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Старый 29.07.2007, 11:13   #91
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По умолчанию PLAYLIST #530 20.05.2007.

PLAYLIST #530 20.05.2007.
1 kultur shock (int-l/usa) "hashishi" CD "we came to take your jobs away" (kool arrow)
2 kristia di gregorio (canada) "the house is haunted" CD "any given night" (crimson & gold)
3 july skies (uk) "southern orchards" CD "where the days go" (make mine music)
4 tuomas toivonen (finland) "65%" CD "new album" (stupido)
5 bernadette seacrest & her yes men (usa) "my man" CD "no more music by suckers" (thrill bomb)
6 aliplays (france) "ecoutes" CD "todotesoros island" (e-beat)
7 katie elevitch (usa) "strange hands" CD "now is the destination" (ktecreator)
8 dr.frankenstein (portugal) "dance of the mating mermaids" CD "crime scenes & murder songs" (double crown)
9 henry the horse (usa) "who's crying now" CD "horse spirit rising" (one skull)
10 fourcolor ft. piana (japan) "rowboat" CD "letter of sounds" (12k)
11 ray (uk) "silence returns" CD "daylight in the darkroom" (pito)
12 sergej mohntau (austria) "sauf aus" CD "palindrom songs" (non food factory)
13 mercan dede (turkey) "hininga" CD "breath" (doublemoon)
14 i hate this place (usa) "the spider song" CD "diversions" (jade palace)
15 flipron (uk) "mingers in paradise" CD "biscuits for cerberus" (tiny dog)
16 центр (рф) "фотолаборатория" CD "трамвайное депо - 82" (зенит)
17 rubber band banjo (usa) "naked under leather" CD "hypermutator" (meme)

качество записи у передачи какое-то отвратительное получилось, но слушать можно.

FM_Dostoevsky_N530_20.05.2007_32kbps.mp3: [Для просмотра данной ссылки нужно зарегистрироваться]
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antonchka (30.07.2007)