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Doom Metal Traditional Doom / Epic / Heavy / Stoner / Death-Doom / Atmospheric / Funeral

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Старый 25.10.2007, 11:15   #1
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По умолчанию [sludge, post-hardcore]Old Man Gloom

Old Man Gloom is a post-hardcore/doom metal/post-metal band originally formed in Santa Fe, New Mexico, United States, but now based in Massachusetts. The group, formed by Aaron Turner of Isis and Santos Montano, has now expanded to become a sort of supergroup in the Boston hardcore and metalcore scene. The group is less a band than it is a recording project for a variety of talent. By the release of their first album (Meditations in B), Old Man Gloom expanded to include two new members.
In 2001, a year after the release of Meditations in B, the band released two albums simultaneously: Seminar II and Seminar III. For these records, Luke Scarola joined to use electronics. On Seminar II, Steven Brodsky of Cave In wrote the lyrics for one song, and Jay Randall of Agoraphobic Nosebleed contributed on electronics. On August 24, 2004, the band's most recent album Christmas was released.
В архиве полная дискография(1999-2004)

Meditations in B (1999, Tortuga Recordings)у меня он записан как Old Man Gloom - Seminar I[2000]
1. "Afraid Of" – 1:16
2. "Flood I" – 0:50
3. "Simian Alien Technology: Message Received" – 3:27
4. "Sonic Wave Of Bees" – 1:22
5. "Sonar Enlightenment Program" – 5:43
6. "Rotten Primate" - 1:47
7. "The Exploder Whale" - 1:02
8. "Poisoner" - 0:42
9. "An Evening at the Gentleman's Club For Apes" - 0:55
10. "Vipers" - 0:50
11. "Test Result: Alien Ape Distress Signal" - 1:55
12. "Flood II" - 1:02
13. "Resolving The De-Evolution Conflict" - 1:31
14. "Scraps Theatre Presents: Confusion In Five Movements" - 7:01


Seminar II: The Holy Rites of Primitivism Regressionism (2001, Tortuga Recordings)
1. "Brain Returns to Initial State" - 0:53
2. "Bells Dark Above Our Heads" - 4:11
3. "Branch Breaker" - 0:51
4. "Radio Crackles Spill Down My Face" - 1:33
5. "Hot Salvation" - 3:10
6. "Breath Drops Out in Ice and Glass" - 5:57
7. "Rape Athena" - 1:46
8. "Roar of the Forest Rose to Thunder" - 2:24
9. "Clenched Tight in the Fist of God" - 2:16
10. "...Only Dogs Hear (Here)" - 0:51
11. "Jaws of the Lion" - 2:42
12. "Smoke Out Loud" - 6:26
13. "Deserts in Your Eyes" - 3:09
14. "Meditation in B Parts V & VI" - 5:48
15. "Cinders of the Simian Psyche" - 2:43
16. "Three Ring Ocean Sideshow" - 5:43
17. "Mandied (Self: Reborn)" - 8:10


Seminar III: Zozobra (2001, Tortuga Recordings)
Zozobra - 27:19

Christmas Eve I and II + 6 (2003, Tortuga Recordings)
1. "Christmas Eve part I" – 7:08
2. "A.L.E. Makes Accident, or the Slow Advance of Now Liberated, But Virally Contagious Chimps" – 2:16
3. "Skull of Geronimo" – 0:36
4. "Masami's Music Box 1" – 0:49
5. "Branch Breaker" (live in New York City) – 0:49
6. "Masami's Music Box 2" – 1:04
7. "Christmas Eve part II" – 5:04
8. "Gratuitous Bonus Track Made by Sensible Musicians Doing Questionable Things" – 4:08


Christmas (2004, Tortuga Recordings)
1. "Gift" – 5:47
2. "Skullstorm" – 0:51
3. "Something for the Mrs." – 5:44
4. "Sleeping With Snakes" – 2:33
5. "Lukeness Monster" – 2:54
6. "'Tis Better to Receive" – 1:25
7. "Accord-O-Matic" – 7:50
8. "The Volcano" – 7:32
9. "Close Your Eyes, Roll Back into Your Head" – 3:30
10. "Girth and Greed" – 1:33
11. "Sonic Dust" – 3:06
12. "Valhalla" – 2:08
13. "Christmas Eve parts I, II & III (alt. version)" – 16:17

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.Mj (25.10.2007), dying_inside (25.10.2007), kot (25.10.2007), Tricker (27.10.2007), WoRch (26.10.2007)
Старый 25.10.2007, 15:40   #2
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