У меня у самого установлен AIMP2 и winamp 5.33 и там и там все замечательно играет.Еще раз повторюсь - для прослушивания радио в формате AAC+ необходим плеер Winamp версии не ниже 5.06, либо проигрыватель Windows Media Player с установленным плагином Orban AAC+.
Orban/Coding Technologies AAC/aacPlus Player Plugin™
enables playing AAC/aacPlus® streams and files using Microsoft® Windows Media® Player
Compatible with Microsoft Windows Media Player Versions
6.4 / 7.0 / 7.1 / 8.0 / 9.0 / 10.0 / 11.0
The Orban/Coding Technologies AAC/aacPlus Plugin™ is a free, full-featured software plug-in for Microsoft Windows Media Player. It is capable of playing AAC/aacPlus™/HE-AAC/eAAC+ audio files and streams in several standards-based, non-proprietary formats using the genuine Coding Technologies decoder. This is the good stuff from the company who invented the SBR technology to make AAC into aacPlus™. High quality, bandwidth-efficient audio is now a reality for Windows Media Player.