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Старый 03.04.2009, 21:19   #1
кто-то другой
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По умолчанию [Indie / Instrumental / Math Rock] Giraffes? Giraffes!

Giraffes? Giraffes! , Indie / Instrumental / Math Rock / USA

Superbass!!!! [2005]

01.fucking ants man! Where they coming from? (Let’s hang the Carroll footnoteitsists)
02.ko-ink-e-dink? I think not!
03.…and then she look’d down and saw miniature houses and miniature people and inside the miniature people were miniature hearts pumping blood through miniature veins (her mouth was watery and wet)
04.it’s easy-eeeee to be full of shit and look good in black
06.i dreamedpt I had a little death but I camed for the big sleep
07.she looked up from examining the freckles on her and shouted, “Jesus! I’m fucking god-damn tired of all this make-up sex!” and he just stared off

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Эти 2 пользователя(ей) сказали Спасибо upoke3 за это полезное сообщение:
.Mj (04.04.2009), Толян Лютый (07.04.2009)