что-то намешали стилей, а ничего интересного не получилось, по-моему.
Lyrical theme(s) Delerium, Paranoia, Hatred, Despair
Origin Japan (Tokyo)

Current line-up
Mika Penetrator - vocals, guitars
Vivian Slaughter - vocals, bass (Congenital Hell)
Risa Reaper - drums, vocals
Ill Innocence

Full-length, Peaceville
September 24th, 2007
1. At the Onset of the Age of Despair 07:50
2. Speed of Blood 03:09
3. Blind My Eyes 03:23
4. Delirium Daydream 03:26
5. Ripper in the Gloom 04:31
6. Killed By the Queen 02:24
7. Song of Fall 06:18
8. World to Be Ashes 04:08
9. Slog 08:35
10. Long Scary Dream 06:47
Total playing time 50:31
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