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Rock Rock / Psychedelic Rock / Art Rock / Hard Rock / Stoner Rock / Blues-Rock / Jazz-Rock

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Старый 25.02.2009, 21:09   #1
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По умолчанию [Progressive Rock / Psychodelic] Cuzo


Amor y Muerte En La Tercera Fase (2009)

01. Medium
02. Escalera Roja
03. El Hijo
04. El miedo es lo que mata
05. Lluvia de sapos
06. Círculo de la droga
07. Huertas solares
08. Tras la puerta

For a while there, I thought that the Spanish label Alone Records was going to turn into something skin to a 21st Century Euro-version of Mans Ruin, releasing top notch heavy stoner rock and doom metal with a particular focus on their own underground scene right there in Spain (but without the ridiculous flood of releases that ended up being the downfall of Mans Ruin). The latest three releases from Alone expand the label's range quite a bit though, heading into heavy prog and space rock territory that has only been hinted at on past releases. Both discs from Beiruth and El Paramo deliver some heavy space rock, but the debut album from the band Cuzo is the proggiest of any of 'em, taking a mix of 70s prog rock and krautrock influences and adding them to a stew of heavy distorted riffs, lumbering doom, angular winding basslines, intense proggy rhythmic workouts and powerful percussive assaults and heavy synthesizers drawn out into long meandering arrangements.

Based out of Barcelona, the guys in Cuzo already have a metallic resume with members also playing in the crusty doom metal band Warchetype (who are also on Alone Records) and sludge rockers Lords Of Bukkake, and they inject a crushing downtuned heaviness into these eight winding prog jams. The whole album is instrumental, and I hear a LOT of Goblin in here, as well as bits of Pink Floyd, some of that Magma/Zeuhl prog sound on a couple of songs, and lots of old school doom. It's pretty fucking great! There are parts where Cuzo evoke something resembling Saint Vitus playing Italian prog rock, and elsewhere they sound not all that unlike a much heavier, doomier version of Yeti crossed with The Obsessed. There are also subdued passages of creepy electronics and minimal percussion, crushing torrents of in-the-red distorted drone, and sinister kosmiche ambience This album feels like it's tailor made for me, for real - early 80s horror soundtrack sounds mixed with dark heavy prog and mutant doom metal riffs? These guys are awesome, and I can't wait to hear more of this stuff from Cuzo. Way way recommended to fans of heavy prog, Magma, Goblin's rocking 80s releases, Zombi, Yeti, Tarantula Hawk, Horrors Of The Black Museum, Mammatus, Earthless, and anything heavy, doomy, and proggy as fuck!

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Iguanna (25.02.2009), Yanich01 (26.02.2009)

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