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Indie Indie / Sadcore / Garage Rock / Brit-Pop / Chamber Pop / Dark Cabaret

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Старый 05.04.2009, 14:37   #1
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По умолчанию [indie folk] Laura Gibson

Laura Gibson

Beasts Of Seasons (2009)

Laura Gibson lives in portland, sings songs and plays a nylon-stringed guitar. She grew up in a small isolated logging town called Coquille, in the South Coast region of Oregon, the daughter of the town’s kindergarten teacher and a forest ranger. She couldn’t tell you what band put out what particular album in what year, but she could probably describe where she was, how she felt and what you talked about, when she first met you, or what the trees looked like the last time her heart was broken...she likes trees.
Laura's musical venturing began a few years ago when she began playing humble shows in Portland (unless you count playing shows at local nursing homes, which she has done for some time). In the Winter/Spring of 2006, she recorded her debut full-length album, "If You Come to Greet Me" with the wonderful Adam Selzer at his Type Foundry studios in portland. Gibson found the perfect backing band in the members of portland based Norfolk and Western. the songs range from sparse and subtle guitar to an orchestra of strings, horns, banjo, vibraphone and singing saw. "If You Come to Greet Me" made its way into the hands of the folks at Hush Records, who were endeared to Laura's delicate songs and gentle spirit. Laura was endeared to the genuine kindness and artistic strength of the hush records community. The record was released November 14, 2006. concurrently, she became the label's official cat-sitter.

1. Shadows On Parade
2. Come By Storm
3. Spirited
4. Postures Bent
5. Funeral Song
6. Where Have All Your Good Words Gone
7. Sleeper
8. Sweet Deception
9. Glory

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Laura_Gibson_-_2009_Beasts_Of_Seasons.rar (62.3 Mb)
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Daemon9 (08.04.2009), elkina (17.04.2009)

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