* Welcome 1:29
* Prerequisites 2:06
* Using the exercise files 1:07
1. AIR, AJAX, and Dreamweaver: A Quick Review
* Installing AIR 1:38
* Installing the AIR extension for Dreamweaver 2:11
* Downloading and installing the AIR SDK 1:00
* Defining a Dreamweaver site and AIR application 4:39
* Configuring the application in Dreamweaver 4:10
* Exporting an AIR installer package 4:06
* Integrating the AIRAliases.
js file 2:48
* Debugging with the trace() function 2:21
2. Using AJAX Programming in AIR
* Understanding AJAX programming 4:21
* Using the XMLHttpRequest object 6:14
* Using a Spry XML dataset 5:21
* Packaging an AIR application with Spry assets 2:32
3. Using the Native Clipboard
* Understanding the clipboard architecture 3:24
* Copying data from AIR to the system clipboard 5:33
* Copying data from the system clipboard to AIR 3:11
* Transferring complex objects between applications 8:17
* Using deferred rendering 5:55
4. Creating Drag-and-Drop Interfaces
* Dragging and dropping plain text 7:42
* Dragging and dropping HTML 3:18
* Dragging and dropping file references 7:30
* Detecting dragged mime types 4:28
5. Working with the Local File System
* File system overview 1:24
* Working with directories 8:26
* Working with files 3:48
* Copying and deleting files 5:42
* Using asynchronous file operations 2:47
* Reading text from a file 4:01
* Writing text to a file 3:21
* Creating temporary directories and files 6:37
6. Working with HTML and PDF content
* Inspecting the HTML DOM with the AIR Introspector 5:34
* Inspecting data with the AIR Introspector 1:40
* Understanding HTML security sandboxes 3:25
* Displaying an Acrobat PDF file 2:39
* Detecting PDF capability 4:14
7. Using HTML Windows
* Creating native windows with HTML content 8:59
* Setting native window chrome and transparency 4:18
* Using Full Screen mode 2:19
* Handling window events 3:56
* Preventing default window behaviors 4:40
8. Integrating with a Native Operating System
* Creating a native context menu 6:43
* Adding a menu to the system tray in Windows 5:22
* Adding a menu to the dock in Mac OS X 4:09
* Using pop-up menus 2:27
9. Monitoring Network Connections
* Adding service monitoring to an application 3:37
* Monitoring an HTTP URL 5:40
* Monitoring an internet socket 4:27
10. Using the Local Database
* Creating and connecting to a local database 6:23
* Using asynchronous database connections 4:17
* Creating a database table with SQL 7:06
* Examining database metadata 5:13
* Inserting data into a local database 8:13
* Using SQL statement parameters 4:13
* Retrieving data from a local database 6:54
* Using transactions 4:38
* Caching a Spry dataset in a local database 8:59
* Populating a Spry dataset from a local database 5:53
11. Encrypting Local Data
* Inserting data in the encrypted local store 6:03
* Retrieving data from the encrypted local store 5:38
* Using an encrypted local database 6:45
12. Invoking and Updating AIR Applications
* Handling command-line arguments 7:09
* Using custom file types 9:26
* Retrieving an installer package from a website 9:27
* Performing an automated application update 5:58
* Goodbye 0:36