Тема: Linux: LinuxMint
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Старый 10.04.2009, 08:51   #2
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Linux Mint 6 "KDE"

Clement Lefebvre has announced the release of Linux Mint 6 "KDE" edition: "On behalf of the team I am thrilled to announce the release of Linux Mint 6 KDE. Based on Kubuntu 8.10 'Intrepid Ibex', Linux kernel 2.6.27, KDE 4.2.0 and X.Org 7.4, Linux Mint 6 'Felicia' KDE Community edition comes with a brand new software manager, FTP support in mintUpload, proxy support and history of updates in mintUpdate, mint4win (a Linux Mint installer for Microsoft Windows), and a lot of other improvements. Linux Mint now uses its own LSB information and no longer identifies itself to applications as Ubuntu. This can potentially break compatibility with some third-party tools. Meta packages were introduced within the repositories to reflect the default selection of packages for the various Linux Mint editions. The artwork now also comes as a package

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sur2008 (21.04.2009)
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q1q1 (23.05.2009), sur2008 (21.04.2009), dviktor (14.04.2009), Nakarid (10.04.2009)