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Punk Punk-Rock / Pop-Punk / Grunge / Psychobilly / Ska

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Старый 27.10.2008, 00:11   #1
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По умолчанию [Ska] Bad Manners

Artist.........: Bad Manners
Album..........: Walking In The Sunshine - The Best Of
Year...........: 2008
Genre..........: Ska
Bitrate........: 320 kbs
Size...........: ~270 MB


With 1980 only a few months old the sight of Bad Manners hilarious front man Buster Bloodvessel on TV screens across the land singing Ne-Ne Na-Na Na-Na Nu-Nu couldn't help but raise a few smiles. But beneath the humour as epitomised by a slew of singles including Lip Up Fatty, Lorraine and the Can Can (all included here) was a solid, professional working group. Indeed whilst there humour filled hits would ensure that they spent more weeks on the UK chart that debut year than any other act other than Madness, singles like Just A Feeling and Walking In The Sunshine hinted at greater depths and a real understanding of brilliant pop. This collection brings together all their hits and a large number of b-sides and album tracks tracks on CD for the first time. Enjoy.

1) A comprehensive CD retrospective of this entertaining 'ska/pop' group who first emerged as part of the Two Tone explosion of the late 70's/early 80's.
2) Boasts 36 original studio recordings including 8 UK top 40 hits.
3) Sleevenotes and compilation by Rhoda Dakar (The Specials, Bodysnatchers) with help from original band members.

CD 1
1 Magnificent 7
2 Lorraine
3 Ne ne Na na Na na Nu nu
4 Lip Up Fatty
5 King Ska Fa
6 Special Brew
7 Walking In The Sunshine
8 My Girl Lollipop (My Boy Lollipop)
9 Just A Feeling
10 Tequila
11 Woolly Bully
12 Can Can
13 Fatty Fatty
14 Suicide
15 The Under Adventures Of Ivor The Engine
16 Holiday
17 Night Bus To Dalston
18 Just Pretendin'
CD 2
1 Inner London Violence
2 Echo 4-2
3 Psychedelic Eric
4 End Of The World
5 Runaway
6 Never Will Change
7 Only Funkin'
8 Weeping And Wailing
9 Buona Sera
10 Echo Gone Wrong
11 Ben E Wriggle
12 Exodus
13 Samson And Delilah
14 Falling Out Of Love
15 Got No Brains
16 Educating Marmalade
17 Gherkin
18 Scruffy, The Huffy Chuffy Tugboat

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blind mole (27.10.2008), Pashan (29.10.2008)

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