Жанр: Experimental / Ethno-psyambient
Качество: mp3, VBR, joint-stereo
Электронные "песни и пляски" (инструментал!) египетских жрецов... Ъеччожа мжвячне ПРДУНЬ-ПРДУНЬ - Анубис следит за тобой!
01.Breaking the Seal [3:21]
02.Soul healer [8:47]
03.Anubian Light Destiny [6:21]
04.Grid Coordinate - Vorp One [9:34]
05.Jackal and Nine [5:52]
06.Trismegistus [3:32]
07.Pulse of the Nile [8:09]
08.Arc of Ra [8:07]
09.Medulla Mirage [3:02]
10.The Various Hazards of Being in the Underworld [5:13]
11.Field of Reeds [9:10]
90.6 Mb