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Oxford Collocations Dictionary (2nd ed, 2009)
Издательство: OUP, 2009
Размер файла: 389 MB
Формат Файла: ISO
(установил из просто разархивированного ISO)
The dictionary that helps students write and speak natural-sounding English, now in a new edition with CD-ROM.

Which words usually go together? This dictionary shows you the common word combinations (collocations) that are essential for natural-sounding British and American English. Completely revised and extended, the new edition has over 250,000 collocations and over 75,000 examples.

Key features
* Based on the Oxford English Corpus, a 2-billion word corpus that provides authoritative information on the most typical collocations.
* Collocations only found in British or American English are clearly labelled.
* Examples, using British and American English, show how collocations work in context.
* Headwords printed in blue help you find the right word faster.
* CD-ROM with the complete dictionary, a searchable index that makes it easy to find the collocation you are looking for, and practice exercises.
* CD-ROM has pop-up definitions of every word included in the dictionary, with spoken pronunciation of British and American English.
* Collocations grouped according to part of speech and meaning.
* Usage notes show collocations shared by sets of words such as languages and seasons.
* 16-page Study section.
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WordHacker 4.1.9 Gold Edition
WordHacker Computing, Inc

Программа для запоминания слов.
WordHacker helps you expand the size and level of your English vocabulary!
Top 10 features of WordHacker:

1. Audio Pronunciations.. (Hot!)

Audio Pronunciation Each word is pronounced in standard American accent providing you with native pronunciation to imitate. 92% of our users say they like this feature very much in our survey 2003.
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2. 20,000 Words...

Include a 20,000 Words English Dictionary word-database
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3. Brief Definition...

Definition of each word is phrased by basic and familiar words so that even with only a modest command of English you can readily understand all the meanings.
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4. Example Sentences... (Hot!)

Each word has example sentences for almost every meaning of every word. Example sentences are the most important things in a dictionary for learners, because they show you how to use a word.
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5. Vivid Illustrations... (Hot!)

Illustrations related to each word are provided to improve your comprehension.These proper images are from various of web sites.
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6. Root Morphemes... (Hot!)

Root Morphemes in each word spelling is colored so as to outline its basic structure.
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7. Word Frequency...

Word Frequency of each word is marked(from 1 to 20) so that you know which words constitute the core vocabulary of the English language and thus are well worth learning.
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8. Phonemic Transcriptions...

Each word has phonetic transcriptions, so you can read how to pronounce every word. The transcriptions are based on the International Phonetic Alphabet (IPA) — the most popular phonetic alphabet in the world.
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9. SAT,GRE,GMAT & TOEFL Word List... (Hot!)

SAT,GRE,GMAT & TOEFL word lists are included respectively.And you can import your own word list by just clicking a button. GRE verbal test items(Analogy,Antonyms,Synonyms) are included, which will help you score high in GRE verbal section easily and get offer earlier!!
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10. Search Words on web automatically

Search current word you are learning on web sites automatically to bring rich content to you: text and images on [Для просмотра данной ссылки нужно зарегистрироваться], definitions in German,Spanish,Italian,French on [Для просмотра данной ссылки нужно зарегистрироваться] word definitions on [Для просмотра данной ссылки нужно зарегистрироваться], Thesaurus on thesaurus.Reference.com. You can even add more web sites by yourself.
с инглиштипсов:
Two years ago, One of dearest friends o' mine called Mehrpouya, a.k.a "Dr. XJ", released a universal crack for WordHacker 4.x, which is a splendid vocabulary learning software with powerful wordlists and so many other cool features. The patcher he used was cheesy and the release had a little endurable limitation that scaped his notice at the time. I informed him about this problem and asked him to use a better patcher instead and in the blink of an eye he sent me the updated version with the bug fixed and the new crack also runs under Windows Vista 64-bit edition.

I've done a few modifications to the original setup file and created a pre-cracked version with 4 wordlists that are available on the official website but not the setup itself.

Pre-Cracked Edition by MeHRaN
share.nnov.ru [Для просмотра данной ссылки нужно зарегистрироваться] - 7.2 Mb
Original Setup + Crack + Wordlists
share.nnov.ru [Для просмотра данной ссылки нужно зарегистрироваться] - 6.7 Mb

Аудиофайлы. Озвучка слов. Формат WMA, 88 kbps.
Один файл - одно слово с самим словом в имени файла (abdomen.wma)
share.nnov.ru [Для просмотра данной ссылки нужно зарегистрироваться] - 82.8 Mb
How Not To Say What You Mean: A Dictionary of Euphemisms

Автор: R. W. Holder
Издательство: Oxford University Press, USA, 1995, 2002.
We often use euphemisms when dealing with taboo or sensitive subjects. We speak of "full-figured" women. We "fudge" on our income tax. We get "cold feet" before our wedding.
In How Not to Say What You Mean, R.W. Holder offers an engaging volume that celebrates this human tendency to use mild, vague, or roundabout expressions rather than those which are blunt, precise, and true. Arranged in alphabetical order, this dictionary contains thousands of entertaining and informative entries ranging from such circumlocutions as a "fruit salad" (mixture of illegal narcotics), "arm candy" (a good-looking female companion), a "barrel-house" (a brothel), "birthday suit" (nakedness), and a "blue hair" (an old women).
Completely updated, the dictionary provides definitions, examples, as well as historical explanations where appropriate. Fun, fascinating, lively, and at times shocking, this new edition of How Not to Say What You Mean is a browser's delight and will appeal to all language and word play lovers, and anyone looking for a good laugh.
[Для просмотра данной ссылки нужно зарегистрироваться] - 13.3 Mb
Oxford Dictionary of Slang

Автор: John Ayto
Издательство: Oxford, 1998-1999
If your other reference books aren't funky enough for you, get a nickel bag of unorthodoxy with the Oxford Dictionary of Slang. This comprehensive look at informal English from around the world and across the centuries is organized thesaurus-style into sections for easy browsing by category. Look up underground terminology for drugs and sex and you'll be browsing for a month of Sundays. Of course, if you need to get the skinny on a particular term but have no idea what it could mean, there's an alphabetical index that'll take you right where you need to go.

Each word or phrase is thoroughly documented, as you'd expect from an Oxford dictionary; its first print sighting, place of use, meanings, and cross-contextual references are included, as well as illuminating usage quotes. The Dictionary is easy to use and the definitions are concise—you can get the information you need quickly with time left to linger over related terms. More than 10,000 entries yield plenty of insight into commonly used but still-not-quite-kosher parts of our language. When your New Zealander buddy refers to someone as a cow-spanker, you won't have to wonder for long just who you're dealing with (don't worry, she's a dairy farmer); The Oxford Dictionary of Slang will give you the moxie to deal with a discombobulated world.
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The Middle Ages: An Illustrated History

Автор: Barbara A. Hanawalt
Издательство: Oxford University Press, 1998
A brisk narrative of battles and plagues, monastic orders, heroic women, and knights-errant, barbaric tortures and tender romance, intrigue, scandals, and conquest, The Middle Ages: An Illustrated History mixes a spirited and entertaining writing style with exquisite, thorough scholarship. Barbara A. Hanawalt, a renowned medievalist, launches her story with the often violent amalgamation of Roman, Christian, and Germanic cultures following the destruction and pillaging of the crown jewel of the Roman Empirethe great city of Rome. The story moves on to the redrawn map of Europe, in which power players like Byzantium and the newly-established Frankish kingdom begin a precarious existence in a "sea of tribes" (in the words of a contemporary). Savage peoplesthe bloodthirsty Germans, the wild Visigoths and Ostrogoths, the fierce Anglo-Saxons, and the Slavs to the Eastas well as the sophisticated and ever-expanding Arabs threaten each others borders, invade cities and have their own cities sacked, fight victorious battles and get conquered in turn. Hanawalt charts the spread of Christianity in Europe, maps out the trail of misery and mayhem the Crusades left in their wake, explains feudalism and Church reform, familiarizes us with the astrolabe and the masterpieces of Romanesque and Gothic architecture, tracks the progress of the Hundred Years' War, and brings great historical figures--such as Charlemagne, King Henry II, Joan of Arc, Dante, and Justinian--to life.

Spanning the millennium between the fifth and the fifteenth centuries, The Middle Ages: An Illustrated History captures the major historical and political events in great depth and clarity, but never loses sight of the plain and often overlooked facts of lifelife as lived by peasants and townsfolk, kings and monks, men and women. Hanawalt offers fascinating tidbits on diverse facets of medieval society, from herbal medical cures to table etiquette and drinking habits, from tabloid-worthy court scandals to a unique listing of the rules of a monastic order. She examines rare textsfrom illuminated manuscripts to Carolingian minusculeand takes us inside the awe-inspiring Hagia Sofia in Constantinople.

Barbara Hanawalt makes use of eclectic source material, including inscriptions, chronicles, artifacts, and literature, from the Koran to the Scriptures, and from Omar Khayam to the Goliardic poems. Fascinating stories--like that of the discovery of the burial site of an Anglo-Saxon chieftain which contained, among other treasures, an entire 86-foot long shipare interspersed among the chronicles of great historical upheavals. The author takes a sweeping approach to the subject, building a comprehensive, animated portrait of every aspect of life in that period by including material on womens place in medieval society, agriculture, art and literature, religion and superstitions, philosophy, and weaponry. Lavishly illustrated with art, photographs, documents, artifacts, and maps, The Middle Ages also includes a glossary, index, chronology, and suggestions for further reading.
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The Oxford Dictionary of Idioms (2nd Edition)

Автор: Judith Siefring
Издательство: Oxford University Press, USA, 1999, 2004
Размер файла: 8,90 MB
Did you know that 'flavor of the month' originated in a marketing campaign in American ice-cream parlors in the 1940s, when a particular flavor would be specially promoted for a month at a time? And did you know that 'off the cuff' refers to the rather messy practice of writing impromptu notes on one's shirt cuff before speaking in public?

These and many more idioms are explained and put into context in this second edition of the Oxford Dictionary of Idioms. The volume takes a fresh look at the idiomatic phrases and sayings that make English the rich and intriguing language that it is.

This major new edition contains entries for over 5000 idioms, including 350 entirely new entries and over 500 new quotations. The text has been updated to include many new idioms using the findings of the Oxford English Reading Program, the biggest language research program in the world. The entries are supported by a wealth of illustrative quotations from a wide range of sources and periods and the text has been entirely redesigned so that it is both elegant and easy to use.

Anyone interested in the colorful side of the English language will get hours of fun browsing this fascinating and informative volume.
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Фильм - Gus Van Sant - Finding Forrester - 2000 - DVDRiP
Только английский язык
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Аудиокурс - «Английский за рулем»

Автор: Н.Н.Башуткин
Издательство ООО "Концерн Ростов Дон", 2001
Серия: Intellect
Звук: Русский
Книга: djvu-формат; 48 стр.
Аудио: время звучания: 4:26:25
MP3 - 32kbit - Mono
Размер архива: 30,2 мб
Курс специально разработан для желающих изучить английский язык с максимальной экономией времени и средств. С помощью этого курса Вы сможете заниматься даже в пути, сидя за рулем автомобиля!
В создании лингвистической базы этой обучающей программы и процессе ее озвучивания принимали участие ведущие специалисты Оксфордского университета. Интересно подобранный материал аудиокурса, сформированный по темам и представленный в виде слов, фраз и диалогов, превратит обучение в увлекательный процесс. А великолепное цифровое качество звука и классическое английское произношение сделают Ваши занятия легкими и эффективными. Изучение иностранного языка с аудиокурсом "Английский за рулем" станет для Вас таким же приятным и увлекательным, как радио или Ваша любимая музыка.
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SeaMonkey 2.49.2 - вот это [Для просмотра данной ссылки нужно зарегистрироваться].

Последний раз редактировалось Vladimir; 21.06.2009 в 18:22.
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