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Старый 13.04.2009, 21:08   #1
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По умолчанию [Electronic / Indie / Post-Rock] Spangle call Lilli line

Spangle call Lilli line, Electronic / Indie / Piano / Post-Rock / Japan

2001 Spangle call Lilli line

In keeping with Spangle call’s standard rock instrumentation, their style reaches well beyond downtempo, a relaxed and heavily electronic genre. While the band is often described as post-rock, their sound is more of a compromise between the two. Songs are not bound by verse-chorus convention, but drift lazily, guided by a light melody. The guitars and varied percussion together with numerous (and frequently spacey) electronic additions weave a sound that, while complex, flows very evenly. Otsubo Kana’s wispy vocals contribute an organic piece to the melody as well, while adding to the relaxed atmosphere.

In any case I believe this is more rock than post-rock but what the hell. Very enjoyable and relaxing album. I could not find a proper album cover so a band photo should suffice because it looks awesome. Also I'm not sure about the gender of the person to the right. :/


01. normal star
02. irie
03. new crawl
04. under north sour
05. error slow
06. august (8)
07. (untitle)
08. u.f.

Размер: 108985879 bytes
2001 Spangle Call Lillie Line.rar
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.Mj (14.04.2009), Daemon9 (14.04.2009)