Andy Blueman уходит с транс сцены
It's time to say goodbye!
A new year is almost around the corner but just before it I would like to announce some news, actually bad news, better now then start a new year with bad news.
As you guys have noticed I didn't had any release for a while, the reason for this is because I lost the motivation and especially because I lost the passion for trance. Don't get me wrong, I still like to compose music, especially songs like in my soundtrack previews but just not as often as in the past while I wouldn't go back to trance anymore.
I have a lot of unfinished trance songs, but there is no motivation to continue anymore, im sorry. I might do a mix out of my unfinished trance projects, to show you what kind of projects I had on my computer for a while.
Maybe I will do only two more singles, Away From The Sun and and maybe, just maybe another one. I think it would be a shame not to finish them because the melodys are really one of my best, we will see.
My favourite music was always film music on which I will focus in the future.
I never had any musical education so i don't know if I have any chances in this but I will try to learn it as much as possible by my self.
It will probably be almost impossible to succeed in this because most of pro composers studied at least something and this days there is so many talented composers, a lot of competition but I will give it a try anyway.
If I won't have any luck with this then I will quit with music and probably make just something little here and there and play on my midi key for pleasure.
I would like to thank to all my fans and for all the support, it was a pleasure to read all the beautiful comments in the last three years, thank you!
I wish everyone a happy new year celebration
Переведу коротко и ясно :
Человек потерял мотивацию писать транс,а с ней страсть к этой музыке!Есть много незаконченного материала , но нет желания его воплощать!Энди говорит что его страсть было написание музыки к кинофильмам,с чем он и будет работать в дальнейшем,даже не имея муз образования , он хочет попробовать свои силы именно в этом!