Thema Eleven
2003 Choose Your Beast
Thema Eleven are from the Czech Republic, and their sound is rooted in crust but also incorporates elements of sludge and 'post-hardcore' (neo-crust? shit...I don't know...) by which I mean that their songs on occasion featured extended instrumental sections and do not necessarily conform to standard verse-chorus-verse stuff (and if you've got some more satisfactory term sure and let me know)- elements of their sound & dynamics remind me of Lvmen, an excellent Czech band that I'm quite fond of, though Thema Eleven are more vocal-heavy.
Dark and moody stuff with a nice mix of heavy walls of sound, at times pretty instrumentation, good loud-soft dynamics & vocals which are more anguished than enraged. The tracks are punctuated with creepy spoken-word samples that help to set the tone: very bleak but occasionally beautiful stuff.
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