Тема: Google Chrome
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Старый 25.06.2009, 17:16   #75
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Google Chrome Dev

Changes in Google Chrome
Fix Gears crash after making PluginThread::current() only work on that thread.
Fix a crash with the ThumbnailGenerator.
Inspector hits ASSERT when the tab re-navigates.
Renderer Crash @ DomAgentImpl::StopListening DevTools: Do not crash on document-less HTMLFrameOwnerElement removal from DOM while inspecting.
[LINUX] Crash in MimeUtilConstants destructor linux: NULL-initialize an array.
Convert content to the monitor's color space.
Improve chunked encoding parsing.
Update V8 to version
Null pointer dereference in document wrapper caching code.
Fix crashes stemming from ClientSocketPoolBase::ReleaseSocket().
[MAC] Fixes a crash when scrolling quickly on Mac.
Call Layout directly from SetContentsView. In the case where the Widget is created with bounds, SetContentsView never causes a subsequent Layout because the bounds won't have changed.
Implement a max worker count of 16 per tab and 64 total. Any workers created after that are queued.
[WINDOWS] Fix crash in LocationBarView when accessing TabContents.
[WINDOWS] Issue 14599 - Crash - TabContentsViewWin::GotFocus()
Update V8 to version
DevTools: fix crash when inspect element invoked on the root element.
[LINUX] Remove ourselves as a message loop observer in the tabstrip destructor to catch the case when the user closes the last tab in a tabstrip.
Update WebKit r44872:44922

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Эти 6 пользователя(ей) сказали Спасибо indeec за это полезное сообщение:
buba technic (25.06.2009), dimone (30.06.2009), lexb (26.06.2009), ovb37 (01.07.2009), S1iPkNoT (01.07.2009), YuriyP (26.06.2009)
Хайд открыли:
Sergofan (07.07.2009), Santa (02.07.2009), ovb37 (01.07.2009), evgen-nnov (01.07.2009), S1iPkNoT (01.07.2009), dimone (30.06.2009), ddrthe1 (26.06.2009), lexb (26.06.2009), Niko2802 (26.06.2009), YuriyP (26.06.2009), Idole (25.06.2009)