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Старый 04.04.2009, 07:03   #16
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ClarkConnect 5.0 Beta 2

ClarkConnect 5.0 Beta 2 is now available. What's new? Beta 2 is certainly more stable, but there are still quite a few rough edges. Along with the usual bug fixes, the beta 2 release has the following significant changes: an update to CentOS 5.3; a change in the package naming convention -- from cc-XYZ to app-XYZ; a first release of the bandwidth manager; content filter changes (anti-virus engine update); a functional print server/queue solution. A general cleanup of the web interface, including form validation, will be completed at a later stage. In addition, you will find the web interface to be slow in some places -- this will be optimized in a future beta release.

share.nnov.ru < 551mb

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Этот пользователь сказал Спасибо NerV за это полезное сообщение:
pizza (04.04.2009)
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Dervon (11.03.2010), SergSheva (22.05.2009), Человек-Капуста (22.05.2009), elektronn (18.05.2009), SэR (12.05.2009), altyn (02.05.2009), daeru (29.04.2009), Real_Irbis (20.04.2009), Voffka_SH (16.04.2009), realindean (15.04.2009), Andy (11.04.2009), Poooh (06.04.2009), CEMEHOB (06.04.2009), pizza (04.04.2009), Nakarid (04.04.2009)