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Punk Punk-Rock / Pop-Punk / Grunge / Psychobilly / Ska

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Старый 14.02.2009, 21:22   #1
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По умолчанию [punk/hardcore] Septic Death

Septic Death

now that I have your attention, what do I do with it? LP(1985)

2.dream silent
7.poison mask
10.sweat of nightmare
11.core of reality
12.negative threat
13.mental cancer
17.gore story

My introduction to Septic Death was through the Thrasher skate rock compilation cassettes. Although I lived in S.F. for nearly 3 years back in the mid 80's I only ever saw Septic Death once and unfortunately can't recall to much about them live. They played a benefit for Thrasher Magazine with the Drunk Injuns, Accused, and Beyond Possession. The only band I recall clearly was the Drunk Injuns, and at first I thought they were Septic Death(before they started playing, cos they wore cool skull masks). My buddy Kenny and I were visiting my pal Zoran, and we ended up going to Fog Town which was a skate shop on the upper haight street area that was run by some cool punk dudes. One of The singers from Cause For Alarm worked there. We would go there to buy new trucks and have our boards worked on by the "pros". We saw the flyers for this show, grabbed a few up, and put it in our mental calender to make this a show we needed to see. I was dating this girl "Diane" at this point but she came out to the show from out in the suburbs. She came to the show with her friend Christye, and her boy friend Rob who was this big skinhead that sang for this band Alchemicon. I spent most my time touching and watching Diane, when I should have been watching Septic Death.
Septic Death of course were very influenced by foreign hardcore, and brought that raw energy out for all of us to hear in the U.S. There was so much great American hardcore coming out back then that needing to find or hear stuff out side the U.S. in 1985 wasn't really that necessary to me back then. Another record that I've ended up with multiple copies through the years.
Gotta say I was pretty stoked When Jim my band mate from Devoid Of Faith came to practice in the 90's with a letter from Pushead(singer of Septic Death). Dude was/is a total hero as far as his artwork goes. He wanted to release a record by us on his label. I was so happy, this really felt like the greatest thing that had happened to me musically up til then. good thoughts...

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Iguanna (15.02.2009)

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