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Experimental Post-Rock / Post-Metal / Sludge / Artcore / Drone Doom / Drone Ambient

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Старый 02.03.2009, 21:00   #1
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По умолчанию [experimental/piano/female vocal] Soap&Skin

Красивая почти амбиентная музыка, приятный вокал.

2009 Lovetune For Vacuum

Track List:
1. Sleep 2:42
2. Cry Wolf 3:47
3. Thanatos 2:34
4. Extinguish Me 2:36
5. Turbine Womb 3:44
6. Cynthia 2:57
7. Fall Foliage 2:43
8. Spiracle 2:48
9. Mr. Gaunt PT 1000 2:26
10. Marche Funebre 2:58
11. The Sun 3:13
12. DDMMYYYY 3:37
13. Brother Of Sleep 5:25

Release Notes:

There are some great female artists making laptop pop at the
moment, but even in such company Anja Plaschg stands out. Not
that shes one of the current spate of solo synth-girls,
although much of her debut album, Lovetune for Vacuum, does
find her programming sounds normally the preserve of glitch
techno/clicks+cuts musicians or purveyors of IDM (so-called
Intelligent Dance Music). The rest of the time shes singing
self-penned atmospheric ballads that cry out to be described
as eerie, haunting and fragile but are possessed of an almost
neo-classical power and grandeur. The lovechild of a Sapphic
union between Sinead and Bjork, Enya on depressants or a Dead
Can Dance for the digital age? Something like that.

Plaschg - who goes by the name of Soap&Skin is only 18. She
was born in 1990 on a farm in the tiny village of Gnas in the
south of Styria, and today lives in Vienna. Her music, a
jarring juxtaposition of the delicate and dissonant, has about
it such an air of mystery, drama and quiet insanity its hard
to separate the myth-mongering from the truth when it comes to
the details of her life, but apparently her parents own a pig
farm and the young Plaschg, instead of devoting herself to the
joys of pork production, was classically trained in piano and
violin while learning to navigate basic sound programmes on
the computer from her brother. At 16, she began studying at
the Academy of Fine Arts in Vienna before uploading some songs
to her MySpace, earning the attention of the Berlin
underground - specifically, acclaimed techno-punk T
Raumschmiere, who got her song Mr Gaunt PT 1000 released on
the electronic label Shitkatapult.
[Для просмотра данной ссылки нужно зарегистрироваться] mp3 VBR

Spiracle (Promo CDS) 2009

Bitrate: 142kbit av

Track List:

01. Spiracle 2:49
02. Inter View (Feat. Heartmill) 1:44

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Эти 2 пользователя(ей) сказали Спасибо upoke3 за это полезное сообщение:
.Mj (02.03.2009), seddrums (03.03.2009)
Старый 02.03.2009, 21:13   #2
кто-то другой
Аватар для upoke3
Регистрация: 18.09.2007
Адрес: Автозавод
Пол: M
Провайдер: Билайн
Сообщений: 13,833
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Поблагодарили 22,276 раз в 8,456 сообщениях
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104 Всего

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По умолчанию

2008 - Soap&Skin EP

01. The Sun
02. Janitor Of Lunacy
03. Xray Heartland
04. Xray Heartland (Fennesz Remix)

[Для просмотра данной ссылки нужно зарегистрироваться] mp3 224
...не настолько нищий, чтобы быть всегда лишь самим собой...
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Эти 3 пользователя(ей) сказали Спасибо upoke3 за это полезное сообщение:
.Mj (02.03.2009), Gibson (10.03.2009), seddrums (03.03.2009)

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