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Старый 18.02.2009, 16:02   #9
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This new release in Naïve’s acclaimed Vivaldi Edition is dedicated to forgotten opera arias. Some of these arias were lost in the 18th century and have been found in manuscripts from Vivaldi’s personal collection held in Turin. This includes two arias from Scanderbeg, an opera composed by Vivaldi in 1718. The opera itself has been lost and the pieces featured on this new CD are the only ones that remain from this work. The second part of the disc is made up of arias that are well-known but are performed here in different versions. They are taken from “Orlando furioso”, “Tito Manlio” and “La Verità in Cimento”. The release also includes two string concertos which feature the outstanding violinist Stefano Montanari who has himself appeared with great success on previous recordings in the Vivaldi Edition.

The Accademia Bizantina, an orchestra specialising in 17th and 18th century repertoire played on original instruments, has been directed by the harpsichordist Ottavio Dantone since 1996. In that time the group has risen to become one of the most highly regarded period orchestras today, bringing fresh energy and creativity to the interpretation of Baroque music. Contralto Sonia Prina is a highly regarded interpreter of early opera and has in recent years been Clarice in Rossini’s La pietra di paragone at the Théâtre du Châtelet, and performed the title role in Handel’s Rinaldo at La Scala Milan under the direction of Ottavio Dantone.

1 Aria: Sarai qual padre mio*
2 Aria: Se vincer non si può [Damira], atto I, scena 8 La verità in cimento RV 739 (Venezia, autunno 1720)
3 Aria: Mi vuoi tradir lo so [Melindo], atto I, scena 11 La verità in cimento RV 739 (Venezia, autunno 1720)
4 Recitativo [Scanderbeg e Ormondo], atto II, scena 9 Aria: Con palme ed allori [Scanderbeg], atto II, scena 9 Scanderbeg RV 732 (Firenze, estate 1718)
5-7.Concerto per archi in fa maggiore RV 136
8 Aria: Per lacerarlo [Zidiana], atto III, scena 9 Teuzzone RV 736 (Mantova, carnevale 1719)
9 Aria: Abbia respiro il cor [Tirsi], atto III, scena 9
10 Aria: Perché lacerò il foglio [Eumena], atto II, scena 6
11 Aria: Tu dormi in tante pene [Servilia], atto III, scena 1 Tito Manlio RV 738-A (Mantova, carnevale 1719 )
12-14. Concerto per violino in si bemole maggiore RV 369
15 Recitativo [Ormondo], atto II, scena 10 Aria: S’a voi penso, o luci belle [Ormondo], atto II, scena 10 Scanderbeg RV 732 (Firenze, estate 1718)
16 Aria: Vedi le mie catene [Zidiana], atto II, scena 9 Teuzzone RV 736 (Mantova, carnevale 1719)
17 Aria: Porta il sol del tuo sembiante [Ruggiero], atto I, scena 11 Orlando furioso RV Anh 84 (Venezia, autunno 1714)
18 Aria: Alma mia fra tanti affanni Teuzzone RV 736 (Mantova, carnevale 1719)

Accademia Bizantina
Ottavio Dantone
Sonia Prina

2008 Näive

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