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Hardcore Hardcore / Metalcore / Emocore / Deathcore / Mathcore / Post-Hardcore

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Старый 17.06.2007, 13:28   #1
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По умолчанию [Melodic Death / Metalcore] Devildriver

*Артист: Devildriver
*Альбом: The Last Kind Words
*Год: 2007
*Стиль: Melodic Death Metal/Metalcore
*Страна: USA
*Формат: mp3@VBR230
*Размер: 78 Мб.

01 - Not All Who Wander Are Lost
02 - Clouds Over California
03 - Bound By The Moon
04 - Horn Of Betrayal (Formerly Known As Scratching A Liar)
05 - These Fighting Words
06 - Head On To Heartache (Let Them Rot)
07 - Monsters Of The Deep
08 - Tirades Of Truth
09 - Burning Sermon
10 - When Summoned
11 - The Axe Shall Fall
Total playing time: 45:32

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From green to red our days pass by
Awaiting for a sign to tell us why...

Последний раз редактировалось Estariol; 12.04.2008 в 03:38. Причина: Графика с внешки
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brizzz (24.06.2007), Capo (18.06.2007), dying_inside (17.06.2007), f1st (23.10.2007), Noise (23.10.2007), Sanych-Satanych (23.06.2007), ScrambleedBrain (19.06.2007)
Старый 22.10.2007, 12:46   #2
Аватар для DMassive
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Перезалейте плиз

Добавлено через 639 часов 14 минут 20 секунд
Ну перезалей те плиз
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Старый 22.10.2007, 13:31   #3
Особый статус
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DMassive, щас, потерпи ещё чуток)

Добавлено через 28 минут 56 секунд
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Этот пользователь сказал Спасибо MoonTemple за это полезное сообщение:
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Старый 22.10.2007, 19:29   #4
Аватар для Erroneous
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Вчера с внешки скачал этот альбом наугад)
Неожиданно так порадовал! Вроде бы ничего необычного , а цепляет чем то!
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Старый 23.10.2007, 00:34   #5
Аватар для DanteXXI
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2003 - DevilDriver: [Для просмотра данной ссылки нужно зарегистрироваться]
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Старый 07.11.2007, 23:04   #6
Аватар для O.D.I
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В поддержку темы, 2 клипа - [Для просмотра данной ссылки нужно зарегистрироваться]
Возможно в этом мире ты всего лишь человек, но для кого-то ты весь мир
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Эти 2 пользователя(ей) сказали Спасибо O.D.I за это полезное сообщение:
LINK (08.11.2007), Siden (08.11.2007)
Старый 08.11.2007, 10:07   #7
Аватар для O.D.I
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Сообщение от Noise Посмотреть сообщение
Есть альбом The Fury Of Our Makers Hand [2005], надо? Я хз какой он по счёту
Он второй по счету.

DevilDriver (2003)
The Fury Of Our Makers Hand (2005)
The Last Kind Words (2007)

Форумчане, у кого есть альбомы этой группы, просим залить, т.к. уже несколько человек обращались с этой просьбой.

Noise, заливай 2005, будет полезно.
Возможно в этом мире ты всего лишь человек, но для кого-то ты весь мир
O.D.I вне форума  
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Старый 08.11.2007, 10:18   #8
Аватар для Noise
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По умолчанию DevilDriver: "The Fury Of Our Maker's Hand" – 2005

Состав группы:
Dez Fafara – вокал
Mike Spreitzer – гитара
Jeff Kendrick – гитара
Jon Miller – бас, гитара
John Boecklin – ударные, гитара

Artist Name : Devildriver
Album Title : The Fury Of Our Makers Hand (Advance)
Date : 2005
Bitrate : ~243 kbps
Codec : MP3
Codec Profile : MP3 VBR V2


01. End Of The Line
02. Driving Down The Darkness
03. Grinfucked
04. Hold Back The Day
05. Sin & Sacrifice
06. Ripped Apart
07. Pale Horse Apocalypse
08. Just Run
09. Impending Disaster
10. Bear Witness Unto
11. Before The Hangman's Noose
12. The Fury Of Our Maker's Hand


1. End Of The Line

I do declare, there's something in the air
I'm burning the candle at both ends
Bitter betrayals, skeleton keys
Houses to haunt, well it's alright by me
Rags to ruin, some foolhardy choices
Some would say, not a ghost of a chance
The ghosts in my mind, they're one of a kind
They tell me what to do, and it's shut down you
Some things are best just left unsaid
End of the line, end of the line
One door closes, another door closes
And now you're boxed in
End of the line, end of the line
Feel eyes in the trees, the foreboding path
The turn of the head, I hear it laugh
It says "Hang 'em now," it says "Hang 'em high"
When you are done, then hail to the sky
I've been taught to get the fuck up
To dust myself off, and to go it again
The ghosts in my mind, they're one of a kind
They tell me what to do, and it's shut down you
Some things are best just left unsaid
End of the line, end of the line
One door closes, another door closes
And now you're boxed in
End of the line, end of the line

Bitter betrayals, the foreboding path
I've come to shut you down
Rags to ruin, some foolhardy choices
Some would say, not a ghost of a chance
The ghosts in my mind, they're one of a kind
They tell me what to do, and it's shut down you
Some things are best just left unsaid
End of the line, end of the line
One door closes, another door closes
And now you're boxed in
End of the line, end of the line

2. Driving Down The Darkness

Beat down through worlds
This time it's crossed the line
Beware of what's behind
Wolfs coming quick to kill you
Currents running strong
Think your right, wrong
Look, it's long gone
Look, it's long gone

Stick it to yourself, hold your own
Stay strong in the sight of insanity

Driving down the darkness
Stricken by the madness
Praying for forgiveness
While you play god (with my life)

Me against them, no stopping
Time for action not talking
If it rears it's ugly head
I'll cut it clean off
Change this, change that
Change this, change that

My ears are burning from all the talking
Time for fuckers to start walking
Stick to yourself hold your own
Stay strong in the sight of insanity

Driving down the darkness
Stricken by the madness
Praying for forgiveness
While you play god (with my life)

I'll pray for you, your prayers come true
That I don't come for you

Driving down the darkness
Stricken by the madness
Praying for forgiveness
While you play god (with my life)

3. Grinfucked

Lights on but no-ones home
I should've left you on your own
You can't stand the heat you're all alone
Horseshoes and hand-grenades
Coulda, Woulda, Shoulda
Your bed is made
Another man down and gone

Take advantage, manipulate
Take advantage, you piece of shit
Debit paid in full
You won't grinfuck me

This time the advantage is mine
This time vengeance is mine
This time vengeance is mine
Come seeking treasure
Without a map

It's in the journey and you'll never find your way back

Take advantage, manipulate
Take advantage, you piece of shit
Debit paid in full
You won't grinfuck me

Drop down
Fool me once
Shame on you
Fool me twice
Shame on me

You've been grinfucked

4. Hold Back The Day

Dig deep
Dig in deeper
You go where only fools
Fear to tread
You'll find devices to kill your master
Why not kill your maker instead
Leave it to the ones that own you
Leave it to those ones to disown you
Put faith & trust in the dusk
Do what you must do

I'm getting edgy for those departed
Left all alone left still forgotten!!!!

Miles to go and
Sky's to fly
Hold back the day
Miles to go and
Sky's to fly
It's darkest before the Dawn

Claw hard now
From your casket
Six feet and getting deeper
Should the top, soil feel Heavy
It must be getting weaker
Towers people build, up in life
Become frail & fall to the ground
Fuck them
There opinion
The Honest Man!!!!!!!!

Always, always, darkest before the dawn....

5. Sin & Sacrifice

Regrets night sweats
Occasional thoughts of suicide
Green light I'm OK
Feeling fine just a little tongue tied

Old habits die hard and I've lived so fast
And I know it's a long way down
Tempting me
Tempting you
Tempting us in all we do
Can't make a move
Show me a sign
What is your will
It's a....
Long long way
Between sin and sacrifice

Lost sleep, count sheep
Can't see them to get my mind off of things
Toss and turn, candles burn
Grinding teeth and night endlessly

Old habits die hard and I've lived so fast
And I know it's a long way down
Tempting me
Tempting you
Tempting us in all we do
Can't make a move
Show me a sign
What is your will
It's a...
Long long way

6. Ripped Apart

Throw stones
Even though you live in a glass house on your own
And I don't sympathize or criticize
Rumour has it you've got something to say
You've got nothing on me
Nothing on me
Rumour has it you keep repeating yourself
You've got nothing on me
Nothing on me

Second mind
Second sight
Second skin
Go within
Ripped apart
Ripped apart on sight
Fork tongue
It's like a razor when you want to use it
And use it wrong
And I don't compromise or socialise

Rumour has it you've got something to say
You've got nothing on me
Nothing on time
Second mind
Second sight
Second skin
Go within
Ripped apart
Ripped apart on sight
Ripped apart, ripped apart, ripped apart

Goddamn, shit, I'm feeling it
When we see each other it's throw time
When we see each other it's throw time
When we see each other it's go time
You throw stones and I don't criticise
You throw stones and I don't sympathize...

You throw stones and I don't criticise
Throw stones...

7. Pale Horse Apocalypse

Solemn roads and the paths least chose
Walking miles when the ground is frozen
Selling souls that aren't yours to give
Some must go and other may live

Pale horse – apocalypse
Stale breath – from liar's lips
Many many lives
Turned upside down

Bloods clean – you know it is
Downstream – it's mine, not his

Red water churns
Watch the evil river burn

Every mistake that you've made
Is more dirt on the grave
That you've been digging
Not for yourself but for us
Fuck you

Congratulations on your efforts dead ends
Between us, let's not pretend half-ass, jackass, liar

You threw us all in the fire
Under a hale of gunfire
Some will live and others expire
You turned it all upside down

Bloods clean – you know it's downstream – it's mine, not his
Red water churning
Watch the evil river burn

Every mistake that you've made
Is more dirt on your grave
That you've been digging
Not for yourself but for us
Fuck you

Half-ass jackass, liar
Bloods clean – you know it is
Downstream – it's mine.. not his
Red water churning watch the evil river burn

Every mistake that you've made
Is more dirt on the grave
That you've been digging
Not for yourself but for us
Fuck you
You fucking liar!

8. Just Run

Just run
Courage without conviction
Is apathy at best
Better move with a quickness
Or get shit-canned like the rest
No-one taught you how to run with the pack
So blaze your own trail down
Catch yourself if you slip
Chances are there'll be no-one around

Get out leave it far behind
Get out leave it far behind
Get out of small town

Run now... to save yourself
Run now... to take control
Run now... to save your life
Run now... it's do or die
Just run....

The grass is greener on the other side
No one here gets out alive
It's up to you to survive
There's a monster on your side
Get out leave it far behind
Get out leave it far behind
Get out of small town

Run now... to save yourself
Run now... to take control
Run now... to save your life
Run now... it's do or die
Just run....

I've got faith on my side
Destiny on my side
I know it's getting better
I can feel it getting better
It can't get much worse
It couldn't get much worse

This time I'm gonna run

Run now... to save yourself
Run now... to take control
Run now... to save your life
Run now... it's do or die
Just run....

9. Impending Disaster

There's dirt on my show and there mud on his back
He's been chasing his nightmares for days
I'm running with evil, its impending disaster
I've finally steered clear of his way

I see it staring you down
I feel it wrapping around
Shits taking you down so quick
I see it staring you down
I feel it wrapping around
Shits taking you down so quick

Why can't I help my friend when he won't even help himself

I can't yell at you because
I've yelled at myself so many times
Hard times, hard times
Goddamn we're two of a kind

I can't yell at you because
I've yelled at myself so many times
Who now is to blame
When karma keeps coming around

Hard times and troubles we all live in peril
Its difficult, full of dismay
He buries his feelings, he shrouds his light
With oh so many evil thoughts

It's the dirt on your shoes
It's mud on our back
That makes us one in the same

I see it staring you down
I feel it wrapping you round
Shits taking you down so quick because
I've yelled at myself so many times

Who now is to blame
When karma keeps coming around
With so many evil things

Who now is to blame
When karma keeps coming around
So many evil things

10. Bear Witness Unto

Scream in vain tonight
All the kings must fall
Take a stand tonight
All the kinds must fall
Fight or flight tonight
This night I'm craving disaster
Give them hell tonight
This night is meant for disaster

Go –-– bear witness unto
This solitude, my solitude

Under the gun and without a knife
Its going off without a hitch
Get done!!!


Sink or swim tonight
Cant stop the way I'm feeling
Ring the bell tonight
All the kings must fall
Roll the dice tonight
Give it all to chance
I'm all in tonight
This night I'm craving disaster

Go –-– bear witness unto
This solitude, my solitude

Under the gun without a knife
It's going off without a hitch
Get gone!!

11. Before The Hangman's Noose

It's a good day to fuckin' die
A good day.... A fucking good day

Truth be told the water looks cold
And the trees fly by as we drive
The sun goes down
Sometimes I wanna stay
Sometimes I wanna leave
Sometimes I gotta ride
Riding this rail I know what I'm on
But not now what I'm in for
This train to somewhere seems to never end
As far as I can tell..... Hell

Before all hell breaks loose
Before the hangman's noose
And as the sun goes down
I'll say
It's a good day to die, a good day to die

Before the hangman's noose
I'll say
It's a good day to die a good day to die

No more stops, time to punch your ticket
This time this ride is one way
I can see a shadow of a man
And man it's coming my way
Riding this rail, I know what I'm on
But not now what I'm in for
This train to nowhere seems to never end
As far as I can tell...... Hell

Before all hell breaks loose
Before the hangman's noose
And as the sun goes down
I'll say
It's a good day to die, a good day to die

Before the hangman's noose
I'll say
It's a good day to die a good day to die

This day it will be mine

Before all hell breaks loose
I'll say
Before the hangman's noose
I'll say
It's a good day to die, a good day to die

Before all hell breaks loose
I'll say
This day will be mine........
Before all hell breaks loose
It's a good day to die.

12. The Fury Of Our Maker's Hand

I'm just a human being
A mistake made of feelings
With a soul... wrapping in chains
So fragile, full of pain
No one knows why we are here
Giving laughter and so many tears
I will just do my best
To keep my head above the rest

No one really knows
Which way the wind blows

One day the tides will turn
One day the fields will burn
One day the seas will churn
The fury of out maker's hand

Man is a mistake cast out
Shunned and cast down
Giving life through breathe of gods
W With itself always at odds
The pious the preacher
The liar, the creature
From rock to fire
The dust of man

O my maker
I need a savior

One day the tides will turn
One day the fields will burn
One day the seas will churn
T he fury of our makers hand

The fury. The fury
What will you do?

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Эти 2 пользователя(ей) сказали Спасибо Noise за это полезное сообщение:
Erroneous (12.11.2007), LINK (08.11.2007)
Старый 08.11.2007, 11:25   #9
!FFF cr3w
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Сообщение от Noise Посмотреть сообщение
Есть альбом The Fury Of Our Makers Hand [2005], надо? Я хз какой он по счёту
да, это их предпоследний альбом.
а залейте ещё The last kind words пожалусто
по Дэткору, пацаны
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Старый 08.11.2007, 14:59   #10
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Эти 5 пользователя(ей) сказали Спасибо dying_inside за это полезное сообщение:
Breathe the Sun (09.11.2007), Darvin (09.11.2007), LINK (08.11.2007), Lunguch (09.11.2007)
Старый 11.04.2008, 22:59   #11
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Состав группы:
Dez Fafara – вокал
Mike Spreitzer – гитара
Jeff Kendrick – гитара
Jon Miller – бас, гитара
John Boecklin – ударные, гитара

Artist Name : Devildriver
Album Title : Devildriver
Date : 2003
Bitrate : 320 kbps
Размер: 93,1 мб

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Последний раз редактировалось Estariol; 11.04.2008 в 23:49. Причина: ГРАФИКА С ВНЕШКИ!!!
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Старый 14.04.2008, 02:00   #12
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Гык, тока что скачал и спешу здесь выложить))

ЕР: Head On To Heartache
Год: 2008
Размер: 40,1 мб
Качество: 320 Кб\Сек

1.Damning the Heavens (NEW!!!)
2.Unlucky 13
3.Guilty As Sin
4.Digging Up The Corpses
5.Head On To Heartache (Let Them Rot)

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Эти 5 пользователя(ей) сказали Спасибо Carnifex за это полезное сообщение:
14Alex88 (27.04.2008), CruelDog (27.04.2008), LINK (27.04.2008), Tretyak (27.04.2008), WoRch (02.05.2008)
Старый 28.04.2008, 22:58   #13
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Просто пипец, приколола песня с EP - Digging Up The Corpses, решил перевод примерный поглядеть. Сюда не получается вставить, но вы должны заценить [Для просмотра данной ссылки нужно зарегистрироваться] .

Перезалейте плиз остальные альбомы.

Последний раз редактировалось Tretyak; 28.04.2008 в 23:01.
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Старый 29.04.2008, 13:51   #14
Аватар для Carnifex
Регистрация: 03.04.2008
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Вот 2007,
The Last Kind Words.
Размер: 77,3 мб
Качество: ~256 Кб\Сек

[Для просмотра данной ссылки нужно зарегистрироваться]

Остальное чуть позже
Carnifex вне форума  
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Эти 2 пользователя(ей) сказали Спасибо Carnifex за это полезное сообщение:
Liapis (01.05.2008), WoRch (02.05.2008)
Старый 10.06.2009, 01:07   #15
Аватар для Sodo
Регистрация: 09.03.2008
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По умолчанию

Исполнитель: Devildriver
Альбом: Pray for Villains
Год: 2009
Стиль: Melodic Death Metal
Страна: USA
Формат: 320 kbit/s
Размер: 128 Mb


01 Pray for Villains
02 Pure Sincerity
03 Fate Stepped In
04 Back with a Vengence
05 I've Been Sober
06 Resurrection
07 Forgiveness is a Six Gun
08 Waiting for November
09 It's in the Cards
10 Anotehr Night in London
11 Bitter Pill
12 Teach Me to Whisper
13 I See Belief

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Эти 5 пользователя(ей) сказали Спасибо Sodo за это полезное сообщение:
Fetus In Fetus (11.06.2009), Johny_Nitro (15.06.2009), Mainez (12.06.2009), nickysmithy (10.06.2009), ProZZaK (10.06.2009)
Хайд открыли:
V_O_V_A_N (19.08.2009), Johny_Nitro (15.06.2009), scarline (13.06.2009), Mainez (12.06.2009), Fetus In Fetus (11.06.2009), ProZZaK (10.06.2009)
Старый 13.02.2011, 17:58   #16
Аватар для alexrocker
Регистрация: 29.11.2008
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По умолчанию

2011 – Beast
(mp3 320)

1 - Dead To Rights (4:53)
2 - Bring The Fight (To The Floor) (3:33)
3 - Hardened (5:46)
4 - Shitlist (4:04)
5 - Talons Out (Teeth Sharpened) (4:20)
6 - You Make Me Sick (5:19)
7 - Coldblooded (4:05)
8 - Blur (4:58)
9 - The BLame Game (4:00)
10 - Black Soul Choir (5:07)
11 - Crowns Of Creation (4:56)
12 - Lend Myself To The Night (4:01)


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