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Experimental Post-Rock / Post-Metal / Sludge / Artcore / Drone Doom / Drone Ambient

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Старый 03.01.2009, 20:38   #1
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По умолчанию [Instrumental Post-Rock] Mandelbrot Set

Mandelbrot Set, Post-Rock

The Mandelbrot Set are a loud band. They like their drones and their converse-gazing. They like to use sample pedals and to change instruments during sets, but mainly they like to be loud, and they like to do it differently.

Formed by Keung, from the ashes of his previous band, Hentai, The Mandelbrot Set take their love of all things constellation, their penchant for electronics, effects pedals and live sampling, their Shellac-esque rhythmic aggression, and combine it all into a wall of noise, melody and epic structure that would make Kevin Shields envious.

Joined by Simon on drums and multi-instrumentalist Melisa (one time percussionist for London Schools Symphony Orchestra), the disparate influences and creative energies of the three combine to create a inspired palette of sound and texture, a dense cloud of harmonic resonance, yet timed with enough space and clarity for all the individual elements to shine through.

Mandelbrot Set - All Our Actions Are Constantly Repeated (2006)

1. And The Rockets Red Glare/Bombs Bust In Air
2. Those Lights Are Burning Brightly
3. Constellation Of Rings
4. Seismic Waves Travelling Through
5. Benoit B Mandelbrot
6. His Hands Were Too Small

mp3 VBR
Mandelbrot_Set_-_All_Our_Actions_Are_Constantly_Repeated.rar (84958154 байт)
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Эти 2 пользователя(ей) сказали Спасибо upoke3 за это полезное сообщение:
.Mj (04.01.2009), dying_inside (03.01.2009)

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