BitComet - это функциональный, быстрый и простой в освоении клиент, который позволяет работать с ссылками формата Bittorrent. Он поддерживает одновременное скачивание нескольких файлов с возможностью установления приоритета загрузки, может создавать очерёдность загрузки, имеет возможность быстрой остановки/возобновления закачки файлов. Работает с прокси-сервером, может автоматически снижать скорость "отдачи" файлов другим участникам сети Bittorrent, если на компьютере пользователя падает скорость загрузки. Присутствует автоматическая оптимизация настроек соединения для совместной работы с брандмауэром, а также
с другими менеджерами загрузки.
Features of "BitComet":
Video Download - any video from any site!
- Now able to download any video/mp3/flash files from ANY website.
BitTorrent Download - fast and powerful
- Preview while Downloading: Preview of MP3, rmvb, wmv, and qt is available during downloading process.
- Intelligent Connection Optimization: Configuration is automatically set to match your connection type.
- Intelligent Disk Cache: Memory cache is used to reduce the read/write frequency of your hard drive, therefore increasing service life.
- Quick Resume: The torrents can be seeded or resumed immediately without time consuming scans.
- NAT Traversal: Users behind NAT can now connect with each other by UDP.
- Auto Config ICF (Internet Connection Firewall) and ICS (internet Connection Sharing) in Windows XP
- Don't leech from
- Auto Config UPNP port mapping in router (UPnP support is required in router, Windows XP is required).
- Option of Disabling and Setting Priority of Files in any torrent: Files can be disabled, so they are not downloaded, or set to higher or lower priority, allowing you to select which files finish first.
- Trackerless support (Mainline DHT): Torrents can be downloaded when tracker is offline using DHT.
- Support for Multi-tracker, and utf-8 extension, UDP tracker Protocol v2.
HTTP/FTP Download - Innovative P2P Technology
- Preview while Downloading: Preview of mp3, rmvb, wmv, and qt is available during downloading process.
- Ability of Multi-Section Download: Files are split into several sections which are downloaded at the same time to increase the download speed up to 500% or more.
- Ability of Multi-Mirror download: Mirror servers are automatically found for the file being downloaded. Data from these servers are downloaded at the same time to increase download speed 300% or more.
- Ability of Multi-Peer download: BitTorrent technology is integrated into HTTP/FTP protocol, with which BitComet automatically finds other peers and gets data from them to increase your download speed without additional bandwidth usage of the HTTP server.
- Support for Unicode: Multi-language web pages and encoded URLs can be correctly handled.
- Quick Resume: Stopped download tasks can be resumed from where they left off from both HTTP and FTP servers.
Download Management - Customization Available
- Global and Per-Task Speed Limit, for Both Upload and Download.
- Bandwidth Scheduler
- Custom-built Categories Management.
Easy to Use and Free!
- User-friendly and very easy-to-use, we try to hide every complicated terms behind the interface
- BitComet does not contain any adware or spyware.
- You can support us by making a donation.
Changes in BitComet 1.10 (2009.03.09):
GUI Improved: add task search box in toolbar, which can be enable from View menu
GUI Improved: add a button in HTTP task properties dialog to set current download folder as default
GUI Improved: improve the file type filter in BT task properties dialog
GUI Improved: improve the auto shutdown function in Tools menu
GUI Improved: show item number count in HTTP batch download dialog
GUI Improved: new command in context menu of task archive list: show torrent file properties dialog
GUI Improved: show task index and total count in floating window when it's large enough
GUI Improved: new setting in advance page of option dialog: User-Agent string for all HTTP task
GUI Improved: add support for several new languages (see lang\HowTo-Translate.txt)
GUI Improved: do not switch to task list after download a torrent file from torrent collection list
GUI Bugfix: download several torrents from torrent collection list and display their task properties dialog at the same time may cause program no response
GUI Bugfix: files large than 4GB can be downloaded to volume using exFAT
Core Improve: improve file boundary data save for BT task
Core Improve: enhance virus protect auto-config
Core Improve: HTTP download task support redirection to relative path
Core Bugfix: authentication information is not send to server in very few situations of HTTP redirection
Core Bugfix: private BT task will search peers in DHT network in very few situations
Core Bugfix: uploading of Long-Time seeding is unstable
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Рус. язык: Есть
Размер: 5.4 Mb
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