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Rock Rock / Psychedelic Rock / Art Rock / Hard Rock / Stoner Rock / Blues-Rock / Jazz-Rock

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Старый 07.11.2008, 12:19   #1
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По умолчанию [Heavy Psychedelia] Stone Harbour

Не хуже Hawkwind'а. Отличный релиз почившей в Бозе американской банды.

Год - 1974
Страна - США
Мр3 Битрейт - 256 Mp/s
Размер - 96 Мв

01. You'll Be a Star - 4.34
02. Rock & Roll Puzzle - 3.16
03. Grains of Sand - 5.14
04. Summer Magic Is Gone - 3.15
05. Stone's Throw - 1.25
06. Thanitos - 1.48
07. Still Like That Rock & Roll - 3.57
08. Ride - 3.27
09. Dying to Love You - 3.24
10. Workin' for the Queen - 3.07
11. Taurus [Bonus] - 4.15
12. Wonderland [Bonus] - 3.58
13. Witch to You [Bonus] - 4.37
14. Battleaxe [Bonus] - 3.17
15. Untitled [Bonus] - 1.00

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Старый 05.04.2009, 23:32   #2
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По умолчанию [psychedelic rock] Stone Harbour

Stone Harbour

1974 Emerges

Remember like a year ago when everybody was growing beards and doing the whole hippy dippy free folk thing? Well these dudes were about thirty-four years too early to get their balls washed by Pitchfork, but damn if Ric and Dave, collectively known as Stone Harbour, didn't eke out one of the creepiest records of super lo-fi Spahn Ranch acid folk. Little is known about Stone Harbour, so usually when I listen to this I like to imagine various scenarios involving Ric and Dave. Sometimes they are college roommates, sometimes they are friends, sometimes they are lovers. Once, in my imagination, Ric cooked up a hair-brained scheme to get that chick Lisa from down at the coffee shop to take notice of Dave, who is generally shy around women. Of course it backfired and Dave was horribly embarrassed, he didn't speak to Ric for a week. Then there was this time that Dave finally did land a date with Lisa, and Ric came home drunk with a nasty gash on his head, rambling incoherently about being jumped by "100 dudes." Dave, being Dave, was quick to help his stupid fucking retarded friend out at this most inconvenient time, but in the end it was a bonding experience for Dave and Lisa and they dated for several months, that is until Lisa left Dave telling him "It's me, it's not you," but in truth, it really was him. Also in my imagination, Dave is now a fairly successful screenwriter, Ric died of AIDS some years back, sorry that's how shit goes sometimes in my mind.

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assamson (07.04.2009), VladimirRed (05.04.2009)

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