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Death Metal Death Metal / Brutal Death / Technical Death / Melodic Death

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Старый 26.06.2009, 19:09   #1
Аватар для Maniac
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По умолчанию [Technical Death Metal/GrindCore] Infected Disarray

Current line-up:
Ed - lacerated jugular extremities & shrieking un-anaesthetized post-op wound trauma.

Rushy - cardiovascular pulse disruption & cyclical bludgeonings of malpractice.
(ex-Gorerotted, ex-Detrimentum, Grindethic Records, Hades Lab)

Paul - scrutinisation of septic tissues & eviscerating mortuary grindings.

Tom B - practitioner of precision pathological tooling & necrotic tendon torture.
(Twitch Of The Death Nerve, Beef Conspiracy, Grindethic Records, Repulsive Dissection)

Tom C - slap handed intestinal extractions & inappropriate operation table ticklings.
(Twitch Of The Death Nerve, Beef Conspiracy)

Infected Disarray - Disseminating Obscenity

Стиль/Genre: Technical Death Metal/GrindCore
Страна/Country: United Kingdom
Лэйбл/Lable: Unique Leader Records
Год/Year: February 2009
Качество/Quality: mp3@CBR320kbps
Размер/Size: 79.3 Mb

1. Pre-natal Excavation of Diseased Ovarian Atrocity, Demonstrating the Necessity for Extreme Prejudicial Infanticide Within the Vomit Filled Womb 03:56
2. To the Sorrow Filled Eyes and Pallid Bloated Corpulence of My Drowned Children 04:48
3. Masticated Remains of Detruncation 01:58
4. The Opening to Her Torso 03:32
5. Exhumation and Gross Disfiguration of Festering Stiffs 04:28
6. Promulgation of Infected Innards 02:56
7. Gestated Human Slurry 03:40
8. Viscous Dermal Tissue Necrotizing in Venereal Quagmire 03:30
9. Side Order of Flies 03:07
10. Disseminating Obscenity 05:14
Total playing time: 01:06:01

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Эти 4 пользователя(ей) сказали Спасибо Maniac за это полезное сообщение:
assamson (30.06.2009), dying_inside (26.06.2009), Nephilim (27.06.2009), Qwenn (26.06.2009)
Хайд открыли:
Brutalvova (21.07.2009), Gore (05.07.2009), assamson (30.06.2009), Killer_NN (27.06.2009), Nephilim (27.06.2009), dying_inside (26.06.2009), Qwenn (26.06.2009)

Здесь присутствуют: 1 (пользователей: 0 , гостей: 1)

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