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Hardcore Hardcore / Metalcore / Emocore / Deathcore / Mathcore / Post-Hardcore

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Старый 13.02.2009, 15:10   #1
кто-то другой
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По умолчанию [hardcore] Clown


2007 Livestock World

Anger! Intensity! Rage!+ kick ass lyrics about being a drug-using lowlife.

Visually speaking, (unlike the majority of punks I saw in Japan, who seemed to have there own stylists and make-up assistants), these guys look grimy and tough, and their look combines the downscale and hard-edged yankii/teen biker subcultures with punk (mullethawks + biker team overalls, for example). The lyrics are focused on alienation, rage, and dissolution (though the translation leaves a lot to be desired).

I know the kanji that make up their Japanese name mean 'nine wolf bark/howl' which I guess-it's variable-reads as something like 'kyuurouin' , which might sound sort of like 'clown' if you want it too.

Anyhow, they hail from Nagoya, known for it's heavy bands, and their mission statement seems to involve bringing anger and destruction back to hardcore, which is all for the best I suppose.

For the vinyly inclined, they're selling a cool and cheap deluxe die-cut sleeve lp edition of this at HC holocaust.

If the above doesn't make it clear, but I really like this album. 'Empty Truth' is one of my favorite hc/punk songs at the moment.

[Для просмотра данной ссылки нужно зарегистрироваться] mp3 320
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murena (13.02.2009), Назгул (15.02.2009)

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