1990 Lost Paradise\
1991 Gothic\
1992a Shades Of God\
1992b As I Die\
1993 Icon\
1994a Seals The Sense\
1994b Gothic EP\
1995a Draconian Times\
1995b Draconian Times (Bonus CD)\
1995c The Last Time\
1995d The Last Time II\
1995e Forever Failure\
1996 Live Enchantment\
1997a Say Just Words\
1997b One Second\
1997c One Second MCD\
1998 Reflection\
1999a Host\
1999b Permanent Solution\
1999c So Much Is Lost\
1999d As We Die For... Paradise Lost (Tribute)\
2000 Believe In Nothing\
2001a Fader\
2001b Mouth\
2002 Symbol Of Life\
2005 Paradise Lost\
2006 B-Sides & Rarities\
2007 In Requiem\
2007 The Enemy (Cdm)\
2008 The Anatomy of Melancholy\
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