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Hardcore Hardcore / Metalcore / Emocore / Deathcore / Mathcore / Post-Hardcore

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Старый 19.11.2008, 16:40   #1
Аватар для Maniac
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По умолчанию [Deathcore] Burial

Инфа о группе:
Burial was formed in Quebec City, Canada in 2006 by guitarist Dan
and Drummer Dom. The band went through various line up changes
before they secured the core of the band that really started things
with bassist Ped and signer Vince in the band. The four piece
recorded a 3 song demo at their own studio that received great
reviews and got them their first real good gig opening for LENG TCH
E & FUCK THE FACTS in Quebec City.

2007 was a new year and the band decided to add new blood to add a
new depth to their sound. Newcomers are guitarist JS and electro
freak Oli and that not only expended their sound but also their
stage presence. The band created a buzz around their name with their
ferocious live sets and for sharing the stage with DESPISED ICON,
JOB FOR A COWBOY & ION DISSONANCE. A remarked passage to
New-Brunswick got the band being the subject for a few weeks there.
The band also managed to record their first full album THE SHALLOW
GRAVE at DoubleD studios while playing show all over Quebec. The
record was sent for mixing to Jean-Francois Dagenais (KATAKLYSM) in
august 2007 at JFD studios in Montreal, then handed to Peter In De

Burial - The Shallow Grave

Год: 2008
Стиль: Deathcore
Страна: Canada (Quebec City)
Качество: mp3 VBR~213 Kb/s
Размер: 50 Мб

01 Intro 00:17
02 Airs & Graces 02:53
03 Half Soul 02:51
04 Stolen Life 02:30
05 Another Life Of Punishment 02:56
06 Modification 02:35
07 The Shallow Grave 03:41
08 Unfortunate Society 03:10
09 Your Pendulums Broken 02:28
10 The Bloodlust 02:33
11 Wyjscie 06:49
Общее время звучания: 32:41

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Эти 5 пользователя(ей) сказали Спасибо Maniac за это полезное сообщение:
Estariol (19.11.2008), Fetus In Fetus (21.11.2008), Goregreed (27.11.2008), Qwenn (19.11.2008), xRaiderx (23.11.2008)
Хайд открыли:
Goregreed (27.11.2008), xzekx (26.11.2008), scarline (25.11.2008), xRaiderx (23.11.2008), rockgrav (23.11.2008), Fetus In Fetus (21.11.2008), serggp (20.11.2008), brabus (19.11.2008), Qwenn (19.11.2008), Estariol (19.11.2008)

Здесь присутствуют: 1 (пользователей: 0 , гостей: 1)

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