sector 0 (track 1 [0:00.00])
to sector 314637 (track 13 [4:14.20])

outputting to downfall.wav


$ ARCue.pl downfall.wav.cue

Checking AccurateRip database

Track Ripping Status [Disc ID: 00234b31-c410630d]

1 Accurately Ripped (confidence 5) [2133136f]
2 Accurately Ripped (confidence 5) [ff2cd33c]
3 Accurately Ripped (confidence 5) [98f91c76]
4 Accurately Ripped (confidence 5) [6c79031e]
5 Accurately Ripped (confidence 5) [abd12c5c]
6 Accurately Ripped (confidence 5) [cd5d939a]
7 Accurately Ripped (confidence 5) [4cfb15c1]
8 Accurately Ripped (confidence 5) [16cd905a]
9 Accurately Ripped (confidence 4) [8f4b9682]
10 Accurately Ripped (confidence 4) [60f05c27]
11 Accurately Ripped (confidence 4) [afad118e]
12 Accurately Ripped (confidence 4) [612f066a]
13 Accurately Ripped (confidence 4) [2b8252fa]


All Tracks Accurately Ripped.

FooCDtect Log:

fooCDtect - foobar2000 + auCDtect, baralgin.

auCDtect: CD records authenticity detector, version 0.8.2
Copyright (c) 2004 Oleg Berngardt. All rights reserved.
Copyright (c) 2004 Alexander Djourik. All rights reserved.

mode: 0

================================================== =====
Track: The Gathering - Downfall - The Early Years - 02 - Gaya's Dream
Quality: CDDA, 100%
================================================== =====
Track: The Gathering - Downfall - The Early Years - 01 - In Sickness And Health
Quality: CDDA, 100%
================================================== =====
Track: The Gathering - Downfall - The Early Years - 03 - Always ...
Quality: CDDA, 100%
================================================== =====
Track: The Gathering - Downfall - The Early Years - 04 - Subzero
Quality: CDDA, 100%
================================================== =====
Track: The Gathering - Downfall - The Early Years - 05 - Anthology In Black
Quality: CDDA, 100%
================================================== =====
Track: The Gathering - Downfall - The Early Years - 06 - Second Sunrise
Quality: CDDA, 100%
================================================== =====
Track: The Gathering - Downfall - The Early Years - 07 - Downfall
Quality: CDDA, 100%
================================================== =====
Track: The Gathering - Downfall - The Early Years - 08 - In Sickness And Health
Quality: CDDA, 100%
================================================== =====
Track: The Gathering - Downfall - The Early Years - 09 - Second Sunrise
Quality: CDDA, 100%
================================================== =====
Track: The Gathering - Downfall - The Early Years - 10 - Six Dead, Three To Go
Quality: CDDA, 99%
================================================== =====
Track: The Gathering - Downfall - The Early Years - 11 - Downfall
Quality: CDDA, 100%
================================================== =====
Track: The Gathering - Downfall - The Early Years - 12 - Another Day
Quality: CDDA, 100%
================================================== =====
Track: The Gathering - Downfall - The Early Years - 13 - Share The Wisdom
Quality: CDDA, 100%
================================================== =====

Ссылка на share.nnov.ru:

Чтобы увидеть скрытый текст Вам нужно нажать кнопочку "Открыть Hide"
У вас нет прав чтобы видеть скрытый текст, содержащийся здесь.
Avelis вне форума  
Ответить с цитированием
Эти 3 пользователя(ей) сказали Спасибо Avelis за это полезное сообщение:
barbariangoth (12.06.2009), Dentexnik (19.06.2009), dying_inside (10.06.2009)
Хайд открыли:
Dentexnik (19.06.2009), und (18.06.2009), barbariangoth (12.06.2009), dying_inside (10.06.2009)
Старый 10.06.2009, 15:40   #13
Хороший Друг
Регистрация: 07.03.2008
Адрес: Everywhere
Пол: М
Провайдер: Другой
Сообщений: 462
Поблагодарил: 654
Поблагодарили 861 раз в 293 сообщениях
Открыли хайд :
5 в этом сообщении
960 Всего

По умолчанию

The Gathering - 2002 - Black Light District (Psychonaut Records PSYN0003 MCD)

Country: Netherlands
Year: 2002
Format: FLAC (image + .cue)
Source: hexonut ([Для просмотра данной ссылки нужно зарегистрироваться])


01. Black Light District (16:22)
02. Debris (4:36)
03. Broken Glass (piano version) (3:31)


$ cdparanoia -z -O 12 '[]-' blacklight.wav
cdparanoia III release 10.0 (June 10, 2008)

Ripping from sector 0 (track 0 [0:00.00])
to sector 121966 (track 3 [3:30.51])

outputting to blacklight.wav

$ ARCue.pl blacklight.wav.cue

Checking AccurateRip database

Track Ripping Status [Disc ID: 0004c90e-23051f03]

1 Track not present in database. [27125465]
2 Track not present in database. [f2e72436]
3 Track not present in database. [4c66696a]


Disc not present in AccurateRip database.

EAC Log:

Exact Audio Copy V0.99 prebeta 4 from 23. January 2008

EAC extraction logfile from 17. January 2009, 23:07

The Gathering / Black Light District

Used drive : LITE-ON LTR-40125S Adapter: 4 ID: 1

Read mode : Secure
Utilize accurate stream : Yes
Defeat audio cache : Yes
Make use of C2 pointers : No

Read offset correction : 12
Overread into Lead-In and Lead-Out : No
Fill up missing offset samples with silence : Yes
Delete leading and trailing silent blocks : No
Null samples used in CRC calculations : No
Used interface : Installed external ASPI interface

Used output format : Internal WAV Routines
Sample format : 44.100 Hz; 16 Bit; Stereo

TOC of the extracted CD

Track | Start | Length | Start sector | End sector
1 | 2:37.30 | 16:22.27 | 11805 | 85481
2 | 18:59.57 | 4:35.58 | 85482 | 106164
3 | 23:35.40 | 3:30.52 | 106165 | 121966
4 | 29:38.17 | 22:17.65 | 133367 | 233706

Range status and errors

Selected range

Filename Z:\data\mp3\Seeding\The Gathering\2002-Black Light District\blacklight2.wav

Peak level 100.0 %
Range quality 98.2 %
Copy CRC BB668309
Copy OK

No errors occurred

AccurateRip summary

Track 1 accurately ripped (confidence 10) [8C75AE02]
Track 2 accurately ripped (confidence 10) [861653A6]
Track 3 accurately ripped (confidence 9) [0D6F3B4F]

All tracks accurately ripped

End of status report

FooCDtect Log:

fooCDtect - foobar2000 + auCDtect, baralgin.

auCDtect: CD records authenticity detector, version 0.8.2
Copyright (c) 2004 Oleg Berngardt. All rights reserved.
Copyright (c) 2004 Alexander Djourik. All rights reserved.

mode: 0

================================================== =====
Track: The Gathering - Black Light Distict (EP) - 01 - Black Light District
Quality: CDDA, 100%
================================================== =====
Track: The Gathering - Black Light Distict (EP) - 02 - Debris
Quality: CDDA, 100%
================================================== =====
Track: The Gathering - Black Light Distict (EP) - 03 - Broken Glass (piano version)
Quality: CDDA, 100%
================================================== =====

Ссылка на share.nnov.ru:

Чтобы увидеть скрытый текст Вам нужно нажать кнопочку "Открыть Hide"
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Avelis вне форума  
Ответить с цитированием
Эти 3 пользователя(ей) сказали Спасибо Avelis за это полезное сообщение:
barbariangoth (12.06.2009), Dentexnik (19.06.2009), dying_inside (10.06.2009)
Хайд открыли:
Dentexnik (19.06.2009), und (19.06.2009), barbariangoth (12.06.2009), harlequine (10.06.2009), dying_inside (10.06.2009)
Старый 10.06.2009, 15:49   #14
Хороший Друг
Регистрация: 07.03.2008
Адрес: Everywhere
Пол: М
Провайдер: Другой
Сообщений: 462
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Поблагодарили 861 раз в 293 сообщениях
Открыли хайд :
5 в этом сообщении
960 Всего

По умолчанию

The Gathering - 2003 - Souvenirs (The End Records TE035)

Country: Netherlands
Year: 2003
Format: FLAC (image + .cue)
Source: hexonut ([Для просмотра данной ссылки нужно зарегистрироваться])


01. These Good People (5:55)
02. Even The Spirits Are Afraid (5:12)
03. Broken Glass (4:59)
04. You Learn About It (5:09)
05. Souvenirs (6:07)
06. We Just Stopped Breathing (6:51)
07. Monsters (5:02)
08. Golden Grounds (4:53)
09. Jelena (10:09)
10. A Life All Mine (5:08)


$ cdparanoia -z -O 6 '[]-' souvenirs.wav
cdparanoia III release 10.0 (June 10, 2008)

Ripping from sector 0 (track 0 [0:00.00])
to sector 276994 (track 10 [5:07.59])

outputting to souvenirs.wav


$ ARCue.pl souvenirs.wav.cue

Checking AccurateRip database

Track Ripping Status [Disc ID: 00171d0e-a50ded0a]

1 Accurately Ripped (confidence 11) [b3d773e0]
2 Accurately Ripped (confidence 11) [0401cde0]
3 Accurately Ripped (confidence 11) [7de6c246]
4 Accurately Ripped (confidence 11) [8b9c6c39]
5 Accurately Ripped (confidence 11) [7106ac30]
6 Accurately Ripped (confidence 11) [df5f0e01]
7 Accurately Ripped (confidence 11) [f84b2f79]
8 Accurately Ripped (confidence 10) [bbede9d4]
9 Accurately Ripped (confidence 11) [6ef671be]
10 Accurately Ripped (confidence 10) [0438c2fe]


All Tracks Accurately Ripped.

FooCDtect Log:

fooCDtect - foobar2000 + auCDtect, baralgin.

auCDtect: CD records authenticity detector, version 0.8.2
Copyright (c) 2004 Oleg Berngardt. All rights reserved.
Copyright (c) 2004 Alexander Djourik. All rights reserved.

mode: 0

================================================== =====
Track: The Gathering - Souvenirs - 02 - Even The Spirits Are Afraid
Quality: CDDA, 100%
================================================== =====
Track: The Gathering - Souvenirs - 01 - These Good People
Quality: CDDA, 100%
================================================== =====
Track: The Gathering - Souvenirs - 03 - Broken Glass
Quality: MPEG, 95%
================================================== =====
Track: The Gathering - Souvenirs - 04 - You Learn About It
Quality: CDDA, 100%
================================================== =====
Track: The Gathering - Souvenirs - 05 - Souvenirs
Quality: MPEG, 95%
================================================== =====
Track: The Gathering - Souvenirs - 06 - We Just Stopped Breathing
Quality: CDDA, 100%
================================================== =====
Track: The Gathering - Souvenirs - 07 - Monsters
Quality: MPEG, 95%
================================================== =====
Track: The Gathering - Souvenirs - 08 - Golden Grounds
Quality: CDDA, 100%
================================================== =====
Track: The Gathering - Souvenirs - 09 - Jelena
Quality: CDDA, 100%
================================================== =====
Track: The Gathering - Souvenirs - 10 - A Life All Mine
Quality: CDDA, 100%
================================================== =====

Ссылка на share.nnov.ru:

Чтобы увидеть скрытый текст Вам нужно нажать кнопочку "Открыть Hide"
У вас нет прав чтобы видеть скрытый текст, содержащийся здесь.
Avelis вне форума  
Ответить с цитированием
Эти 3 пользователя(ей) сказали Спасибо Avelis за это полезное сообщение:
barbariangoth (12.06.2009), dying_inside (10.06.2009), mezzo (13.06.2009)
Хайд открыли:
Dentexnik (19.06.2009), und (19.06.2009), mezzo (13.06.2009), barbariangoth (12.06.2009), dying_inside (10.06.2009)
Старый 10.06.2009, 16:01   #15
Хороший Друг
Регистрация: 07.03.2008
Адрес: Everywhere
Пол: М
Провайдер: Другой
Сообщений: 462
Поблагодарил: 654
Поблагодарили 861 раз в 293 сообщениях
Открыли хайд :
5 в этом сообщении
960 Всего

По умолчанию

The Gathering - 2005 - Accessories - Rarities and B-Sides (Century Media 8268-2)

Country: Netherlands
Year: 2005
Format: FLAC (image + .cue)
Source: hexonut ([Для просмотра данной ссылки нужно зарегистрироваться])


Disc 1

01. In Motion #1 (live) (7:54)
02. Leaves (live) (6:16)
03. Adrenaline (4:13)
04. Third Chance (alt. version) (5:36)
05. Strange Machines ( live w/Orchestra) (6:51)
06. In Power we Entrust the Love Advocated (Dead Can Dance cover version) (4:04)
07. When the Sun Hits (Slowdive cover version) (4:52)
08. Confusion (demo/ Eroc session) (7:16)
09. Shrink (alt. version) (2:13)
10. Frail (live) (3:59)
11. Theme from 'The Cyclist' (3:21)
12. Leaves (live w/Orchestra) (4:12)
13. Life Is What You Make It (Talk Talk cover version) (4:52)
14. Amity (live at Isabelle) (6:12)

Disc 2

01. New Moon, Different Day (6:18)
02. Kevin's Telescope (instr.) (4:47)
03. Shrink (3:59)
04. The Earth Is My Witness (6:09)
05. Diamond Box (previously unreleased instr.) (4:41)
06. Nighttime Birds (7:02)
07. On Most Surfaces (7:31)
08. Hjelmar's (previously unreleased instr.) (1:35)
09. My Electricity (3:04)
10. Probably Built In The Fifties (8:25)
11. Illuminating (5:28)
12. Red Is A Slow Colour (6:08)
13. Travel (7:29)

cdparanoia/ARCue.log (Disc 1):

$ cdparanoia -z -O 12 '[]-' accessories1.wav
cdparanoia III release 10.0 (June 10, 2008)

Ripping from sector 0 (track 1 [0:00.00])
to sector 323337 (track 14 [6:11.63])

outputting to accessories1.wav


$ ARCue.pl accessories1.wav.cue

Checking AccurateRip database

Track Ripping Status [Disc ID: 00277028-df10d70e]

1 Accurately Ripped (confidence 2) [fd5a56b2]
2 Accurately Ripped (confidence 2) [7e3b5bac]
3 Accurately Ripped (confidence 2) [50f4c038]
4 Accurately Ripped (confidence 2) [e2a4d913]
5 Accurately Ripped (confidence 2) [3d42e746]
6 Accurately Ripped (confidence 2) [279b1d70]
7 Accurately Ripped (confidence 2) [4dacf1b3]
8 Accurately Ripped (confidence 2) [3e357d6f]
9 Accurately Ripped (confidence 2) [9bc0680f]
10 Accurately Ripped (confidence 2) [2f1e55ed]
11 Accurately Ripped (confidence 2) [2161ff77]
12 Accurately Ripped (confidence 2) [9ed90ba1]
13 Accurately Ripped (confidence 2) [6b6afc6a]
14 Accurately Ripped (confidence 2) [6d8b30c6]


All Tracks Accurately Ripped.

cdparanoia/ARCue.log (Disc 2):

$ cdparanoia -z -O 6 '[]-' accessories2.wav
cdparanoia III release 10.0 (June 10, 2008)

Ripping from sector 0 (track 1 [0:00.00])
to sector 326707 (track 13 [7:28.39])

outputting to accessories2.wav


$ ARCue.pl accessories2.wav.cue

Checking AccurateRip database

Track Ripping Status [Disc ID: 0021aab7-c511040d]

1 Accurately Ripped (confidence 2) [1d72e78f]
2 Accurately Ripped (confidence 2) [f696fc0e]
3 Accurately Ripped (confidence 2) [b5d40b7d]
4 Accurately Ripped (confidence 2) [60590469]
5 Accurately Ripped (confidence 2) [0a502c40]
6 Accurately Ripped (confidence 2) [be968f6d]
7 Accurately Ripped (confidence 2) [2c647b52]
8 Accurately Ripped (confidence 2) [dcd65049]
9 Accurately Ripped (confidence 2) [9e99431f]
10 Accurately Ripped (confidence 2) [5fd95bbd]
11 Accurately Ripped (confidence 2) [52e1af3c]
12 Accurately Ripped (confidence 2) [146f89ea]
13 Accurately Ripped (confidence 2) [d67ad829]


All Tracks Accurately Ripped.

FooCDtect Log (Disc 1):

fooCDtect - foobar2000 + auCDtect, baralgin.

auCDtect: CD records authenticity detector, version 0.8.2
Copyright (c) 2004 Oleg Berngardt. All rights reserved.
Copyright (c) 2004 Alexander Djourik. All rights reserved.

mode: 0

================================================== =====
Track: The Gathering - Accessories_ B-Sides (Disc 1) - 01 - In Motion #1 (live)
Quality: CDDA, 100%
================================================== =====
Track: The Gathering - Accessories_ B-Sides (Disc 1) - 02 - Leaves (live)
Quality: CDDA, 100%
================================================== =====
Track: The Gathering - Accessories_ B-Sides (Disc 1) - 03 - Adrenaline
Quality: CDDA, 100%
================================================== =====
Track: The Gathering - Accessories_ B-Sides (Disc 1) - 04 - Third Chance (alt. version)
Quality: CDDA, 100%
================================================== =====
Track: The Gathering - Accessories_ B-Sides (Disc 1) - 05 - Strange Machines ( live w_Orchestra)
Quality: CDDA, 99%
================================================== =====
Track: The Gathering - Accessories_ B-Sides (Disc 1) - 06 - In Power we Entrust the Love Advocated (Dead Can Dance cover version)
Quality: CDDA, 100%
================================================== =====
Track: The Gathering - Accessories_ B-Sides (Disc 1) - 07 - When the Sun Hits (Slowdive cover version)
Quality: CDDA, 100%
================================================== =====
Track: The Gathering - Accessories_ B-Sides (Disc 1) - 08 - Confusion (demo_ Eroc session)
Quality: CDDA, 100%
================================================== =====
Track: The Gathering - Accessories_ B-Sides (Disc 1) - 09 - Shrink (alt. version)
Quality: CDDA, 100%
================================================== =====
Track: The Gathering - Accessories_ B-Sides (Disc 1) - 10 - Frail (live)
Quality: MPEG, 95%
================================================== =====
Track: The Gathering - Accessories_ B-Sides (Disc 1) - 11 - Theme from 'The Cyclist'
Quality: CDDA, 100%
================================================== =====
Track: The Gathering - Accessories_ B-Sides (Disc 1) - 12 - Leaves (live w_Orchestra)
Quality: CDDA, 100%
================================================== =====
Track: The Gathering - Accessories_ B-Sides (Disc 1) - 13 - Life Is What You Make It (Talk Talk cover version)
Quality: CDDA, 100%
================================================== =====
Track: The Gathering - Accessories_ B-Sides (Disc 1) - 14 - Amity (live at Isabelle)
Quality: CDDA, 100%
================================================== =====

FooCDtect Log (Disc 2):

fooCDtect - foobar2000 + auCDtect, baralgin.

auCDtect: CD records authenticity detector, version 0.8.2
Copyright (c) 2004 Oleg Berngardt. All rights reserved.
Copyright (c) 2004 Alexander Djourik. All rights reserved.

mode: 0

================================================== =====
Track: The Gathering - Accessories_ Rarities & B-Sides (Disc 2 - The Rarities) - 02 - Kevin's Telescope (instr.)
Quality: CDDA, 100%
================================================== =====
Track: The Gathering - Accessories_ Rarities & B-Sides (Disc 2 - The Rarities) - 01 - New Moon, Different Day
Quality: CDDA, 100%
================================================== =====
Track: The Gathering - Accessories_ Rarities & B-Sides (Disc 2 - The Rarities) - 03 - Shrink
Quality: CDDA, 99%
================================================== =====
Track: The Gathering - Accessories_ Rarities & B-Sides (Disc 2 - The Rarities) - 04 - The Earth Is My Witness
Quality: CDDA, 100%
================================================== =====
Track: The Gathering - Accessories_ Rarities & B-Sides (Disc 2 - The Rarities) - 05 - Diamond Box (previously unreleased instr.)
Quality: CDDA, 100%
================================================== =====
Track: The Gathering - Accessories_ Rarities & B-Sides (Disc 2 - The Rarities) - 06 - Nighttime Birds
Quality: CDDA, 100%
================================================== =====
Track: The Gathering - Accessories_ Rarities & B-Sides (Disc 2 - The Rarities) - 07 - On Most Surfaces
Quality: CDDA, 100%
================================================== =====
Track: The Gathering - Accessories_ Rarities & B-Sides (Disc 2 - The Rarities) - 08 - Hjelmar's (previously unreleased instr.)
Quality: CDDA, 100%
================================================== =====
Track: The Gathering - Accessories_ Rarities & B-Sides (Disc 2 - The Rarities) - 09 - My Electricity
Quality: CDDA, 99%
================================================== =====
Track: The Gathering - Accessories_ Rarities & B-Sides (Disc 2 - The Rarities) - 10 - Probably Built In The Fifties
Quality: CDDA, 100%
================================================== =====
Track: The Gathering - Accessories_ Rarities & B-Sides (Disc 2 - The Rarities) - 11 - Illuminating
Quality: CDDA, 100%
================================================== =====
Track: The Gathering - Accessories_ Rarities & B-Sides (Disc 2 - The Rarities) - 12 - Red Is A Slow Colour
Quality: CDDA, 100%
================================================== =====
Track: The Gathering - Accessories_ Rarities & B-Sides (Disc 2 - The Rarities) - 13 - Travel
Quality: CDDA, 100%
================================================== =====

Ссылки на share.nnov.ru:

Чтобы увидеть скрытый текст Вам нужно нажать кнопочку "Открыть Hide"
У вас нет прав чтобы видеть скрытый текст, содержащийся здесь.
Avelis вне форума  
Ответить с цитированием
Эти 3 пользователя(ей) сказали Спасибо Avelis за это полезное сообщение:
barbariangoth (12.06.2009), Dentexnik (19.06.2009), dying_inside (10.06.2009)
Хайд открыли:
Dentexnik (19.06.2009), und (19.06.2009), barbariangoth (12.06.2009), harlequine (10.06.2009), dying_inside (10.06.2009)
Старый 10.06.2009, 16:07   #16
Хороший Друг
Регистрация: 07.03.2008
Адрес: Everywhere
Пол: М
Провайдер: Другой
Сообщений: 462
Поблагодарил: 654
Поблагодарили 861 раз в 293 сообщениях
Открыли хайд :
6 в этом сообщении
960 Всего

По умолчанию

The Gathering - 2006 - Home (The End Records TE065)

Country: Netherlands
Year: 2006
Format: FLAC (image + .cue)
Source: hexonut ([Для просмотра данной ссылки нужно зарегистрироваться])


01. Shortest Day (4:12)
02. In Between (4:44)
03. Alone (4:57)
04. Waking Hour (5:39)
05. Fatigue (1:49)
06. A Noise Severe (6:07)
07. Forgotten (3:25)
08. Solace (3:51)
09. Your Troubles Are Over (3:46)
10. Box (4:44)
11. The Quiet One (2:16)
12. Home (6:58)
13. Forgotten Reprise (7:57)


$ cdparanoia -z -O 6 '[]-' home.wav
cdparanoia III release 10.0 (June 10, 2008)

Ripping from sector 0 (track 1 [0:00.00])
to sector 271890 (track 13 [7:57.26])

outputting to home.wav


$ ARCue.pl home.wav.cue

Checking AccurateRip database

Track Ripping Status [Disc ID: 001b8972-b50e290d]

1 Accurately Ripped (confidence 13) [d21320b6]
2 Accurately Ripped (confidence 13) [728222cb]
3 Accurately Ripped (confidence 13) [3ac7282f]
4 Accurately Ripped (confidence 13) [49c4e897]
5 Accurately Ripped (confidence 13) [fec82c7c]
6 Accurately Ripped (confidence 12) [73b71d15]
7 Accurately Ripped (confidence 12) [6a798a74]
8 Accurately Ripped (confidence 12) [a65ad960]
9 Accurately Ripped (confidence 12) [772ae9f9]
10 Accurately Ripped (confidence 12) [603cf885]
11 Accurately Ripped (confidence 12) [00f5d0ff]
12 Accurately Ripped (confidence 12) [1aae0ae6]
13 Accurately Ripped (confidence 12) [ea79289d]


All Tracks Accurately Ripped.

FooCDtect Log:

fooCDtect - foobar2000 + auCDtect, baralgin.

auCDtect: CD records authenticity detector, version 0.8.2
Copyright (c) 2004 Oleg Berngardt. All rights reserved.
Copyright (c) 2004 Alexander Djourik. All rights reserved.

mode: 0

================================================== =====
Track: The Gathering - Home - 02 - In Between
Quality: CDDA, 100%
================================================== =====
Track: The Gathering - Home - 01 - Shortest Day
Quality: CDDA, 100%
================================================== =====
Track: The Gathering - Home - 03 - Alone
Quality: CDDA, 100%
================================================== =====
Track: The Gathering - Home - 04 - Waking Hour
Quality: CDDA, 100%
================================================== =====
Track: The Gathering - Home - 05 - Fatigue
Quality: CDDA, 100%
================================================== =====
Track: The Gathering - Home - 06 - A Noise Severe
Quality: CDDA, 100%
================================================== =====
Track: The Gathering - Home - 07 - Forgotten
Quality: CDDA, 100%
================================================== =====
Track: The Gathering - Home - 08 - Solace
Quality: CDDA, 99%
================================================== =====
Track: The Gathering - Home - 09 - Your Troubles Are Over
Quality: CDDA, 100%
================================================== =====
Track: The Gathering - Home - 10 - Box
Quality: CDDA, 100%
================================================== =====
Track: The Gathering - Home - 11 - The Quiet One
Quality: CDDA, 100%
================================================== =====
Track: The Gathering - Home - 12 - Home
Quality: CDDA, 100%
================================================== =====
Track: The Gathering - Home - 13 - Forgotten Reprise
Quality: CDDA, 62%
================================================== =====

Ссылка на share.nnov.ru:

Чтобы увидеть скрытый текст Вам нужно нажать кнопочку "Открыть Hide"
У вас нет прав чтобы видеть скрытый текст, содержащийся здесь.
Avelis вне форума  
Ответить с цитированием
Эти 3 пользователя(ей) сказали Спасибо Avelis за это полезное сообщение:
barbariangoth (12.06.2009), dying_inside (10.06.2009), mezzo (13.06.2009)
Хайд открыли:
Dentexnik (19.06.2009), und (19.06.2009), mezzo (13.06.2009), barbariangoth (12.06.2009), traec (11.06.2009), dying_inside (10.06.2009)
Старый 10.06.2009, 16:28   #17
Хороший Друг
Регистрация: 07.03.2008
Адрес: Everywhere
Пол: М
Провайдер: Другой
Сообщений: 462
Поблагодарил: 654
Поблагодарили 861 раз в 293 сообщениях
Открыли хайд :
5 в этом сообщении
960 Всего

По умолчанию

The Gathering - 2009 - City From Above (Psychonaut Records PSYN0012)

Country: Netherlands
Year: 2009
Format: FLAC (image + .cue)
Source: hexonut ([Для просмотра данной ссылки нужно зарегистрироваться])


01. Treasure (radio edit) (3:17)
02. All You Are (radio edit) (3:22)
03. Miniature (6:22)
04. Pale Traces (alt. Spanish version) (4:47)
05. City From Above (modern dance project) (12:54)


cdparanoia -d /dev/cdrw -Q -Lcity.wav.tmp.log
cdparanoia III release 10.2 (September 11, 2008)

Table of contents (audio tracks only):
track length begin copy pre ch
================================================== =========
1. 14771 [03:16.71] 0 [00:00.00] no no 2
2. 15170 [03:22.20] 14771 [03:16.71] no no 2
3. 28625 [06:21.50] 29941 [06:39.16] no no 2
4. 21511 [04:46.61] 58566 [13:00.66] no no 2
5. 58019 [12:53.44] 80077 [17:47.52] no no 2
TOTAL 138096 [30:41.21] (audio only)

cdparanoia -d /dev/cdrw -O 12 -lcity.wav.tmp.log -z []- city.wav
cdparanoia III release 10.2 (September 11, 2008)

Using cdda library version: 10.2
Using paranoia library version: 10.2
outputting to city.wav
(== PROGRESS == [ | 138095 00 ] == :^D * =

$ ARCue.pl city.wav.cue

Checking AccurateRip database

Track Ripping Status [Disc ID: 0004e7ab-3a073105]

1 Track not present in database. [90ad8d22]
2 Track not present in database. [632be076]
3 Track not present in database. [a3707d47]
4 Track not present in database. [2628aae7]
5 Track not present in database. [0243c052]


Disc not present in AccurateRip database.

EAC Log:

Exact Audio Copy V0.99 prebeta 4 from 23. January 2008

EAC extraction logfile from 30. April 2009, 10:23

The Gathering / City From Above

Used drive : LITE-ON DVDRW LH-20A1L Adapter: 2 ID: 0

Read mode : Secure
Utilize accurate stream : Yes
Defeat audio cache : Yes
Make use of C2 pointers : No

Read offset correction : 6
Overread into Lead-In and Lead-Out : No
Fill up missing offset samples with silence : Yes
Delete leading and trailing silent blocks : No
Null samples used in CRC calculations : No
Used interface : Installed external ASPI interface

Used output format : Internal WAV Routines
Sample format : 44.100 Hz; 16 Bit; Stereo

TOC of the extracted CD

Track | Start | Length | Start sector | End sector
1 | 0:00.00 | 3:16.71 | 0 | 14770
2 | 3:16.71 | 3:22.20 | 14771 | 29940
3 | 6:39.16 | 6:21.50 | 29941 | 58565
4 | 13:00.66 | 4:46.61 | 58566 | 80076
5 | 17:47.52 | 12:53.44 | 80077 | 138095

Range status and errors

Selected range

Filename Z:\data\mp3\Seeding\the Gathering\2009-City From Above\city2.wav

Peak level 99.6 %
Range quality 100.0 %
Copy OK

No errors occurred

AccurateRip summary

Track 1 not present in database
Track 2 not present in database
Track 3 not present in database
Track 4 not present in database
Track 5 not present in database

None of the tracks are present in the AccurateRip database

End of status report

FooCDtect Log:

fooCDtect - foobar2000 + auCDtect, baralgin.

auCDtect: CD records authenticity detector, version 0.8.2
Copyright (c) 2004 Oleg Berngardt. All rights reserved.
Copyright (c) 2004 Alexander Djourik. All rights reserved.

mode: 0

================================================== =====
Track: The Gathering - City From Above EP - 02 - All You Are (radio edit)
Quality: CDDA, 100%
================================================== =====
Track: The Gathering - City From Above EP - 01 - Treasure (radio edit)
Quality: CDDA, 100%
================================================== =====
Track: The Gathering - City From Above EP - 03 - Miniature
Quality: CDDA, 100%
================================================== =====
Track: The Gathering - City From Above EP - 04 - Pale Traces (alt. Spanish version)
Quality: CDDA, 100%
================================================== =====
Track: The Gathering - City From Above EP - 05 - City From Above (modern dance project)
Quality: CDDA, 49%
================================================== =====

Ссылка на share.nnov.ru:

Чтобы увидеть скрытый текст Вам нужно нажать кнопочку "Открыть Hide"
У вас нет прав чтобы видеть скрытый текст, содержащийся здесь.
Avelis вне форума  
Ответить с цитированием
Эти 3 пользователя(ей) сказали Спасибо Avelis за это полезное сообщение:
barbariangoth (12.06.2009), Dentexnik (19.06.2009), dying_inside (10.06.2009)
Хайд открыли:
und (19.06.2009), Dentexnik (19.06.2009), barbariangoth (12.06.2009), harlequine (10.06.2009), dying_inside (10.06.2009)
Старый 10.06.2009, 16:33   #18
Хороший Друг
Регистрация: 07.03.2008
Адрес: Everywhere
Пол: М
Провайдер: Другой
Сообщений: 462
Поблагодарил: 654
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The Gathering - 2009 - The West Pole (Psychonaut Records PSYN0011)

Country: Netherlands
Year: 2009
Format: FLAC (image + .cue)
Source: hexonut ([Для просмотра данной ссылки нужно зарегистрироваться])


01. When Trust Becomes Sound (3:53)
02. Treasure (4:06)
03. All You Are (4:34)
04. The West Pole (6:35)
05. No Bird Call (5:38)
06. Capital Of Nowhere (6:35)
07. You Promised Me A Symphony (2:54)
08. Pale Traces (7:46)
09. No One Spoke (4:32)
10. A Constant Run (7:44)


cdparanoia -d /dev/cdrw1 -Q -Lwestpole.wav.tmp.log
cdparanoia III release 10.2 (September 11, 2008)

Table of contents (audio tracks only):
track length begin copy pre ch
================================================== =========
1. 17475 [03:53.00] 0 [00:00.00] OK no 2
2. 18450 [04:06.00] 17475 [03:53.00] OK no 2
3. 20550 [04:34.00] 35925 [07:59.00] OK no 2
4. 29625 [06:35.00] 56475 [12:33.00] OK no 2
5. 25350 [05:38.00] 86100 [19:08.00] OK no 2
6. 29625 [06:35.00] 111450 [24:46.00] OK no 2
7. 13050 [02:54.00] 141075 [31:21.00] OK no 2
8. 34950 [07:46.00] 154125 [34:15.00] OK no 2
9. 20400 [04:32.00] 189075 [42:01.00] OK no 2
10. 34800 [07:44.00] 209475 [46:33.00] OK no 2
TOTAL 244275 [54:17.00] (audio only)

cdparanoia -d /dev/cdrw1 -O 6 -lwestpole.wav.tmp.log -z []- westpole.wav
cdparanoia III release 10.2 (September 11, 2008)

Using cdda library version: 10.2
Using paranoia library version: 10.2
outputting to westpole.wav
(== PROGRESS == [ | 244274 00 ] == :^D * =

$ ARCue.pl westpole.wav.cue

Checking AccurateRip database

Track Ripping Status [Disc ID: 0013010a-8b0cb90a]

1 Track not present in database. [4e46a93b]
2 Track not present in database. [26608f63]
3 Track not present in database. [9cd9e1c5]
4 Track not present in database. [cc9abac2]
5 Track not present in database. [fdf58f09]
6 Track not present in database. [cab5f2a5]
7 Track not present in database. [2f3c36a3]
8 Track not present in database. [ffbe4a3a]
9 Track not present in database. [77ec7af6]
10 Track not present in database. [bb0adf61]


Disc not present in AccurateRip database.

EAC Log:

Exact Audio Copy V0.99 prebeta 4 from 23. January 2008

EAC extraction logfile from 30. April 2009, 10:16

The Gathering / The West Pole

Used drive : LITE-ON DVDRW LH-20A1L Adapter: 2 ID: 0

Read mode : Secure
Utilize accurate stream : Yes
Defeat audio cache : Yes
Make use of C2 pointers : No

Read offset correction : 6
Overread into Lead-In and Lead-Out : No
Fill up missing offset samples with silence : Yes
Delete leading and trailing silent blocks : No
Null samples used in CRC calculations : No
Used interface : Installed external ASPI interface

Used output format : Internal WAV Routines
Sample format : 44.100 Hz; 16 Bit; Stereo

TOC of the extracted CD

Track | Start | Length | Start sector | End sector
1 | 0:00.00 | 3:53.00 | 0 | 17474
2 | 3:53.00 | 4:06.00 | 17475 | 35924
3 | 7:59.00 | 4:34.00 | 35925 | 56474
4 | 12:33.00 | 6:35.00 | 56475 | 86099
5 | 19:08.00 | 5:38.00 | 86100 | 111449
6 | 24:46.00 | 6:35.00 | 111450 | 141074
7 | 31:21.00 | 2:54.00 | 141075 | 154124
8 | 34:15.00 | 7:46.00 | 154125 | 189074
9 | 42:01.00 | 4:32.00 | 189075 | 209474
10 | 46:33.00 | 7:44.00 | 209475 | 244274

Range status and errors

Selected range

Filename Z:\data\mp3\Seeding\the Gathering\2009-The West Pole\westpole2.wav

Peak level 99.6 %
Range quality 100.0 %
Copy CRC 34275E8F
Copy OK

No errors occurred

AccurateRip summary

Track 1 not present in database
Track 2 not present in database
Track 3 not present in database
Track 4 not present in database
Track 5 not present in database
Track 6 not present in database
Track 7 not present in database
Track 8 not present in database
Track 9 not present in database
Track 10 not present in database

None of the tracks are present in the AccurateRip database

End of status report

FooCDtect Log:

fooCDtect - foobar2000 + auCDtect, baralgin.

auCDtect: CD records authenticity detector, version 0.8.2
Copyright (c) 2004 Oleg Berngardt. All rights reserved.
Copyright (c) 2004 Alexander Djourik. All rights reserved.

mode: 0

================================================== =====
Track: The Gathering - The West Pole - 01 - When Trust Becomes Sound
Quality: CDDA, 100%
================================================== =====
Track: The Gathering - The West Pole - 02 - Treasure
Quality: CDDA, 99%
================================================== =====
Track: The Gathering - The West Pole - 03 - All You Are
Quality: CDDA, 100%
================================================== =====
Track: The Gathering - The West Pole - 04 - The West Pole
Quality: CDDA, 43%
================================================== =====
Track: The Gathering - The West Pole - 05 - No Bird Call
Quality: CDDA, 100%
================================================== =====
Track: The Gathering - The West Pole - 06 - Capital Of Nowhere
Quality: CDDA, 100%
================================================== =====
Track: The Gathering - The West Pole - 07 - You Promised Me A Symphony
Quality: MPEG, 89%
================================================== =====
Track: The Gathering - The West Pole - 08 - Pale Traces
Quality: CDDA, 86%
================================================== =====
Track: The Gathering - The West Pole - 09 - No One Spoke
Quality: CDDA, 100%
================================================== =====
Track: The Gathering - The West Pole - 10 - A Constant Run
Quality: CDDA, 99%
================================================== =====

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Эти 6 пользователя(ей) сказали Спасибо Avelis за это полезное сообщение:
barbariangoth (12.06.2009), Dentexnik (19.06.2009), dying_inside (10.06.2009), mezzo (13.06.2009), traec (11.06.2009), und (22.06.2009)
Хайд открыли:
Dentexnik (19.06.2009), und (16.06.2009), mezzo (13.06.2009), barbariangoth (12.06.2009), traec (11.06.2009), dying_inside (10.06.2009)
Старый 10.06.2009, 16:35   #19
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