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Старый 17.05.2009, 17:36   #355
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Подмигивание TKY - Above and Beyond (2009)

Artist: TKY
Title: Above and Beyond
Type: Album
Label: Com.Pact Records
Genre: Chill Out
Style: Ambient / Downtempo
Rel.date: 12.05.2009
Str.date: 04.05.2009
Catalog Nr: CPCD-IL044
Medium: CDDA
Grabber: EAC 0.99 prebeta 4
Encoder: Lame 3.97 -V 2 --vbr-new
Quality: VBRkbps / 44,1kHz / Joint-Stereo
Cue: Yes
Tracks: 1
Length: 59:57 Min
Size: 82,63 MB


01. Down the Hill [06:14]
02. Reflections [05:28]
03. No worries mate [04:22]
04. Taupo dive [04:54]
05. Magnetic [05:51]
06. Sandfly dunes [06:29]
07. One lane bridge [06:15]
08. Above & Beyond [07:39]
09. Goldenbay spirits [06:36]
10. You never know [06:09]

After 7 years of various compilations releases and 2 years of work comes T.K.Y's debut album. T.K.Y is the project of gifted producer, Yaniv Zaidman (25 Yr.), a sound engineer and composer of music for various media platforms. His impressive resume includes 20 years of keyboard playing and loads of theoretical knowledge, number of movies, a several compilation releases on labels such as Candyflip, Agitato, Com.Pact and Golden Bay records. Above and Beyond is a story of a journey to the southern hemisphere. A cultural experience and exposure to the heart of the Oceana world. From the modern society to the deepest of the tribal life of the Australian aborigines and the New Zealandian Maoris this album is where east and west meet.

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Последний раз редактировалось dajacobs; 17.05.2009 в 17:50.
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Dyson (26.05.2009), Gunman (18.05.2009), mindgame (28.05.2009), MoxX (17.05.2009), Sanych-Satanych (22.05.2009)