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Experimental Post-Rock / Post-Metal / Sludge / Artcore / Drone Doom / Drone Ambient

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Старый 07.08.2009, 22:04   #1
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По умолчанию [Avantgarde / Experimental / Psychedelic] Butcher

Butcher, Avantgarde / Experimental / Psychedelic / Camella Grace - Adam's Jones wife (Tool)

"Butcher is a progressive rock band that was formed in North Hollywood in 2001 by Camella Grace and Sasha Popovic. Combining Camella's powerful yet ethereal vocals with their shared love of heavy music and monster riffs, they created the unique sound that is Butcher.

In early 2005, Butcher headed to the California desert and went into the studio with their good friend and producer, Scott Reeder (Kyuss, Unida) to record their first album entitled Auricle. The recording process spanned several months and combined input from several musician friends including Scott Reeder, Ben Sherazi (Lotus Eater), Vince DeFranco and Blair MacKenzie Blake and Phillip Trujeque. Scott Reeder officially joined the band on bass after the recording of "Auricle" was completed. In October 2006 the band announced they were looking for a new bass player since Scott Reeder couldn't balance a 180 mile round trip to practice and back..." (bio from Wikipedia).
2005 Auricle

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