Nocturnal Necropsy
Genre(s) Black metal (early) - Dark Experimental (now) - это при одной демке то...
Lyrical theme(s) The Subconscious, Nature, Suicide, Mental Illness
Origin United Kingdom

у Летова на каком-то альбоме подобная фотка есть, где они с Кузей в таких же папаоротниках.
Current line-up
Lord Uhriel -Lead Vocals, Bass, Guitars, Drums, Keyboards, Lyrics
(Desecrated Grave)
Asmoragoth - Vocals, Lead Guitars, Keyboards (Skog, Paraphrenia)
Additional notes
This is a Black Metal/Ambient project formed by Lord Uhriel of Desecrated Grave and Asmoragoth of Paraphrenia (used to be called Skog). This project was actually the first to be created, a few years before Desecrated Grave or Paraphrenia.
Nocturnal Necropsy's style has changed since the demo, there are two splits to be released this year and on the later of the two, and even more clearly so on the upcoming full-length, the style is "Dark Experimental" (which is an infusion of Black Metal, Ambient, Doom, Darkwave, Free Jazz, Experimental, Noise, etc.)
Bleak Descent into Shades of Depression
Demo, Unknown

1. Riding the Winds of Nocturnal Depression 08:59
2. Legendary Stars over the Unholy Forest 12:33
3. Instrumental 03:46
4. Cursed be the Memory of Light (Xasthur cover) 07:33
Total playing time 32:51
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