Тема: Skype
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Старый 30.03.2009, 19:44   #53
Аватар для indeec
Регистрация: 05.08.2007
Адрес: НН
Пол: M
Провайдер: ВолгаТелеком
Сообщений: 4,498
Поблагодарил: 2,264
Поблагодарили 17,323 раз в 3,741 сообщениях
Открыли хайд :
48 в этом сообщении
47,026 Всего

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What's new:
change: Full text quote will be shown only after sending instant messages
bugfix: Informative messages appeared multiple times even when closed
bugfix: Disk I/O error message appeared intermittently
bugfix: Skype sometimes failed to install when Firefox was set as the default browser in the United States
bugfix: Compact view window positioning fixed
bugfix: Some USB dual-phones did not detect Skype correctly
bugfix: Some full-screen applications minimized automatically when Skype was running with the Skype visual style enabled
bugfix: If a user has Compact View enabled, opening a conversation from the tray alert does always open
bugfix: 'Ignore' option in the 'Call' menu was greyed out when receiving an incoming call
bugfix: Help menu was sometimes displayed incorrectly in Compact View
bugfix: Tools menu was not fully visible in compact view on some window sizes
bugfix: Echo123 was incorrectly re-added to contacts when opening Getting Started Wizard
bugfix: SMS failure reason messages were missing
bugfix: Instant messaging entry area showed vertical scroll bar after changing font size and other

Чтобы увидеть скрытый текст Вам нужно нажать кнопочку "Открыть Hide"
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Эти 14 пользователя(ей) сказали Спасибо indeec за это полезное сообщение:
astravod (31.03.2009), buba technic (30.03.2009), dimone (30.03.2009), FantoM (30.03.2009), Khazar (05.04.2009), PiXcell (01.04.2009), polynomial (30.03.2009), Sergrey (06.04.2009), Sk09 (04.04.2009), stasab (31.03.2009), SuperGoblin (01.04.2009), TaTToK (01.06.2009), VIAlex (09.04.2009), просто Я (02.04.2009)
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