Тема: SweetHome3D
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Старый 25.03.2009, 17:00   #3
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Sweet Home 3D 1.7

Version 1.7:
Automatic adjustment of the thickness and the orientation of a door or a window dropped upon a wall.
Automatic adjustment of the location and the orientation of a piece of furniture dropped along a wall.
Automatic elevation of an piece of furniture dropped on an other one.
Drawn the sashes of doors and windows with an arc of a circle (this feature is only available for doors and windows of the catalog provided from version 1.7 and for furniture libraries from version 1.0.3).
Drawn the front face of the selected furniture with a thicker line in the plan.
Drawn the bounding rectangle of a piece dragged in the plan, during its initial drag and drop.
Managed the drag and drop cursor with the icon of the added piece of furniture under Mac OS X.
Automatic move of pasted objects only when they can't be distinguished from current selection in plan.
Fixed a bug that wrongly changed the default wall height and wall thickness in preferences pane when the user changed the unit.
Other minor bugs fixes and enhancements.

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Эти 2 пользователя(ей) сказали Спасибо indeec за это полезное сообщение:
Poooh (25.03.2009), verzond (25.03.2009)
Хайд открыли:
Fenriz (04.10.2010), Кукла (09.06.2009), Getman (23.04.2009), ST1M (05.04.2009), igrock (04.04.2009), Akira-shok (30.03.2009), vgenii (29.03.2009), Nakarid (29.03.2009), yana200583 (29.03.2009), DimaGrom (25.03.2009), Poooh (25.03.2009), verzond (25.03.2009)