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Grindcore Grindcore / Goregrind / Pornogrind / Shitgrind / Crustgrind / Deathgrind / Noisegrind

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Старый 06.10.2007, 11:06   #1
Я тут новенький
Аватар для voise
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По умолчанию [Death Metal / Grindcore] Pretty Little Flower (P.L.F.)

Pretty Little Flower (P.L.F.)
Genre: Grindcore
Band Members:
DAVE-shreddage, screamage
MIKE-low end distortion
Influences: Terrorizer, Agathocles, Kreator, Napalm Death, Sodom, ENT, Disrupt, Cripple Bastards, Razor, Tankard, Slayer, Yacopsae, Gride, Anthrax, Warsore, Unholy Grave, Doom, etc... etc......
PLF grinds the shit out of your face. We have played over 200 shows, been on four U.S. tours, and also toured europe. PLF started January of 1999 in Franks parents' garage. we still only want to play grind, and fully intend to blast your feeble ass to poser hell. look out for a full-length album in spring or summer.---december 2006 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Discography- *PLF/Mass Grave split ep----released by the Mass Grave dudes-----------*PLF/Disturbance Project split picture disc 7"---Towerviolence/Psychotherapy records------------- *PLF "Complete Grincore Annihilation" discography cd----self released, along with Rescued from life Rec's.-----------*PLF/ Uzi Suicide split 7"--Regurgitated Semen Records------------*PLF/ Bizarre X split LP--Useless Records, MSSC Rec's, and others-----------*PLF/ Unholy Grave split 7--Rescued From Life Records, Psychowolf Records---------*"Swarming Industrial Cancer" 7--Rescued From Life, Rat Gut Records (out of print, but we have like 5 copies laying around... get in touch if you wanna buy one.)---------*PLF/ Negative Step split 7 --Indecipherable Crap Records (out of print) Comp tracks on- "Gulf Coast Massacre" LP--Psychowolf Records Foot Stompin, Barn Burning, Hardcore Compilation LP--Rat Gut Records/ Fuck The Facts Murderous Grind Attack CD--625 Thrashcore Reality Part 4 LP--Deep Six Records Coming Next- trax on "Old-Fashioned Grindcore Assault vol.3'' PLF full-length LP/CD strong
Pretty Little Flower - complete grindcore annihilation
1. Pose in Hell
2. Seize in your fate
3. Dissolution pt. 2
4. worn thin
5. drowning in stress
6. a nameless dread
7. burned beyond recognition (unseen terror)
8. terror alert
9. punishing ferocity
10. crow's shadow
11. as the grass grows
12. humanity of stupids (S.O.B.)
13. fathered by war
14. concrete justice
15. pneumatic
16. redneck warmachine
17. socialistic pressure (unholy grave)
18. chosen few
19. righteous thumper
20. propaganda by deed
21. men behind the sun
22. imagianary invasion
23. sink or swim
24. dissolution of rights
25. untitled
26. satiate the oil hogs
27. fuck your patriotic pride
28. masskontroll (no security)
29. forest of the weasel
30. paranoia
31. swarming industrial cancer
32. bullshit at the ballot box
33. hand of the father
34. face down in the ditch
35. reflections of misery
36. explosions of rage
37. fuck the tv
38. pressurized death mechanism
39. radije volim (cripple bastards)
40. helping hand
41. condemned system (terrorizer)
42. threat to masculinity
43. neutralized
44. donkey scapegoat
45. abused
46. indigenous revolt
47. apathetic shithead
48. embrace your failure
49. Nuclear threat (violent headache)

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Последний раз редактировалось voise; 06.10.2007 в 11:13.
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Старый 06.10.2007, 11:08   #2
Я тут новенький
Аватар для voise
Регистрация: 24.09.2007
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Старый 11.12.2008, 00:37   #3
кто-то другой
Аватар для upoke3
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2008_Crushing_Fury_Og_Bastadization.rar (53330665 байт)
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dying_inside (12.12.2008), kot (11.12.2008), Tony_colpachNIK (16.12.2008)

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