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Старый 10.08.2008, 21:05   #86
Аватар для Angie
Регистрация: 13.04.2007
Адрес: NiNo
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Вот некоторые ГМ команды:

%show me the Dalant

%normal attack point

%min attack point

%max attack point

%charcall (Example: %charcall [GM]Testplayer It will teleport the player to you)

%itemdrop_rate 3 (The Item Drop rate is now 3x)

%itemdrop_rate 2 (The Item Drop rate is now 2x)

%itemdrop_rate 1 (The Item Drop rate is now 1x)

%expert_rate 3 (PT Rate is now 3x)

%expert_rate 2 (PT Rate is now 2x)

%expert_rate 1 (PT Rate is now 1x)

%exp_rate 3 (Exp_Rate:3 x)

%exp_rate 2 (Exp_Rate:2 x)

%exp_rate 1 (Exp_Rate:1 x)

%beggar (Drops all the items the mob has, which is a LOT!)

%not beggar (Turns off beggar, if %not beggar doesn't work, try %no beggar)

%*code (Пример: %*iwknb50 появляется level 50 intense knife. i=Item r=Resource tal=Talic w=Weapon jad=Jade kn=Knife b=Intense a=Normal

%allforce 999999999

%*iwswb50 - lvl 50 intense sword

%recallexp #

%lv x (Example: %lv 50 which makes you level 50)

%show me the dalant (Gives you 10,000 Dalant and 1,000 gold)

%*code (Example: %*iwknb50 Which spawns a level 50 intense knife. i=Item r=Resource tal=Talic w=Weapon jad=Jade kn=Knife b=Intense a=Normal

%neverdie (Set HP Fix Mode = never die)

%no neverdie (Release HP Fix Mode)

%matchless (You one shot everything, kill everything in one hit, not forces.)

%no matchless (Release Matchless Mode)

%transparent (You are invisible, but you cannot attack monsters.)

%no transparent (Release Transparent Mode)

%monset (First time = clear mobs on the all map; 2 time %monset respawn all)

%normal attack point

%min attack point

%max attack point

%moncall x (Example: %moncall 00000 Spawns a Flem, see "Monster List" for monster ID's, you replace "00000 with the monster ID)

/move x (Example: /move [GM]Testplayer It will teleport you to that character)

%charcall (Example: %charcall [GM]Testplayer It will teleport the player to you)

%itemdrop_rate 3 (The Item Drop rate is now 3x)

%itemdrop_rate 2 (The Item Drop rate is now 2x)

%itemdrop_rate 1 (The Item Drop rate is now 1x)

%expert_rate 3 (PT Rate is now 3x)

%expert_rate 2 (PT Rate is now 2x)

%expert_rate 1 (PT Rate is now 1x)

%exp_rate 3 (Exp_Rate:3 x)

%exp_rate 2 (Exp_Rate:2 x)

%exp_rate 1 (Exp_Rate:1 x)

%beggar (Drops all the items the mob has, which is a LOT!)

%not beggar (Turns off beggar, if %not beggar doesn't work, try %no beggar)

%god hand (Makes you a God at item/armor upgrading, all you need is a talic and it's a success)

%chicken hand (Oppisite of God Hand)

%goto ship (Teleports you inside the Transport ship)

%full force (Gives you all force spells at GM level)

%allskill xxxxx (Example: %allskill 999999999 Which makes your skills all GM)

%circle (Says how many people are on X, Y, Z)

%total (Says the total number of players online and for each race [B=Bellato, A=Accretia, C=Cora])

%start holy (Stars a Chip War)

%eder 0 (Ports you to the Bellato camp at ether)

%eder 1 (Ports you to the Cora camp at ether)

%eder 2 (Ports you to the Accretia camp at ether)

%port 0 (Ports you to the Bellato HQ)

%port 1 (Ports you to the Cora HQ)

%port 2 (Ports you to the Accretia HQ)

%goto stone 0 (Porst you to Bellato Crystal)

%goto stone 1 (Ports you to Cora Crystal)

%goto stone 2 (Ports you to Accretia Crystal)

%start keeper O (Makes the Holly Stone Keeper (HSK) appear and he is friendly for Bellato)

%start keeper 1 (Makes the Holly Stone Keeper (HSK) appear and he is friendly for Cora)

%start keeper 2 (Makes the Holly Stone Keeper (HSK) appear and he is friendly for Accretia)

- Мы такие разные... но мы вместе.

Последний раз редактировалось Angie; 11.08.2008 в 00:03.
Angie вне форума  
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