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Rock Rock / Psychedelic Rock / Art Rock / Hard Rock / Stoner Rock / Blues-Rock / Jazz-Rock

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Старый 16.06.2008, 22:13   #1
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По умолчанию [psychedelic rock] Dickens

Dickens - Royal Incarnation
France 1969

French psychedelic rock - did it exist? Yes, but not exactly in abundance, and mainly restricted to singles & EPs (Les Goths, Tac poum Systeme). One of the few exceptions to this is the ultra-rare album by Dickens. These guys were probably well acquainted with the US undeground bands, at least judging from "Ange De Lune", a French adaption of a song recorded by the American group Genesis. Apart from that, the group played their own material, with great guitar and organ driven psych comparable to the heavy LA sound (Iron Butterfly and Doors). Serge Baumer later played in the group Treponem Pal.

Andre Chabloz - vocals
Jean-Claude Tissot - guitars
Jacques Minary - keyboards
Jean-Claude Bertin - bass
Serge Baumer - drums

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axelp (17.06.2008), Mentass (17.06.2008)

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