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Старый 13.03.2009, 18:35   #1
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По умолчанию Blender - Learn Character Animation With Blender

Blender - Learn Character Animation With Blender

Производитель: blender3d.org
Год выпуска: 2008
Язык: английский
Описание: Очередной диск из серии "the Blender Open Movie Workshop". Учимся анимировать персонажей.
Created by William Reynish, character animator Big Buck Bunny
Getting into animation has never been easier! With the advent of Blender, the free and open source 3D application, anyone can gain access to professional animation tools now.
This DVD covers all aspects of computer-based character animation including workflow, acting, posing, keyframes, weight, walks & runs and overlapping action, through a series of video tutorials that are easy to follow and allow you to stop and start playback whenever you want.
Each episode covers animation theories as well as practical implementation in Blender.
This DVD includes the latest (2.48a) version of Blender for Mac OS X, Windows and Linux, as well as several free to use rigged characters.
Продолжительность: более 3 ч.
Файлы проектов прилагаются.
Видео кодек: QuickTime
Видео: 720 x 436

share.nnov.ru < 1365mb

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DRX (19.03.2009)
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1qweiop (07.02.2010), freilina (09.10.2009), Crantisz (28.09.2009), henassy (15.09.2009), isis (08.09.2009), BWAne (08.09.2009), furi-os (20.06.2009), axel75 (27.03.2009), WholeMan (22.03.2009)