18.07.2009, 10:29
Регистрация: 05.08.2007
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Video Thumbnails Maker
What's new:
New "CTRL+Del" hotkey deletes all the files from the main window list.
"Choose shots manually" window is simplified. "Stop" button was removed. "Start" and "Pause" buttons were combined into the "Start/Pause" button ("SPACE" hotkey).
0.5х speed button is added to the "Choose shots manually" window.
Video autoruning is disable in the "Choose shots manually" window.
Middle mouse button click on the frame in the "Choose shots manually" window goes to that frame on the timeline (in addition to the SHIFT + Left mouse button click).
"Empty output file" bug is fixed. The bug was related to the Pixel Aspect Ratio detection on some PCs configurations.
Rare bug in the "Choose shots manually" window is fixed.
From now "empty" timecode (00:00:00) is not stamping for the imported shots.
Audio/video information module is updated.
Presets are updated.
| share.nnov | 1,5 мб |
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