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Компьютерная литература Компьютерная литература

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Старый 18.02.2009, 08:06   #21
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Digital Nature Photography - John And Barbara Gerlach
Издательство: Focal Press

Over 50,000 photographers can`t be wrong! John and Barbara Gerlach finally write the book their workshop attendees have been asking for! Digital Nature Photography is a how-to guide for photographers who want to take their work to the next level. Written by professionals with over 20 years experience, the Gerlachs reveal enlightening techniques for shooting nature images in the field. The combination of artistic approach and impeccable technique will help you capture your next great image.

This book describes in detail the strategies we use to shoot high-quality images with digital cameras shot after shot. From teaching thousands of students over the decades, we know where you may encounter problems so this book is written to keep you on the road to success. The entire book stresses how to shoot high-quality images in the field. Since plenty of books already spend most of the time on improving images with software, we didn't. The list of chapter titles below shows you the critical subject areas we stressed in this book. If you want to learn to shoot excellent images in the field easily and efficiently, this is the book for you!
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Последний раз редактировалось Vladimir; 18.02.2009 в 08:51.
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Acon (18.02.2009), gshamway (19.02.2009), sergeysm (18.02.2009)
Старый 19.02.2009, 11:10   #22
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Ну вот ты тоже странный - я привлекаю человека к обмену файлами - появятся новые книжки здесь и мне тоже интереснее будет и я больше выложу - и ещё кто-нибудь выложит. А ты, вместо того, чтобы способствовать расширению раздела, которому свободное общение только способствует, только удаляешь да удаляешь.
Привлекать надо людей, а не отталкивать, ёлки-палки.
Digital Camera Magazine - Master Exposure
Trying to get the ‘correct’ exposure is one of the greatest challenges for those beginning in photography. But it needn’t be. This book will show you the pitfalls to avoid, when to alter your camera’s settings (and by how much) and how to get creative with metering.

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Digital Camera Magazine - Master Colour
Developing a deeper understanding of colour can enhance your photography.
This books reveals the secrets of successful colour combinations, the benefits that digital technology brings and how to enhance colour both in-camera and in-mputer.

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Digital Camera Magazine - Master Light
Finding the best light and learning how to control it can have a huge effect on the emotional impact of your images. This book will arm you with the knowledge and techniques you need to really begin mastering light.
Take dramatic photos using our expert tips:
-How to control and enhance nutural light
-Creative ways to shoot with flash
-Simple techniques for spectacular results
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Последний раз редактировалось Vladimir; 19.02.2009 в 17:21.
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Этот пользователь сказал Спасибо Vladimir за это полезное сообщение:
sergeysm (20.02.2009)
Старый 10.05.2009, 18:00   #23
Друг всей жизни
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По умолчанию

Joe Farace, Barry Staver
Better Available Light Digital Photography, Second Edition:
How to Make the Most of Your Night and Low-Light Shots
Focal Press, 2008, 240 pages

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Проф. Шмидт
Практическая Фотографiя
Издание Ф. В. Щепанского, 1905

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Harold Davis
Practical Artistry: Light & Exposure for Digital Photographers
O’Reilly Media, 2008

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Vladimir вне форума  
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Эти 5 пользователя(ей) сказали Спасибо Vladimir за это полезное сообщение:
1949VASIL (19.05.2009), Acon (11.05.2009), Khazar (12.05.2009), lexb (12.05.2009), viko (13.05.2009)
Старый 31.05.2009, 09:35   #24
Друг всей жизни
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По умолчанию

Focal Encyclopedia of Photography

A huge volume of knowledge, we would call this book no less than a bible... it is something to be studied and not simply read. Every serious photographer should have a copy of The Focal Encyclopedia of Photography, and anyone who is genuinely interested in learning, will find himself going over its pages again and again."--Better Photography "There is hardly an aspect of photographic practice and equipment that is not covered in this encyclopedia." -- The Picture Professional, Quarterly Magazine of the American Society of Picture Professionals, third issue 2007 "This work is without doubt one of the most important single-volume encyclopedias in print." "It is a must purchase for all public and academic librabries, and the relatively low price puts it within reach of most individuals who are involved in the photographic arts.
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Langford's Advanced Photography, Seventh Edition
Автор: Michael Langford
Издательство: Focal Press

The 7th edition of Langford's Advanced Photography brings this bestselling advanced guide right up to date, with Michael Langford's renowned level of technical detail now extended to cover all the latest in digital technology.
Whether you are a serious enthusiast, a student or a training professional this book covers it all; from cameras, lenses, digital imaging sensors and films to insights into photography as an industry and how to manage accounts, charge for jobs and self promote to kick start your career. Genres are explored, from portraiture and photojournalism to aerial photography, and in-depth coverage of digital manipulation, film processing, colour theory, archiving and storage provide everything you need to know to extend your art into professional realms.

A comprehensive guide to digital and film photography for the serious amateur, student or training professional
Fully updated to cover new digital technologies, workflow and methods from image manipulation to colour management and archiving
The ONLY comprehensive guide to photography at an advanced level
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Digital Photography for Teens
Автор: Marc Campbell, Dave Long
Издательство: Course Technology PTR

Don't be fooled by the title. Digital Photography for Teens doesn't make a half-hearted attempt at teaching the fundamentals of digital photography. It doesn't stop at the basics and it doesn't assume that as a teen, you aren't capable of tackling advanced topics. Instead, it focuses on the things that teens want to get out of digital photography. Photography is a technical field, and this book covers numerous aspects of shooting great photographs. Each chapter builds upon skills developed in the previous chapters, following the natural process of digital photography: setting up the shot, taking the picture, transferring it to your computer, editing it, and prepping it for the screen or print. If you're ready to progress beyond snapping simple pictures, then your journey starts here!
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Последний раз редактировалось Vladimir; 31.05.2009 в 11:33.
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Эти 3 пользователя(ей) сказали Спасибо Vladimir за это полезное сообщение:
Acon (31.05.2009), lexb (01.06.2009), viko (01.06.2009)
Старый 11.06.2009, 13:02   #25
Друг всей жизни
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По умолчанию

Секреты RAW. Профессиональная обработка
Александр Ефремов

Издательство: Питер, 2008
Страниц: 144
Формат файла: djvu

О книге:
Книга посвящена тому, как "выжать" максимум необходимой информации из нескольких мегабайтов фотоснимка, а именно съемке на цифровую камеру в формате RAW и интерпретации файлов в этом формате.В издании рассказывается о некоторых ограничениях современных цифровых камер, о том, как настроить цифровую камеру для съемки в RAW, как снимать с широким динамическим диапазоном, с минимальным шумом, как эффективно использовать карты памяти.
На примерах работы в модуле Camera Raw рассказывается, как работать в других RAW-конверторах, таких как Adobe Lightroom, Aperture, Capture One, Bibble Pro, RawShooter; об их достоинствах и недостатках.

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Vladimir вне форума  
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Эти 6 пользователя(ей) сказали Спасибо Vladimir за это полезное сообщение:
1949VASIL (11.06.2009), Anorexia (11.06.2009), denion123 (11.06.2009), Dyoma (11.06.2009), lexb (11.06.2009), Saphier (15.06.2009)

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